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<a name="settings-hostname"></a><div class="titlepage"></div>
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<p>hostname — Hostname settings</p>
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<a name="id-"></a><h2>
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<a name="id-"></a><p class="title"><b>Table 93. </b></p>
<div class="table-contents"><table class="table" border="1">
<th>Key Name</th>
<th>Value Type</th>
<th>Default Value</th>
<th>Value Description</th>
<td><pre class="screen">from-dhcp</pre></td>
<td><pre class="screen">NMTernary (int32)</pre></td>
<td><pre class="screen"></pre></td>
<td>Whether the system hostname can be determined from DHCP on this connection. When set to NM_TERNARY_DEFAULT (-1), the value from global configuration is used. If the property doesn't have a value in the global configuration, NetworkManager assumes the value to be NM_TERNARY_TRUE (1).</td>
<td><pre class="screen">from-dns-lookup</pre></td>
<td><pre class="screen">NMTernary (int32)</pre></td>
<td><pre class="screen"></pre></td>
<td>Whether the system hostname can be determined from reverse DNS lookup of addresses on this device. When set to NM_TERNARY_DEFAULT (-1), the value from global configuration is used. If the property doesn't have a value in the global configuration, NetworkManager assumes the value to be NM_TERNARY_TRUE (1).</td>
<td><pre class="screen">only-from-default</pre></td>
<td><pre class="screen">NMTernary (int32)</pre></td>
<td><pre class="screen"></pre></td>
<td>If set to NM_TERNARY_TRUE (1), NetworkManager attempts to get the hostname via DHCPv4/DHCPv6 or reverse DNS lookup on this device only when the device has the default route for the given address family (IPv4/IPv6). If set to NM_TERNARY_FALSE (0), the hostname can be set from this device even if it doesn't have the default route. When set to NM_TERNARY_DEFAULT (-1), the value from global configuration is used. If the property doesn't have a value in the global configuration, NetworkManager assumes the value to be NM_TERNARY_FALSE (0).</td>
<td><pre class="screen">priority</pre></td>
<td><pre class="screen">int32</pre></td>
<td><pre class="screen">0</pre></td>
<td>The relative priority of this connection to determine the system hostname. A lower numerical value is better (higher priority).  A connection with higher priority is considered before connections with lower priority. If the value is zero, it can be overridden by a global value from NetworkManager configuration. If the property doesn't have a value in the global configuration, the value is assumed to be 100. Negative values have the special effect of excluding other connections with a greater numerical priority value; so in presence of at least one negative priority, only connections with the lowest priority value will be used to determine the hostname.</td>
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