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# sample Amanda2 disklist file, derived from CS.UMD.EDU's disklist
# If your configuration is called, say, "csd2", then this file normally goes
# in /etc/amanda/csd2/disklist.
# File format is:
#	hostname diskdev dumptype [spindle [interface]]
# where the dumptypes are defined by you in amanda.conf or in-line.

# At our site, root partitions have a different dumptype because they
# are of lower priority; they don't contain user data, and don't change
# much from the department prototype.  In a crunch, they can be left for
# last or skipped.

# A SPARCstation 1+
salty sd0a comp-root
salty sd0g comp-user
salty sd1g comp-user
salty sd2a comp-root
salty sd2g comp-user
salty sd3c comp-user

# A DECstation 3100
slithy rz1a comp-root
slithy rz1g comp-user
slithy rz3a comp-root
slithy rz3g comp-user

# We don't run compression on the master host since it is going to be
# busy enough running amanda.
master sd0a nocomp-root -1 local
master sd0g nocomp-user -1 local
# note: -1 is a placeholder for the spindle number
# the holding disk can't be dumped to itself, it uses a disktype that
# specifies the "no-hold" option (see amanda.conf).
master sd1c holding-disk -1 local

# Compress data from a slow server on the tape server.
# Example of inline dumptype specialization
slowsrv / { # the line break here is mandatory
  root-tar # copy properties of root-tar
  compress server fast # but change the compression mode
} # spindle and interface omitted here
slowsrv /usr {
  exclude list ".exclude"
  compress server fast
} 2 le0 # no line break before spindle and interface

# The chairman's disk is high priority to make sure it gets done.
bigwig	sd0a comp-root
bigwig	sd0g comp-high
# Likewise the named databases in the root partition on our primary
# nameserver.  Also, compression is turned off because we don't want
# to create any unnecessary load on this baby (it's only a Sun3).
bozo        sd0a nocomp-high
bozo        sd0g nocomp-user
bozo        sd4c nocomp-user

# Dump Joe's NetBSD machine, with the mounted MS-DOS partition dumped
# using tar.
joespc  wd0a comp-root
joespc  wd0e comp-user
joespc	/msdos comp-user-tar

# Some really slow machines, like Sun2's and some Vaxstations, take
# forever to compress their dumps: it's just not worth it.

# A Sun2
cleo     sd0a nocomp-root
cleo     sd0g nocomp-user
# A VaxStation
susie         rz8a nocomp-root
susie         rz8g nocomp-user

# An example of how to separate a big disk (/diskA) in multiple smaller entry
# using GNUTAR.
# I suggest to always use the diskdevice in the diskname.
# Don't forget to use the same spindle for all entry.
hosta /diskA/all /diskA {
	# all directories except the one that start with [a-u]
	exclude "./[a-u]*"
	} 1
hosta /diskA/ag /diskA {
	# all directories that start with [a-g] except big1 and big2
	include "./[a-g]*"
	exclude "./big1" "./big2"
	} 1
hosta /diskA/big /diskA {
	# directories big1 and big2
	include "./big1" "./big2"
	} 1
hosta /diskA/gm /diskA {
	# all directories that start with [h-m]
	include "./[h-m]*"
	} 1
hosta /diskA/nu /diskA {
	# all directories that start with [n-u]
	include "./[n-u]*"
	} 1

# and so on ... well, you get the idea