Blob Blame History Raw
#! @PERL@
# Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Zmanda, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Carbonite, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
# Contact information: Carbonite Inc., 756 N Pastoria Ave
# Sunnyvale, CA 94086, USA, or:

# This is a tool to examine a device and generate a reasonable tapetype
# entry accordingly.

use lib '@amperldir@';
use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use Math::BigInt;
use Amanda::BigIntCompat;

use Amanda::Device qw( :constants );
use Amanda::Debug qw( :logging );
use Amanda::Util qw( :constants );
use Amanda::Config qw( :init :getconf config_dir_relative );
use Amanda::MainLoop;
use Amanda::Xfer;
use Amanda::Constants;
use Amanda::Header;

# command-line options
my $opt_only_compression = 0;
my $opt_blocksize;
my $opt_tapetype_name = 'unknown-tapetype';
my $opt_force = 0;
my $opt_label = "amtapetype-".(int rand 2**31);
my $opt_device_name;
my $opt_config;
my $opt_property;

# global "hint" from the compression heuristic as to how fast this
# drive is.
my $device_speed_estimate;

# open up a device, optionally check its label on the first invocation,
# and start it in ACCESS_WRITE.
my $_label_checked = 0;
sub open_device {
    my $device = Amanda::Device->new($opt_device_name);
    if ($device->status() != $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
	die("Could not open device $opt_device_name: ".$device->error()."\n");

    if (!$device->configure(0)) {
	die("Errors configuring $opt_device_name: " . $device->error_or_status());

    if (defined $opt_blocksize) {
	my $r = $device->property_set('BLOCK_SIZE', $opt_blocksize);
	if ($r) {
	    die "Error setting blocksize: " . $device->error_or_status();

    if (!$opt_force and !$_label_checked) {
	my $read_label_status = $device->read_label();
	if ($read_label_status & $DEVICE_STATUS_VOLUME_UNLABELED) {
	    # unlabeled is OK
	} elsif ($read_label_status != $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
	    die "Error reading label: " . $device->error_or_status();
	} elsif ($device->volume_label) {
	    die "Volume in device $opt_device_name has Amanda label '" .
		$device->volume_label . "'. Giving up.";
	$_label_checked = 1;

    my $start_time = time;
    my $retries = 0;
    my $backoff = 1;
    while (1) {
	last if ($device->start($ACCESS_WRITE, $opt_label, undef));
	if (!($device->status & $DEVICE_STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY)) {
	    die("Error writing label '$opt_label': ". $device->error_or_status());

	if ($retries == 0) {
	    print STDERR "Device is busy.  Amtapetype will retry forever; hit ctrl-C to quit.\n";

	$backoff *= 2;
	$backoff = 120 if $backoff > 120;

    if ($retries) {
	my $elapsed = time - $start_time;
	print STDERR "Drive was busy for $elapsed seconds.\n";
	print STDERR "If this device is used in a changer, you may want to set timeouts appropriately.\n";

    return $device;

# Write a single file to the device, and record the results in STATS.
# write_one_file(
#   STATS => $stats_hashref,	(see below)
#   DEVICE => $dev,		(device to write to)
#   PATTERN => RANDOM or FIXED, (data pattern to write)
#   BYTES => nn,		(number of bytes; optional)
#   MAX_TIME => secs);		(cancel write after this time; optional)
# Returns 0 on success (including EOM), "TIMEOUT" on timeout, or an error message
# on failure.
# STATS is a multi-level hashref; write_one_file adds to any values
# already in the data structure.
#   $stats->{$pattern}->{TIME} - number of seconds spent writing
#   $stats->{$pattern}->{FILES} - number of files written
#   $stats->{$pattern}->{BYTES} - number of bytes written (approximate)
sub write_one_file(%) {
    my %options = @_;
    my $stats = $options{'STATS'} || { };
    my $device = $options{'DEVICE'};
    my $bytes = $options{'MAX_BYTES'} || 0;
    my $pattern = $options{'PATTERN'} || 'FIXED';
    my $max_time = $options{'MAX_TIME'} || 0;

    # get the block size now, while the device is still working
    my $block_size = $device->property_get("block_size");

    # start the device
    my $hdr = Amanda::Header->new();
    $hdr->{type} = $Amanda::Header::F_DUMPFILE;
    $hdr->{name} = "amtapetype";
    $hdr->{disk} = "/test";
    $hdr->{datestamp} = "X";
    $hdr->{program} = "AMTAPETYPE";
	or return $device->error_or_status();

