Blob Blame History Raw
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+
 * Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat, Inc.

#ifndef __NM_SHARED_UTILS_H__
#define __NM_SHARED_UTILS_H__

#include <netinet/in.h>


pid_t nm_utils_gettid (void);

gboolean _nm_assert_on_main_thread (void);

#define NM_ASSERT_ON_MAIN_THREAD() G_STMT_START { nm_assert (_nm_assert_on_main_thread ()); } G_STMT_END
#define NM_ASSERT_ON_MAIN_THREAD() G_STMT_START {                                         ; } G_STMT_END


static inline gboolean
_NM_INT_NOT_NEGATIVE (gssize val)
	/* whether an enum (without negative values) is a signed int, depends on compiler options
	 * and compiler implementation.
	 * When using such an enum for accessing an array, one naturally wants to check
	 * that the enum is not negative. However, the compiler doesn't like a plain
	 * comparison "enum_val >= 0", because (if the enum is unsigned), it will warn
	 * that the expression is always true *duh*. Not even a cast to a signed
	 * type helps to avoid the compiler warning in any case.
	 * The sole purpose of this function is to avoid a compiler warning, when checking
	 * that an enum is not negative. */
	return val >= 0;

/* check whether the integer value is smaller than G_MAXINT32. This macro exists
 * for the sole purpose, that a plain "((int) value <= G_MAXINT32)" comparison
 * may cause the compiler or coverity that this check is always TRUE. But the
 * check depends on compile time and the size of C type "int".  Of course, most
 * of the time in is gint32 and an int value is always <= G_MAXINT32.  The check
 * exists to catch cases where that is not true.
 * Together with the G_STATIC_ASSERT(), we make sure that this is always satisfied. */
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof (int) == sizeof (gint32));
#define _NM_INT_LE_MAXINT32(value) \
	({ \
		_nm_unused typeof (value) _value = (value); \
		_Generic((value), \
		         int: TRUE \
		); \
#define _NM_INT_LE_MAXINT32(value) ({ \
		_nm_unused typeof (value) _value = (value); \
		_nm_unused const int *_p_value = &_value; \
		TRUE; \


static inline char
nm_utils_addr_family_to_char (int addr_family)
	switch (addr_family) {
	case AF_UNSPEC: return 'X';
	case AF_INET:   return '4';
	case AF_INET6:  return '6';
	g_return_val_if_reached ('?');

static inline gsize
nm_utils_addr_family_to_size (int addr_family)
	switch (addr_family) {
	case AF_INET:  return sizeof (in_addr_t);
	case AF_INET6: return sizeof (struct in6_addr);
	g_return_val_if_reached (0);

static inline int
nm_utils_addr_family_from_size (gsize len)
	switch (len) {
	case sizeof (in_addr_t):       return AF_INET;
	case sizeof (struct in6_addr): return AF_INET6;
	return AF_UNSPEC;

#define nm_assert_addr_family(addr_family) \
	nm_assert (NM_IN_SET ((addr_family), AF_INET, AF_INET6))


typedef struct {
	union {
		guint8 addr_ptr[1];
		in_addr_t addr4;
		struct in_addr addr4_struct;
		struct in6_addr addr6;

		/* NMIPAddr is really a union for IP addresses.
		 * However, as ethernet addresses fit in here nicely, use
		 * it also for an ethernet MAC address. */
		guint8 addr_eth[6 /*ETH_ALEN*/];

		guint8 array[sizeof (struct in6_addr)];
} NMIPAddr;

#define NM_IP_ADDR_INIT { .array = { 0 } }

extern const NMIPAddr nm_ip_addr_zero;

static inline int
nm_ip_addr_cmp (int addr_family, gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
	nm_assert_addr_family (addr_family);
	nm_assert (a);
	nm_assert (b);

	return memcmp (a, b, nm_utils_addr_family_to_size (addr_family));

static inline gboolean
nm_ip_addr_equal (int addr_family, gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
	return nm_ip_addr_cmp (addr_family, a, b) == 0;

static inline gboolean
nm_ip_addr_is_null (int addr_family, gconstpointer addr)
	nm_assert (addr);
	if (addr_family == AF_INET6)
		return IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED ((const struct in6_addr *) addr);
	nm_assert (addr_family == AF_INET);
	return ((const struct in_addr *) addr)->s_addr == 0;

