Blob Blame History Raw
 * Copyright (C) 2014  ABRT team
 * Copyright (C) 2014  RedHat Inc
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "libabrt.h"
#include "abrt-journal.h"
#include "oops-utils.h"

#define ABRT_JOURNAL_WATCH_STATE_FILE VAR_STATE"/abrt-dump-journal-oops.state"

/* Limit number of buffered lines */
#define ABRT_JOURNAL_MAX_READ_LINES (1024 * 1024)

#define ABRT_JOURNAL_KOOPS_ANALYZER "abrt-journal-koops"

 * Koops extractor

static GList* abrt_journal_extract_kernel_oops(abrt_journal_t *journal)
    size_t lines_info_count = 0;
    size_t lines_info_size = 32;
    struct abrt_koops_line_info *lines_info = xmalloc(lines_info_size * sizeof(lines_info[0]));

        char *line = abrt_journal_get_log_line(journal);
        if (line == NULL)
            error_msg_and_die(_("Cannot read journal data."));

        if (lines_info_count == lines_info_size)
            lines_info_size *= 2;
            lines_info = xrealloc(lines_info, lines_info_size * sizeof(lines_info[0]));

        char *orig_line = line;
        lines_info[lines_info_count].level = koops_line_skip_level((const char **)&line);
        koops_line_skip_jiffies((const char **)&line);

        memmove(orig_line, line, strlen(line) + 1);

        lines_info[lines_info_count].ptr = orig_line;

    while (lines_info_count < ABRT_JOURNAL_MAX_READ_LINES
            && abrt_journal_next(journal) > 0);

    GList *oops_list = NULL;
    koops_extract_oopses_from_lines(&oops_list, lines_info, lines_info_count);

    log_debug("Extracted: %d oopses", g_list_length(oops_list));

    for (size_t i = 0; i < lines_info_count; ++i)


    return oops_list;

 * An adatapter of abrt_journal_extract_kernel_oops for abrt_journal_watch_callback
struct watch_journald_settings
    const char *dump_location;
    int oops_utils_flags;

static void abrt_journal_watch_extract_kernel_oops(abrt_journal_watch_t *watch, void *data)
    const struct watch_journald_settings *conf = (const struct watch_journald_settings *)data;

    abrt_journal_t *journal = abrt_journal_watch_get_journal(watch);

    /* Give systemd-journal one second to suck in all kernel's strings */
    if (abrt_oops_signaled_sleep(1) > 0)

    GList *oopses = abrt_journal_extract_kernel_oops(journal);
    abrt_oops_process_list(oopses, conf->dump_location,
                           ABRT_JOURNAL_KOOPS_ANALYZER, conf->oops_utils_flags);

    g_list_free_full(oopses, (GDestroyNotify)free);

    /* Skip stuff which appeared while processing oops as it is not necessary */
    /* to catch all consecutive oopses (anyway such oopses are almost */
    /* certainly duplicates of the already extracted ones) */

    /* In case of disaster, lets make sure we won't read the journal messages */
    /* again. */
    abrt_journal_save_current_position(journal, ABRT_JOURNAL_WATCH_STATE_FILE);

    if (g_abrt_oops_sleep_woke_up_on_signal > 0)

 * Koops extractor end

static void watch_journald(abrt_journal_t *journal, const char *dump_location, int flags)
    GList *koops_strings = koops_suspicious_strings_list();

    char *oops_string_filter_regex = abrt_oops_string_filter_regex();
    if (oops_string_filter_regex)
        regex_t filter_re;
        if (regcomp(&filter_re, oops_string_filter_regex, REG_NOSUB) != 0)
            perror_msg_and_die(_("Failed to compile regex"));

        GList *iter = koops_strings;
        while(iter != NULL)
            GList *next = g_list_next(iter);

            const int reti = regexec(&filter_re, (const char *)iter->data, 0, NULL, 0);
            if (reti == 0)
                koops_strings = g_list_delete_link(koops_strings, iter);
            else if (reti != REG_NOMATCH)
                char msgbuf[100];
                regerror(reti, &filter_re, msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf));
                error_msg_and_die("Regex match failed: %s", msgbuf);

            iter = next;


    GList *koops_strings_blacklist = koops_suspicious_strings_blacklist();

    struct watch_journald_settings watch_conf = {
        .dump_location = dump_location,
        .oops_utils_flags = flags,

    struct abrt_journal_watch_notify_strings notify_strings_conf = {
        .decorated_cb = abrt_journal_watch_extract_kernel_oops,
        .decorated_cb_data = &watch_conf,
        .strings = koops_strings,
        .blacklisted_strings = koops_strings_blacklist,

    abrt_journal_watch_t *watch = NULL;
    if (abrt_journal_watch_new(&watch, journal, abrt_journal_watch_notify_strings, &notify_strings_conf) < 0)
        error_msg_and_die(_("Failed to initialize systemd-journal watch"));



int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    /* I18n */
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
    bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);


