Blob Blame History Raw
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
 * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
 * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Novell, Inc.

#ifndef __NM_CORE_UTILS_H__
#define __NM_CORE_UTILS_H__

#include <stdio.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

#include "nm-connection.h"

#include "libnm-glib-aux/nm-time-utils.h"


#define NM_DEFINE_SINGLETON_INSTANCE(TYPE) static TYPE *singleton_instance

#define NM_DEFINE_SINGLETON_REGISTER(TYPE)                                                      \
    NM_DEFINE_SINGLETON_INSTANCE(TYPE);                                                         \
    static void _singleton_instance_weak_ref_cb(gpointer data, GObject *where_the_object_was)   \
    {                                                                                           \
        nm_log_dbg(LOGD_CORE,                                                                   \
                   "disposing %s singleton (" NM_HASH_OBFUSCATE_PTR_FMT ")",                    \
                   G_STRINGIFY(TYPE),                                                           \
                   NM_HASH_OBFUSCATE_PTR(singleton_instance));                                  \
        singleton_instance = NULL;                                                              \
    }                                                                                           \
    static inline void nm_singleton_instance_register(void)                                     \
    {                                                                                           \
        g_object_weak_ref(G_OBJECT(singleton_instance), _singleton_instance_weak_ref_cb, NULL); \
        _nm_singleton_instance_register_destruction(G_OBJECT(singleton_instance));              \
    }                                                                                           \

void _nm_singleton_instance_register_destruction(GObject *instance);

/* By default, the getter will assert that the singleton will be created only once. You can
 * change this by redefining NM_DEFINE_SINGLETON_ALLOW_MULTIPLE. */

#define NM_DEFINE_SINGLETON_GETTER(TYPE, GETTER, GTYPE, ...)                                \
    NM_DEFINE_SINGLETON_INSTANCE(TYPE);                                                     \
    NM_DEFINE_SINGLETON_REGISTER(TYPE);                                                     \
    static char _already_created_##GETTER = FALSE;                                          \
    TYPE *      GETTER(void)                                                                \
    {                                                                                       \
        if (G_UNLIKELY(!singleton_instance)) {                                              \
            g_assert(!(_already_created_##GETTER) || (NM_DEFINE_SINGLETON_ALLOW_MULTIPLE)); \
            (_already_created_##GETTER) = TRUE;                                             \
            singleton_instance          = g_object_new(GTYPE, ##__VA_ARGS__, NULL);         \
            g_assert(singleton_instance);                                                   \
            nm_singleton_instance_register();                                               \
            nm_log_dbg(LOGD_CORE,                                                           \
                       "create %s singleton (" NM_HASH_OBFUSCATE_PTR_FMT ")",               \
                       G_STRINGIFY(TYPE),                                                   \
                       NM_HASH_OBFUSCATE_PTR(singleton_instance));                          \
        }                                                                                   \
        return singleton_instance;                                                          \
    }                                                                                       \
    _nm_unused static void _nmtst_##GETTER##_reset(TYPE *instance)                          \
    {                                                                                       \
        /* usually, the singleton can only be created once (and further instantiations
     * are guarded by an assert). For testing, we need to reset the singleton to
     * allow multiple instantiations. */      \
        g_assert(G_IS_OBJECT(instance));                                                    \
        g_assert(instance == singleton_instance);                                           \
        g_assert(_already_created_##GETTER);                                                \
        g_object_unref(instance);                                                           \
        /* require that the last unref also destroyed the singleton. If this fails,
     * somebody still keeps a reference. Fix your test! */         \
        g_assert(!singleton_instance);                                                      \
        _already_created_##GETTER = FALSE;                                                  \