    # set up the transfer
    my ($source, $dest, $xfer);
    if ($pattern eq 'FIXED') {
	# a simple 256-byte pattern to dodge run length encoding.
	my $non_random_pattern = pack("C*", 0..255);
	$source = Amanda::Xfer::Source::Pattern->new($bytes, $non_random_pattern);
    } elsif ($pattern eq 'RANDOM') {
	$source = Amanda::Xfer::Source::Random->new($bytes, 1 + int rand 100);
    } else {
	die "Unknown PATTERN $pattern";
    $dest = Amanda::Xfer::Dest::Device->new($device, 1);
    $xfer = Amanda::Xfer->new([$source, $dest]);
    if (!defined $stats->{$pattern}) {
	$stats->{$pattern} = { BYTES => 0, FILES => 0, TIME => 0 };

    # set up the relevant callbacks
    my ($timeout_src, $spinner_src);
    my $got_error = 0;
    my $got_timeout = 0;

    if ($max_time) {
	$timeout_src = Amanda::MainLoop::timeout_source($max_time * 1000);
	$timeout_src->set_callback(sub {
	    my ($src) = @_;
	    $got_timeout = 1;
	    $xfer->cancel(); # will result in an XFER_DONE

    $spinner_src = Amanda::MainLoop::timeout_source(1000);
    $spinner_src->set_callback(sub {
	my ($src) = @_;
	my ($file, $block) = ($device->file(), $device->block());
	print STDERR "File $file, block $block    \r";

    my $start_time = time();

    $xfer->start(sub {
	my ($src, $xmsg, $xfer) = @_;
	if ($xmsg->{type} == $Amanda::Xfer::XMSG_ERROR) {
	    $got_error = $xmsg->{message};
	} elsif ($xmsg->{'type'} == $Amanda::Xfer::XMSG_DONE) {

    $timeout_src->remove() if ($timeout_src);
    print STDERR " " x 60, "\r";

    my $duration = time() - $start_time;

    # OK, we finished, update statistics (even if we saw an error)
    my $blocks_written = $device->block();
    $stats->{$pattern}->{BYTES} += $blocks_written * $block_size;
    $stats->{$pattern}->{FILES} += 1;
    $stats->{$pattern}->{TIME}  += $duration;

    # make sure the time is nonzero
    if ($stats->{$pattern}->{TIME} == 0) {

    if ($device->status() != $Amanda::Device::DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
	return $device->error_or_status();

    if ($got_error && $got_error =~ /LEOM detected/) {
	return "LEOM";

    if ($got_error) {
	return $got_error;

    if ($got_timeout) {
	return "TIMEOUT";

    return 0;

sub check_compression {
    my $device = open_device();

    # Check compression status here by property query. If the device can answer
    # the question, there's no reason to investigate further.
    my $compression_enabled = $device->property_get("compression");

    if (defined $compression_enabled) {
	return $compression_enabled;

    # Need to use heuristic to find out if compression is enabled.  Also, we
    # rewind between passes so that the second pass doesn't get some kind of
    # buffering advantage.

    print STDERR "Applying heuristic check for compression.\n";

    # We base our determination on whether it's faster to write random data or
    # patterned data.  That starts by writing random data for a short length of
    # time, then measuring the elapsed time and total data written.  Due to
    # potential delay in cancelling a transfer, the elapsed time will be a bit
    # longer than the intended time.   We then write the same amount of
    # patterned data, and again measure the elapsed time.  We can then
    # calculate the speeds of the two operations.  If the compressible speed
    # was faster by more than min_ratio, then we assume compression is enabled.

    my $compression_check_time = 60;
    my $compression_check_min_ratio = 1.2;

    my $stats = { };

    my $err = write_one_file(
		    DEVICE => $device,
		    STATS => $stats,
		    MAX_TIME => $compression_check_time,
		    PATTERN => 'RANDOM');

    if ($err != 'TIMEOUT') {
	die $err;

    # speed calculations are a little tricky: BigInt * float comes out to NaN, so we
    # cast the BigInts to float first
    my $random_speed = ($stats->{RANDOM}->{BYTES} . "") / $stats->{RANDOM}->{TIME};
    print STDERR "Wrote random (uncompressible) data at $random_speed bytes/sec\n";

    # sock this away for make_tapetype's use
    $device_speed_estimate = $random_speed;

    # restart the device to clear any errors and rewind it
    $device = open_device();

    $err = write_one_file(
		    DEVICE => $device,
		    STATS => $stats,
		    MAX_BYTES => $stats->{'RANDOM'}->{'BYTES'},
		    PATTERN => 'FIXED');
    if ($err) {
	die $err;

    my $fixed_speed = ($stats->{FIXED}->{BYTES} . "") / $stats->{FIXED}->{TIME};
    print STDERR "Wrote fixed (compressible) data at $fixed_speed bytes/sec\n";