    /* Can't keep these strings/structs static: _() doesn't support that */
    const char *program_usage_string = _(
        "& [-vsoxtf] [-e]/[-c CURSOR] [-d DIR]/[-D]\n"
        "Extract oops from systemd-journal\n"
        "-c and -e options conflicts because both specifies the first read message.\n"
        "-e is useful only for -f because the following of journal starts by reading \n"
        "the entire journal if the last seen possition is not available.\n"
        "The last seen position is saved in "ABRT_JOURNAL_WATCH_STATE_FILE"\n"
    enum {
        OPT_v = 1 << 0,
        OPT_s = 1 << 1,
        OPT_o = 1 << 2,
        OPT_d = 1 << 3,
        OPT_D = 1 << 4,
        OPT_x = 1 << 5,
        OPT_t = 1 << 6,
        OPT_c = 1 << 7,
        OPT_e = 1 << 8,
        OPT_f = 1 << 9,
        OPT_a = 1 << 10,
        OPT_J = 1 << 11,

    char *cursor = NULL;
    char *dump_location = NULL;
    char *journal_dir = NULL;

    /* Keep enum above and order of options below in sync! */
    struct options program_options[] = {
        OPT_BOOL(  's', NULL, NULL, _("Log to syslog")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'o', NULL, NULL, _("Print found oopses on standard output")),
        /* oopses don't contain any sensitive info, and even
         * the old koops app was showing the oopses to all users
        OPT_STRING('d', NULL, &dump_location, "DIR", _("Create new problem directory in DIR for every oops found")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'D', NULL, NULL, _("Same as -d DumpLocation, DumpLocation is specified in abrt.conf")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'x', NULL, NULL, _("Make the problem directory world readable")),
        OPT_BOOL(  't', NULL, NULL, _("Throttle problem directory creation to 1 per second")),
        OPT_STRING('c', NULL, &cursor, "CURSOR", _("Start reading systemd-journal from the CURSOR position")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'e', NULL, NULL, _("Start reading systemd-journal from the end")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'f', NULL, NULL, _("Follow systemd-journal from the last seen position (if available)")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'a', NULL, NULL, _("Read journal files from all machines")),
        OPT_STRING('J', NULL, &journal_dir,  "PATH", _("Read all journal files from directory at PATH")),
    unsigned opts = parse_opts(argc, argv, program_options, program_usage_string);


    msg_prefix = g_progname;
    if ((opts & OPT_s) || getenv("ABRT_SYSLOG"))
        logmode = LOGMODE_JOURNAL;

    if ((opts & OPT_c) && (opts & OPT_e))
        error_msg_and_die(_("You need to specify either -c CURSOR or -e"));

    if (opts & OPT_D)
        if (opts & OPT_d)
            show_usage_and_die(program_usage_string, program_options);
        dump_location = g_settings_dump_location;
        g_settings_dump_location = NULL;

    int oops_utils_flags = 0;
    if ((opts & OPT_x))
        oops_utils_flags |= ABRT_OOPS_WORLD_READABLE;

    if ((opts & OPT_t))
        oops_utils_flags |= ABRT_OOPS_THROTTLE_CREATION;

    if ((opts & OPT_o))
        oops_utils_flags |= ABRT_OOPS_PRINT_STDOUT;

    const char *const env_journal_filter = getenv("ABRT_DUMP_JOURNAL_OOPS_DEBUG_FILTER");
    GList *kernel_journal_filter = NULL;
    kernel_journal_filter = g_list_append(kernel_journal_filter,
            (env_journal_filter ? (gpointer)env_journal_filter : (gpointer)"SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=kernel"));

    abrt_journal_t *journal = NULL;
    if ((opts & OPT_J))
        log_debug("Using journal files from directory '%s'", journal_dir);

        if (abrt_journal_open_directory(&journal, journal_dir))
            error_msg_and_die(_("Cannot initialize systemd-journal in directory '%s'"), journal_dir);
        if (((opts & OPT_a) ? abrt_journal_new_merged : abrt_journal_new)(&journal))
            error_msg_and_die(_("Cannot open systemd-journal"));

    if (abrt_journal_set_journal_filter(journal, kernel_journal_filter) < 0)
        error_msg_and_die(_("Cannot filter systemd-journal to kernel data only"));


    if ((opts & OPT_e) && abrt_journal_seek_tail(journal) < 0)
        error_msg_and_die(_("Cannot seek to the end of journal"));

    if ((opts & OPT_f))
        if (!cursor)
            abrt_journal_restore_position(journal, ABRT_JOURNAL_WATCH_STATE_FILE);
        else if(abrt_journal_set_cursor(journal, cursor))
            error_msg_and_die(_("Failed to start watch from cursor '%s'"), cursor);

        watch_journald(journal, dump_location, oops_utils_flags);

        abrt_journal_save_current_position(journal, ABRT_JOURNAL_WATCH_STATE_FILE);
        if (cursor && abrt_journal_set_cursor(journal, cursor))
            error_msg_and_die(_("Failed to set systemd-journal cursor '%s'"), cursor);

        /* Compatibility hack, a watch's callback gets the journal already moved
         * to a next message.*/

        GList *oopses = abrt_journal_extract_kernel_oops(journal);
        const int errors = abrt_oops_process_list(oopses, dump_location,
                                                  ABRT_JOURNAL_KOOPS_ANALYZER, oops_utils_flags);
        g_list_free_full(oopses, (GDestroyNotify)free);

        return errors;


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;