/* attach @instance to the data or @owner. @owner owns a reference
 * to @instance thus the lifetime of @instance is at least as long
 * as that of @owner. Use this when @owner depends on @instance. */
#define NM_UTILS_KEEP_ALIVE(owner, instance, unique_token)              \
    G_STMT_START                                                        \
    {                                                                   \
        g_object_set_data_full(G_OBJECT(owner),                         \
                               ".nm-utils-keep-alive-" unique_token "", \
                               g_object_ref(instance),                  \
                               g_object_unref);                         \
    }                                                                   \


gboolean nm_ether_addr_is_valid(const NMEtherAddr *addr);
gboolean nm_ether_addr_is_valid_str(const char *str);

static inline void
nm_hash_update_in6addr(NMHashState *h, const struct in6_addr *addr)

    nm_hash_update(h, addr, sizeof(*addr));

static inline void
nm_hash_update_in6addr_prefix(NMHashState *h, const struct in6_addr *addr, guint8 plen)
    struct in6_addr a;


    nm_utils_ip6_address_clear_host_address(&a, addr, plen);
    /* we don't hash plen itself. The caller may want to do that.*/
    nm_hash_update_in6addr(h, &a);

 * nm_utils_ip6_route_metric_normalize:
 * @metric: the route metric
 * For IPv6 route, when adding a route via netlink, kernel treats the value 0 as IP6_RT_PRIO_USER (1024).
 * So, user space cannot add routes with such a metric, and 0 gets "normalized"
 * Note that kernel itself can add IPv6 routes with metric zero. Also, you can delete
 * them, but mostly because with `ip -6 route delete ... metric 0` the 0 acts as a wildcard
 * and kills the first matching route.
 * Returns: @metric, if @metric is not zero, otherwise 1024.
static inline guint32
nm_utils_ip6_route_metric_normalize(guint32 metric)
    return metric ?: 1024 /*NM_PLATFORM_ROUTE_METRIC_DEFAULT_IP6*/;

static inline guint32
nm_utils_ip_route_metric_normalize(int addr_family, guint32 metric)
    return NM_IS_IPv4(addr_family) ? metric : nm_utils_ip6_route_metric_normalize(metric);

static inline guint32
nm_utils_ip_route_metric_penalize(guint32 metric, guint32 penalty)
    if (metric < G_MAXUINT32 - penalty)
        return metric + penalty;
    return G_MAXUINT32;

void nm_utils_kill_process_sync(pid_t       pid,
                                guint64     start_time,
                                int         sig,
                                guint64     log_domain,
                                const char *log_name,
                                guint32     wait_before_kill_msec,
                                guint32     sleep_duration_msec,
                                guint32     max_wait_msec);

typedef void (*NMUtilsKillChildAsyncCb)(pid_t    pid,
                                        gboolean success,
                                        int      child_status,
                                        void *   user_data);
void     nm_utils_kill_child_async(pid_t                   pid,
                                   int                     sig,
                                   guint64                 log_domain,
                                   const char *            log_name,
                                   guint32                 wait_before_kill_msec,
                                   NMUtilsKillChildAsyncCb callback,
                                   void *                  user_data);
gboolean nm_utils_kill_child_sync(pid_t       pid,
                                  int         sig,
                                  guint64     log_domain,
                                  const char *log_name,
                                  int *       child_status,
                                  guint32     wait_before_kill_msec,
                                  guint32     sleep_duration_msec);

const char *nm_utils_find_helper(const char *progname, const char *try_first, GError **error);

char *nm_utils_read_link_absolute(const char *link_file, GError **error);

#define NM_MATCH_SPEC_MAC_TAG              "mac:"
#define NM_MATCH_SPEC_S390_SUBCHANNELS_TAG "s390-subchannels:"
#define NM_MATCH_SPEC_INTERFACE_NAME_TAG   "interface-name:"

typedef enum {
    NM_MATCH_SPEC_MATCH     = 1,
} NMMatchSpecMatchType;