    $compression_enabled =
	($fixed_speed / $random_speed > $compression_check_min_ratio);
    return $compression_enabled;

sub data_to_null {
    my ($device) = @_;
    my $got_error = 0;

    my $xfer = Amanda::Xfer->new([

    $xfer->start(sub {
	my ($src, $xmsg, $xfer) = @_;
	if ($xmsg->{type} == $Amanda::Xfer::XMSG_ERROR) {
	    $got_error = $xmsg->{message};
	} elsif ($xmsg->{'type'} == $Amanda::Xfer::XMSG_DONE) {


sub check_property {
    my $device = open_device();

    print STDERR "Checking for FSF_AFTER_FILEMARK requirement\n";
    my $fsf_after_filemark = $device->property_get("FSF_AFTER_FILEMARK");

    # not a 'tape:' device
    return if !defined $fsf_after_filemark;

    $device->start($ACCESS_WRITE, "TEST-001", "20080706050403");

    my $hdr = new Amanda::Header;

    $hdr->{type} = $Amanda::Header::F_DUMPFILE;
    $hdr->{name} = "localhost";
    $hdr->{disk} = "/test1";
    $hdr->{datestamp} = "20080706050403";
    $hdr->{program} = "AMTAPETYPE";

    $hdr->{type} = $Amanda::Header::F_DUMPFILE;
    $hdr->{name} = "localhost";
    $hdr->{disk} = "/test2";
    $hdr->{datestamp} = "20080706050403";
    $hdr->{program} = "AMTAPETYPE";

    $hdr->{type} = $Amanda::Header::F_DUMPFILE;
    $hdr->{name} = "localhost";
    $hdr->{disk} = "/test3";
    $hdr->{datestamp} = "20080706050403";
    $hdr->{program} = "AMTAPETYPE";


    #set fsf_after_filemark to false
    my $r = $device->property_set('FSF_AFTER_FILEMARK', 0);
    if ($r) {
	die "Error setting FSF_AFTER_FILEMARK: $r";

    my $need_fsf_after_filemark = 0;

    if ($device->read_label() != $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
	die ("Could not read label from: " . $device->error_or_status());
    if ($device->volume_label != "TEST-001") {
	die ("wrong label: ", $device->volume_label);
    $device->start($ACCESS_READ, undef, undef)
	or die ("Could not start device: " . $device->error_or_status());

    $hdr = $device->seek_file(1);
    if ($device->status() != $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
	die ("seek_file(1) failed");
    if ($hdr->{disk} ne "/test1") {
	die ("Wrong disk: " . $hdr->{disk} . " expected /test1");

    $hdr = $device->seek_file(2);
    if ($device->status() == $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
	if ($hdr->{disk} ne "/test2") {
	    die ("Wrong disk: " . $hdr->{disk} . " expected /test2");

	$hdr = $device->seek_file(3);
	if ($device->status() != $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
            die("seek_file(3) failed");
	if ($hdr->{disk} ne "/test3") {
	    die ("Wrong disk: " . $hdr->{disk} . " expected /test3");

    } else {
	$need_fsf_after_filemark = 1;

	# $device is in error, so open a new one
	$device = open_device();

    #verify need_fsf_after_filemark
    my $fsf_after_filemark_works = 0;
    if ($need_fsf_after_filemark) {
	#set fsf_after_filemark to true
	$r = $device->property_set('FSF_AFTER_FILEMARK', 1);
	if ($r) {
	    die "Error setting FSF_AFTER_FILEMARK: $r";

	if ($device->read_label() != $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
	    die ("Could not read label from: " . $device->error_or_status());
	if ($device->volume_label != "TEST-001") {
	    die ("wrong label: ", $device->volume_label);
	$device->start($ACCESS_READ, undef, undef)
	    or die ("Could not start device: " . $device->error_or_status());

	$hdr = $device->seek_file(1);
	if ($device->status() != $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
	    die ("seek_file(1) failed");
	if ($hdr->{disk} ne "/test1") {
	    die ("Wrong disk: " . $hdr->{disk} . " expected /test1");

	$hdr = $device->seek_file(2);
	if ($device->status() == $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
	    if ($hdr->{disk} ne "/test2") {
		die ("Wrong disk: " . $hdr->{disk} . " expected /test2");

