Blob Blame History Raw
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<node name="/">
      @short_description: Wi-Fi P2P Device

      Since: 1.16
  <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.WifiP2P">
    <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.C.Name" value="Device_Wifi_P2P"/>


        The active hardware address of the device.

        DEPRECATED. Use the "HwAddress" property in "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device" instead which exists since version NetworkManager 1.24.0.

        Since: 1.16
    <property name="HwAddress" type="s" access="read"/>


        List of object paths of peers visible to this Wi-Fi P2P device.

        Since: 1.16
    <property name="Peers" type="ao" access="read"/>

        @options: Options of find. Currently 'timeout' option with value of "i"
                  in the range of 1-600 seconds is supported. The default is
                  30 seconds.

        Start a find operation for Wi-Fi P2P peers.

        Since: 1.16
    <method name="StartFind">
      <arg name="options" type="a{sv}" direction="in"/>


        Stop an ongoing find operation again.

        Since: 1.16
    <method name="StopFind">

        @peer: The object path of the newly found access point.

        Emitted when a new Wi-Fi P2P peer is found by the device.

        Since: 1.16
    <signal name="PeerAdded">
      <arg name="peer" type="o"/>

        @peer: The object path of the Wi-Fi P2P peer that has disappeared.

        Emitted when a Wi-Fi P2P peer disappears from view of the device.

        Since: 1.16
    <signal name="PeerRemoved">
      <arg name="peer" type="o"/>