NMMatchSpecMatchType nm_match_spec_device(const GSList *specs,
                                          const char *  interface_name,
                                          const char *  device_type,
                                          const char *  driver,
                                          const char *  driver_version,
                                          const char *  hwaddr,
                                          const char *  s390_subchannels,
                                          const char *  dhcp_plugin);
NMMatchSpecMatchType nm_match_spec_config(const GSList *specs, guint nm_version, const char *env);
GSList *             nm_match_spec_split(const char *value);
char *               nm_match_spec_join(GSList *specs);

gboolean nm_wildcard_match_check(const char *str, const char *const *patterns, guint num_patterns);

gboolean nm_utils_kernel_cmdline_match_check(const char *const *proc_cmdline,
                                             const char *const *patterns,
                                             guint              num_patterns,
                                             GError **          error);


gboolean nm_utils_connection_has_default_route(NMConnection *connection,
                                               int           addr_family,
                                               gboolean *    out_is_never_default);

int nm_utils_cmp_connection_by_autoconnect_priority(NMConnection *a, NMConnection *b);

void nm_utils_log_connection_diff(NMConnection *connection,
                                  NMConnection *diff_base,
                                  guint32       level,
                                  guint64       domain,
                                  const char *  name,
                                  const char *  prefix,
                                  const char *  dbus_path);

gboolean nm_utils_is_specific_hostname(const char *name);

struct _NMUuid;

const char *          nm_utils_machine_id_str(void);
const struct _NMUuid *nm_utils_machine_id_bin(void);
gboolean              nm_utils_machine_id_is_fake(void);

const char *          nm_utils_boot_id_str(void);
const struct _NMUuid *nm_utils_boot_id_bin(void);
const char *          nm_utils_proc_cmdline(void);
const char *const *   nm_utils_proc_cmdline_split(void);

gboolean nm_utils_host_id_get(const guint8 **out_host_id, gsize *out_host_id_len);
gint64   nm_utils_host_id_get_timestamp_ns(void);


int nm_utils_arp_type_detect_from_hwaddrlen(gsize hwaddr_len);

gboolean nm_utils_arp_type_validate_hwaddr(int arp_type, const guint8 *hwaddr, gsize hwaddr_len);

nm_utils_arp_type_get_hwaddr_relevant_part(int arp_type, const guint8 **hwaddr, gsize *hwaddr_len);


typedef enum {
    /* The stable type. Note that this value is encoded in the
     * generated addresses, thus the numbers MUST not change.
     * Also note, if we ever allocate ID 255, we must take care
     * that nm_utils_ipv6_addr_set_stable_privacy() extends the
     * uint8 encoding of this value. */
} NMUtilsStableType;

NMUtilsStableType nm_utils_stable_id_parse(const char *stable_id,
                                           const char *deviceid,
                                           const char *hwaddr,
                                           const char *bootid,
                                           const char *uuid,
                                           char **     out_generated);

char *nm_utils_stable_id_random(void);
char *nm_utils_stable_id_generated_complete(const char *msg);

gboolean nm_utils_ipv6_addr_set_stable_privacy_impl(NMUtilsStableType stable_type,
                                                    struct in6_addr * addr,
                                                    const char *      ifname,
                                                    const char *      network_id,
                                                    guint32           dad_counter,
                                                    guint8 *          host_id,
                                                    gsize             host_id_len,
                                                    GError **         error);

gboolean nm_utils_ipv6_addr_set_stable_privacy(NMUtilsStableType id_type,
                                               struct in6_addr * addr,
                                               const char *      ifname,
                                               const char *      network_id,
                                               guint32           dad_counter,
                                               GError **         error);

char *nm_utils_hw_addr_gen_random_eth(const char *current_mac_address,
                                      const char *generate_mac_address_mask);
char *nm_utils_hw_addr_gen_stable_eth_impl(NMUtilsStableType stable_type,
                                           const char *      stable_id,
                                           const guint8 *    host_id,
                                           gsize             host_id_len,
                                           const char *      ifname,
                                           const char *      current_mac_address,
                                           const char *      generate_mac_address_mask);
char *nm_utils_hw_addr_gen_stable_eth(NMUtilsStableType stable_type,
                                      const char *      stable_id,
                                      const char *      ifname,
                                      const char *      current_mac_address,
                                      const char *      generate_mac_address_mask);