	    $hdr = $device->seek_file(3);
	    if ($device->status() != $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
	        die("seek_file(3) failed");
	    if ($hdr->{disk} ne "/test3") {
		die ("Wrong disk: " . $hdr->{disk} . " expected /test3");
	    $fsf_after_filemark_works = 1;
        } else {
	    die("seek_file(2) failed");

    if ($need_fsf_after_filemark == 0 && $fsf_after_filemark_works == 0) {
	if (defined $opt_property || $fsf_after_filemark) {
	    print STDOUT "device-property \"FSF_AFTER_FILEMARK\" \"false\"\n";
	$r = $device->property_set('FSF_AFTER_FILEMARK', 0);
	if ($r) {
	    die "Error setting FSF_AFTER_FILEMARK: $r";
    } elsif ($need_fsf_after_filemark == 1 && $fsf_after_filemark_works == 1) {
	if (defined $opt_property || !$fsf_after_filemark) {
	    print STDOUT "device-property \"FSF_AFTER_FILEMARK\" \"true\"\n";
	$r = $device->property_set('FSF_AFTER_FILEMARK', 1);
	if ($r) {
	    die "Error setting FSF_AFTER_FILEMARK: $r";
    } else {
	die ("Broken seek_file");

    #Check seek to file 1 from header
    if ($device->read_label() != $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
	die ("Could not read label from: " . $device->error_or_status());
    if ($device->volume_label != "TEST-001") {
	die ("wrong label: ", $device->volume_label);
    $device->start($ACCESS_READ, undef, undef)
	or die ("Could not start device: " . $device->error_or_status());

    $hdr = $device->seek_file(1);
    if ($device->status() != $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
	die ("seek_file(1) failed");
    if ($hdr->{disk} ne "/test1") {
	die ("Wrong disk: " . $hdr->{disk} . " expected /test1");

    #Check seek to file 2 from header
    if ($device->read_label() != $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
	die ("Could not read label from: " . $device->error_or_status());
    if ($device->volume_label != "TEST-001") {
	die ("wrong label: ", $device->volume_label);
    $device->start($ACCESS_READ, undef, undef)
	or die ("Could not start device: " . $device->error_or_status());

    $hdr = $device->seek_file(2);
    if ($device->status() != $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
	die ("seek_file(2) failed");
    if ($hdr->{disk} ne "/test2") {
	die ("Wrong disk: " . $hdr->{disk} . " expected /test1");

    #Check seek to file 3 from header
    if ($device->read_label() != $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
	die ("Could not read label from: " . $device->error_or_status());
    if ($device->volume_label != "TEST-001") {
	die ("wrong label: ", $device->volume_label);
    $device->start($ACCESS_READ, undef, undef)
	or die ("Could not start device: " . $device->error_or_status());

    $hdr = $device->seek_file(3);
    if ($device->status() != $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
	die ("seek_file(3) failed");
    if ($hdr->{disk} ne "/test3") {
	die ("Wrong disk: " . $hdr->{disk} . " expected /test1");

    #Check seek to file 3 from eof of 1
    if ($device->read_label() != $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
	die ("Could not read label from: " . $device->error_or_status());
    if ($device->volume_label != "TEST-001") {
	die ("wrong label: ", $device->volume_label);
    $device->start($ACCESS_READ, undef, undef)
	or die ("Could not start device: " . $device->error_or_status());

    $hdr = $device->seek_file(1);
    if ($device->status() != $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
	die ("seek_file(1) failed");
    $hdr = $device->seek_file(3);
    if ($device->status() != $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
	die ("seek_file(3) failed");
    if ($hdr->{disk} ne "/test3") {
	die ("Wrong disk: " . $hdr->{disk} . " expected /test3");

sub make_tapetype {
    my ($compression_enabled) = @_;

    my $device = open_device();
    my $blocksize = $device->property_get("BLOCK_SIZE");

    # First, write one very long file to get the total tape length
    print STDERR "Writing one file to fill the volume.\n";
    my $stats = {};
    my $err = write_one_file(
		DEVICE => $device,
		STATS => $stats,

    # if we wrote almost no data, then there's probably a problem
    # with the device, so error out
    if ($stats->{RANDOM}->{BYTES} < 1024 * 1024) {
	die "Wrote less than 1MB to the device: $err\n";
    my $volume_size_estimate = $stats->{RANDOM}->{BYTES};
    my $speed_estimate = (($stats->{RANDOM}->{BYTES}."") / 1024)
			/ $stats->{RANDOM}->{TIME};
    $speed_estimate = int $speed_estimate;
    print STDERR "Wrote $volume_size_estimate bytes at $speed_estimate kb/sec\n";

    my $leom = 0;
    if ($err eq 'LEOM') {
	print STDERR "Got LEOM indication, so drive and kernel together support LEOM\n";
	$leom = 1;

