Blob Blame History Raw
#!/usr/bin/env python
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat, Inc.

import locale
import gi

gi.require_version("NM", "1.0")
from gi.repository import NM

# This example lists Wi-Fi access points NetworkManager scanned on Wi-Fi devices.
# It calls libnm functions using GObject introspection.
# Note the second line of the file: coding=utf-8
# It is necessary because we use unicode characters and python would produce
# an error without it:

def clamp(value, minvalue, maxvalue):
    return max(minvalue, min(value, maxvalue))

def ssid_to_utf8(ap):
    ssid = ap.get_ssid()
    if not ssid:
        return ""
    return NM.utils_ssid_to_utf8(ap.get_ssid().get_data())

def print_device_info(device):
    active_ap = dev.get_active_access_point()
    ssid = None
    if active_ap is not None:
        ssid = ssid_to_utf8(active_ap)
    info = "Device: %s | Driver: %s | Active AP: %s" % (
    print("=" * len(info))

def mode_to_string(mode):
    if mode == getattr(NM, "80211Mode").INFRA:
        return "INFRA"
    if mode == getattr(NM, "80211Mode").ADHOC:
        return "ADHOC"
    if mode == getattr(NM, "80211Mode").AP:
        return "AP"
    return "UNKNOWN"

def flags_to_string(flags):
    if flags & getattr(NM, "80211ApFlags").PRIVACY:
        return "PRIVACY"
    return "NONE"

def security_flags_to_string(flags):
    NM_AP_FLAGS = getattr(NM, "80211ApSecurityFlags")
    str = ""
    if flags & NM_AP_FLAGS.PAIR_WEP40:
        str = str + " PAIR_WEP40"
    if flags & NM_AP_FLAGS.PAIR_WEP104:
        str = str + " PAIR_WEP104"
    if flags & NM_AP_FLAGS.PAIR_TKIP:
        str = str + " PAIR_TKIP"
    if flags & NM_AP_FLAGS.PAIR_CCMP:
        str = str + " PAIR_CCMP"
    if flags & NM_AP_FLAGS.GROUP_WEP40:
        str = str + " GROUP_WEP40"
    if flags & NM_AP_FLAGS.GROUP_WEP104:
        str = str + " GROUP_WEP104"
    if flags & NM_AP_FLAGS.GROUP_TKIP:
        str = str + " GROUP_TKIP"
    if flags & NM_AP_FLAGS.GROUP_CCMP:
        str = str + " GROUP_CCMP"
    if flags & NM_AP_FLAGS.KEY_MGMT_PSK:
        str = str + " KEY_MGMT_PSK"
    if flags & NM_AP_FLAGS.KEY_MGMT_802_1X:
        str = str + " KEY_MGMT_802_1X"
    if str:
        return str.lstrip()
        return "NONE"

def flags_to_security(flags, wpa_flags, rsn_flags):
    str = ""
    if (
        (flags & getattr(NM, "80211ApFlags").PRIVACY)
        and (wpa_flags == 0)
        and (rsn_flags == 0)
        str = str + " WEP"
    if wpa_flags != 0:
        str = str + " WPA1"
    if rsn_flags != 0:
        str = str + " WPA2"
    if (wpa_flags & getattr(NM, "80211ApSecurityFlags").KEY_MGMT_802_1X) or (
        rsn_flags & getattr(NM, "80211ApSecurityFlags").KEY_MGMT_802_1X
        str = str + " 802.1X"
    return str.lstrip()

def print_ap_info(ap):
    strength = ap.get_strength()
    frequency = ap.get_frequency()
    flags = ap.get_flags()
    wpa_flags = ap.get_wpa_flags()
    rsn_flags = ap.get_rsn_flags()
    print("SSID:      %s" % (ssid_to_utf8(ap)))
    print("BSSID:     %s" % (ap.get_bssid()))
    print("Frequency: %s" % (frequency))
    print("Channel:   %s" % (NM.utils_wifi_freq_to_channel(frequency)))
    print("Mode:      %s" % (mode_to_string(ap.get_mode())))
    print("Flags:     %s" % (flags_to_string(flags)))
    print("WPA flags: %s" % (security_flags_to_string(wpa_flags)))
    print("RSN flags: %s" % (security_flags_to_string(rsn_flags)))
    print("Security:  %s" % (flags_to_security(flags, wpa_flags, rsn_flags)))
    print("Strength:  %s %s%%" % (NM.utils_wifi_strength_bars(strength), strength))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Python apparently doesn't call setlocale() on its own? We have to call this or else
    # NM.utils_wifi_strength_bars() will think the locale is ASCII-only, and return the
    # fallback characters rather than the unicode bars
    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")

    nmc =
    devs = nmc.get_devices()

    for dev in devs:
        if dev.get_device_type() == NM.DeviceType.WIFI:
            for ap in dev.get_access_points():