GBytes *nm_utils_dhcp_client_id_mac(int arp_type, const guint8 *hwaddr, gsize hwaddr_len);

guint32 nm_utils_create_dhcp_iaid(gboolean      legacy_unstable_byteorder,
                                  const guint8 *interface_id,
                                  gsize         interface_id_len);

GBytes *nm_utils_dhcp_client_id_duid(guint32 iaid, const guint8 *duid, gsize duid_len);

GBytes *nm_utils_dhcp_client_id_systemd_node_specific_full(guint32       iaid,
                                                           const guint8 *machine_id,
                                                           gsize         machine_id_len);

GBytes *nm_utils_dhcp_client_id_systemd_node_specific(guint32 iaid);


/* RFC 3315 defines the epoch for the DUID-LLT time field on Jan 1st 2000. */
#define NM_UTILS_EPOCH_DATETIME_200001010000 946684800

struct _NMUuid;

GBytes *
nm_utils_generate_duid_llt(int arp_type, const guint8 *hwaddr, gsize hwaddr_len, gint64 time);

GBytes *nm_utils_generate_duid_ll(int arp_type, const guint8 *hwaddr, gsize hwaddr_len);

GBytes *nm_utils_generate_duid_uuid(const struct _NMUuid *uuid);

GBytes *nm_utils_generate_duid_from_machine_id(void);


void nm_utils_array_remove_at_indexes(GArray *array, const guint *indexes_to_delete, gsize len);

void nm_utils_setpgid(gpointer unused);

typedef enum {

    /* Internal flag, marking that either nm_utils_get_testing() or _nm_utils_set_testing() was called. */

    /* Indicate that test mode is enabled in general. Explicitly calling _nm_utils_set_testing() will always set this flag. */
    _NM_UTILS_TEST_GENERAL = (1LL << 1),

    /* Don't check the owner of keyfiles during testing. */

} NMUtilsTestFlags;

gboolean         nm_utils_get_testing_initialized(void);
NMUtilsTestFlags nm_utils_get_testing(void);
void             _nm_utils_set_testing(NMUtilsTestFlags flags);

void nm_utils_g_value_set_strv(GValue *value, GPtrArray *strings);


const char *nm_utils_dnsmasq_status_to_string(int status, char *dest, gsize size);

void nm_utils_get_reverse_dns_domains_ip_4(guint32 ip, guint8 plen, GPtrArray *domains);
nm_utils_get_reverse_dns_domains_ip_6(const struct in6_addr *ip, guint8 plen, GPtrArray *domains);

static inline void
nm_utils_get_reverse_dns_domains_ip(int           addr_family,
                                    gconstpointer addr,
                                    guint8        plen,
                                    GPtrArray *   domains)
    if (NM_IS_IPv4(addr_family))
        nm_utils_get_reverse_dns_domains_ip_4(*((const in_addr_t *) addr), plen, domains);
        nm_utils_get_reverse_dns_domains_ip_6(addr, plen, domains);

struct stat;

gboolean nm_utils_validate_plugin(const char *path, struct stat *stat, GError **error);
char **  nm_utils_read_plugin_paths(const char *dirname, const char *prefix);
char *   nm_utils_format_con_diff_for_audit(GHashTable *diff);


const char *nm_activation_type_to_string(NMActivationType activation_type);


const char *nm_utils_parse_dns_domain(const char *domain, gboolean *is_routing);


void nm_wifi_utils_parse_ies(const guint8 *bytes,
                             gsize         len,
                             guint32 *     out_max_rate,
                             gboolean *    out_metered,
                             gboolean *    out_owe_transition_mode);

guint8 nm_wifi_utils_level_to_quality(int val);



#define NM_UTILS_ERROR_MSG_REQ_AUTH_FAILED "Unable to authenticate the request"
#define NM_UTILS_ERROR_MSG_REQ_UID_UKNOWN  "Unable to determine UID of the request"
#define NM_UTILS_ERROR_MSG_INSUFF_PRIV     "Insufficient privileges"

#endif /* __NM_CORE_UTILS_H__ */