Blob Blame History Raw
# A logfile from a vault dump run

%F log/log
INFO amdump amdump pid 19696
INFO planner planner pid 19697
INFO driver driver pid 19698
START planner date 20171109071556
START driver date 20171109071556
STATS driver hostname localhost.localdomain
DISK planner localhost.localdomain /bootAMGTAR
WARNING planner tapecycle (1) <= runspercycle (8)
DISK planner localhost.localdomain /bootAMGTAR
DISK planner localhost.localdomain /bootAMGTAR
INFO dumper dumper pid 19700
INFO dumper dumper pid 19701
WARNING planner Last full dump of localhost.localdomain:/bootAMGTAR on tape test-ORG-AA-vtapes-001570 overwritten on this run.
FINISH planner date 20171109071556 time 0.195
INFO planner pid-done 19697
INFO taper taper pid 19699
STATS driver startup time 1.232
INFO chunker chunker pid 19801
INFO dumper gzip pid 19851
INFO dumper gzip pid 19859
INFO dumper pid-done 19851
INFO dumper pid-done 19859
SUCCESS chunker localhost.localdomain /bootAMGTAR 20171109071556 1 48ced934:65536 [sec 0.098719 kb 64 kps 648.304784]
STATS driver estimate localhost.localdomain /bootAMGTAR 20171109071556 1 [sec 1 nkb 96 ckb 96 kps 64]
INFO chunker pid-done 19801
SUCCESS dumper localhost.localdomain /bootAMGTAR 20171109071556 1 48ced934:65536 48ced934:65536 [sec 0.026 kb 64 kps 2428.9 orig-kb 64]
INFO taper Slot 1617 with label test-ORG-AA-vtapes-001617 is usable
START taper datestamp 20171109071556 "ST:vtapes" "POOL:vtapes" label test-ORG-AA-vtapes-001617 tape 1
PART taper "ST:vtapes" "POOL:vtapes" test-ORG-AA-vtapes-001617 1 localhost.localdomain /bootAMGTAR 20171109071556 1/-1 1 [sec 0.035971 bytes 65536 kps 1779.211031 orig-kb 64]
DONE taper "ST:vtapes" "POOL:vtapes" localhost.localdomain /bootAMGTAR 20171109071556 1 1 48ced934:65536 48ced934:65536 48ced934:65536 [sec 0.100000 bytes 65536 kps 640.000000 orig-kb 64]
INFO taper tape test-ORG-AA-vtapes-001617 kb 64 fm 1 [OK]
INFO taper pid-done 19699
INFO taper taper pid 19862
INFO taper Slot 10 with label test-ORG-2-AA-vtapes2-010 is usable
START taper datestamp 20171109071556 "ST:vault" "POOL:vault" label test-ORG-2-AA-vtapes2-010 tape 2
PART taper "ST:vault" "POOL:vault" test-ORG-2-AA-vtapes2-010 1 localhost.localdomain /bootAMGTAR 20171108171820 1/-1 1 [sec 0.001910 bytes 65536 kps 33507.853403 orig-kb 0]
DONE taper "ST:vault" "POOL:vault" localhost.localdomain /bootAMGTAR 20171108171820 1 1 48ced934:65536 48ced934:65536 48ced934:65536 [sec 1.000000 bytes 65536 kps 64.000000 orig-kb 0]
PART taper "ST:vault" "POOL:vault" test-ORG-2-AA-vtapes2-010 2 localhost.localdomain /bootAMGTAR 20171109071556 1/-1 1 [sec 0.001817 bytes 65536 kps 35222.894882 orig-kb 0]
DONE taper "ST:vault" "POOL:vault" localhost.localdomain /bootAMGTAR 20171109071556 1 1 48ced934:65536 48ced934:65536 48ced934:65536 [sec 0.200000 bytes 65536 kps 320.000000 orig-kb 0]
INFO taper tape test-ORG-2-AA-vtapes2-010 kb 128 fm 2 [OK]
INFO dumper pid-done 19700
INFO dumper pid-done 19701
INFO taper pid-done 19862
FINISH driver date 20171109071556 time 13.338
INFO driver pid-done 19698
INFO amdump pid-done 19696
%T report
Hostname: localhost.localdomain
Org     : DailySet1
Config  : TESTCONF
Date    : November 9, 2017

These dumps to storage 'vtapes' were to tape test-ORG-AA-vtapes-001617.
These dumps to storage 'vault' were to tape test-ORG-2-AA-vtapes2-010.
The next tape Amanda expects to use for storage 'vtapes' is: 1 new tape.
The next tape Amanda expects to use for storage 'vault' is: 1 new tape.

                          Total       Full      Incr.   Level:#
                        --------   --------   --------  --------
Estimate Time (hrs:min)     0:00
Run Time (hrs:min)          0:00
Dump Time (hrs:min)         0:00       0:00       0:00
Output Size (meg)            0.1        0.0        0.1
Original Size (meg)          0.1        0.0        0.1
Avg Compressed Size (%)    100.0        --       100.0
DLEs Dumped                    1          0          1  1:1
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)       2461.5        --      2461.5

Tape Time (hrs:min)         0:00       0:00       0:00
Tape Size (meg)              0.2        0.0        0.2
Tape Used (%)                0.7        0.0        0.7
DLEs Taped                     3          0          3  1:3
Parts Taped                    3          0          3  1:3
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)    147.7        --       147.7

  Label                       Time         Size      %  DLEs Parts
  test-ORG-AA-vtapes-001617   0:00          64K    0.2     1     1
  test-ORG-2-AA-vtapes2-010   0:00         128K    0.5     2     2

  planner: tapecycle (1) <= runspercycle (8)
  planner: Last full dump of localhost.localdomain:/bootAMGTAR on tape test-ORG-AA-vtapes-001570 overwritten on this run.
  taper: Slot 1617 with label test-ORG-AA-vtapes-001617 is usable
  taper: tape test-ORG-AA-vtapes-001617 kb 64 fm 1 [OK]
  taper: Slot 10 with label test-ORG-2-AA-vtapes2-010 is usable
  taper: tape test-ORG-2-AA-vtapes2-010 kb 128 fm 2 [OK]

                                                            DUMPER STATS   TAPER STATS
HOSTNAME              DISK        L ORIG-KB  OUT-KB  COMP%  MMM:SS   KB/s MMM:SS   KB/s
----------------------------------- ---------------------- -------------- -------------
localhost.localdomain /bootAMGTAR 1              64    --      VAULT        0:01   64.0
localhost.localdomain /bootAMGTAR 1      64      64    --     0:00 2428.9   0:00  640.0
                                                               VAULT        0:00  320.0

(brought to you by Amanda version x.y.z)