    # now we want to write about 100 filemarks; round down to the blocksize
    # to avoid counting padding as part of the filemark
    my $file_size = $volume_size_estimate / 100;
    $file_size -= $file_size % $blocksize;

    print STDERR "Writing smaller files ($file_size bytes) to determine filemark.\n";
    $device = open_device(); # re-open to rewind and clear errors
    $stats = {};
    while (!write_one_file(
			DEVICE => $device,
			STATS => $stats,
			MAX_BYTES => $file_size,
			PATTERN => 'RANDOM')) { }

    my $filemark_estimate = ($volume_size_estimate - $stats->{RANDOM}->{BYTES})
			  / ($stats->{RANDOM}->{FILES} - 1);
    if ($filemark_estimate < 0) {
	$filemark_estimate = 0;

    my $comment = "Created by amtapetype; compression "
	. ($compression_enabled? "enabled" : "disabled");

    # round these parameters to the nearest kb, since the parameters' units
    # are kb, not bytes
    my $volume_size_estimate_kb = $volume_size_estimate/1024;
    my $filemark_kb = $filemark_estimate/1024;

    # and suggest using device-property for blocksize if it's not an even multiple
    # of 1kb
    my $blocksize_line;
    if ($blocksize % 1024 == 0) {
	$blocksize_line = "blocksize " . $blocksize/1024 . " kbytes";
    } else {
	$blocksize_line = "# add device-property \"BLOCK_SIZE\" \"$blocksize\" to the device";

    print <<EOF;
define tapetype $opt_tapetype_name {
    comment "$comment"
    length $volume_size_estimate_kb kbytes
    filemark $filemark_kb kbytes
    speed $speed_estimate kps

    if ($leom) {
	print "# for this drive and kernel, LEOM is supported; add\n";
	print "#   device-property \"LEOM\" \"TRUE\"\n";
	print "# for this device.\n";
    } else {
	print "# LEOM is not supported for this drive and kernel\n";

sub usage {
    print STDERR <<EOF;
Usage: amtapetype [-h] [-c] [-f] [-b blocksize] [-t typename] [-l label]
		  [ [-o config_override] ... ] [config] device
        -h   Display this message
        -c   Only check hardware compression state
        -f   Run amtapetype even if the loaded volume is already in use
             or compression is enabled.
        -b   Blocksize to use (default 32k)
        -t   Name to give to the new tapetype definition
        -l   Label to write to the tape (default is randomly generated)
        -p   Check property of the device.
        -o   Overwrite configuration parameter (such as device properties)
    Blocksize can include an optional suffix (k, m, or g)

    If CONFIG is specified, the device and its configuration are loaded
    from the correspnding amanda.conf.

## Application initialization

Amanda::Util::setup_application("amtapetype", "server", $CONTEXT_CMDLINE, "amanda", "amanda");
config_init(0, undef);

my $config_overrides = new_config_overrides($#ARGV+1);

debug("Arguments: " . join(' ', @ARGV));
    'version' => \&Amanda::Util::version_opt,
    'help|usage|?|h' => \&usage,
    'c' => \$opt_only_compression,
    'b=s' => sub {
	my ($num, $suff) = ($_[1] =~ /^([0-9]+)\s*(.*)$/);
	die "Invalid blocksize '$_[1]'" unless (defined $num);
	my $mult = (defined $suff)?
	    Amanda::Config::find_multiplier($suff) : 1;
	die "Invalid suffix '$suff'" unless ($mult);
	$opt_blocksize = $num * $mult;
    't=s' => \$opt_tapetype_name,
    'f' => \$opt_force,
    'l' => \$opt_label,
    'p' => \$opt_property,
    'o=s' => sub { add_config_override_opt($config_overrides, $_[1]); },
) or usage();
usage() if (@ARGV < 1 or @ARGV > 2);

if (@ARGV == 2) {
    $opt_config = shift @ARGV;
    config_init($CONFIG_INIT_EXPLICIT_NAME, $opt_config);
} else {
    config_init(0, undef);
$opt_device_name= shift @ARGV;

my ($cfgerr_level, @cfgerr_errors) = config_errors();
if ($cfgerr_level >= $CFGERR_WARNINGS) {
    if ($cfgerr_level >= $CFGERR_ERRORS) {
	die("errors processing config file");


# Find property of the device.

if (!defined $opt_property) {
    my $compression_enabled = check_compression();
    print STDERR "Compression: ",
        $compression_enabled? "enabled" : "disabled",

    if ($compression_enabled and !$opt_force) {
        print STDERR "Turn off compression or run amtapetype with the -f option\n";

    if (!$opt_only_compression) {