static inline void
nm_ip_addr_set (int addr_family, gpointer dst, gconstpointer src)
	nm_assert_addr_family (addr_family);
	nm_assert (dst);
	nm_assert (src);

	memcpy (dst,
	        (addr_family != AF_INET6)
	          ? sizeof (in_addr_t)
	          : sizeof (struct in6_addr));

gboolean nm_ip_addr_set_from_untrusted (int addr_family,
                                        gpointer dst,
                                        gconstpointer src,
                                        gsize src_len,
                                        int *out_addr_family);

static inline gboolean
nm_ip4_addr_is_localhost (in_addr_t addr4)
	return (addr4 & htonl (0xFF000000u)) == htonl (0x7F000000u);


struct ether_addr;

static inline int
nm_utils_ether_addr_cmp (const struct ether_addr *a1, const struct ether_addr *a2)
	nm_assert (a1);
	nm_assert (a2);
	return memcmp (a1, a2, 6 /*ETH_ALEN*/);

static inline gboolean
nm_utils_ether_addr_equal (const struct ether_addr *a1, const struct ether_addr *a2)
	return nm_utils_ether_addr_cmp (a1, a2) == 0;



static inline const char *
nm_utils_inet_ntop (int addr_family, gconstpointer addr, char *dst)
	const char *s;

	const char *inet_ntop (int af,
	                       const void *src,
	                       char *dst,
	                       socklen_t size);

	nm_assert_addr_family (addr_family);
	nm_assert (addr);
	nm_assert (dst);

	s = inet_ntop (addr_family,
	               addr_family == AF_INET6 ? INET6_ADDRSTRLEN : INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
	nm_assert (s);
	return s;

static inline const char *
_nm_utils_inet4_ntop (in_addr_t addr, char dst[static INET_ADDRSTRLEN])
	return nm_utils_inet_ntop (AF_INET, &addr, dst);

static inline const char *
_nm_utils_inet6_ntop (const struct in6_addr *addr, char dst[static INET6_ADDRSTRLEN])
	return nm_utils_inet_ntop (AF_INET6, addr, dst);

static inline char *
nm_utils_inet_ntop_dup (int addr_family, gconstpointer addr)

	return g_strdup (nm_utils_inet_ntop (addr_family, addr, buf));

static inline char *
nm_utils_inet4_ntop_dup (in_addr_t addr)
	return nm_utils_inet_ntop_dup (AF_INET, &addr);

static inline char *
nm_utils_inet6_ntop_dup (const struct in6_addr *addr)
	return nm_utils_inet_ntop_dup (AF_INET6, addr);


gboolean nm_utils_ipaddr_is_valid (int addr_family,
                                   const char *str_addr);

gboolean nm_utils_ipaddr_is_normalized (int addr_family,
                                        const char *str_addr);


#define NM_CMP_RETURN(c) \
    G_STMT_START { \
        const int _cc = (c); \
        if (_cc) \
            return _cc < 0 ? -1 : 1; \
    } G_STMT_END

    G_STMT_START { \
        const int _cc = (c); \
        if (_cc) \
            return _cc; \
    } G_STMT_END

#define NM_CMP_SELF(a, b) \
    G_STMT_START { \
        typeof (a) _a = (a); \
        typeof (b) _b = (b); \
        if (_a == _b) \
            return 0; \
        if (!_a) \
            return -1; \
        if (!_b) \
            return 1; \
    } G_STMT_END

#define NM_CMP_DIRECT(a, b) \
    G_STMT_START { \
        typeof (a) _a = (a); \
        typeof (b) _b = (b); \
        if (_a != _b) \
            return (_a < _b) ? -1 : 1; \
    } G_STMT_END

/* In the general case, direct pointer comparison is undefined behavior in C.
 * Avoid that by casting pointers to void* and then to uintptr_t. This comparison
 * is not really meaningful, except that it provides some kind of stable sort order
 * between pointers (that can otherwise not be compared). */
#define NM_CMP_DIRECT_PTR(a, b) \
	NM_CMP_DIRECT ((uintptr_t) ((void *) (a)), \
	               (uintptr_t) ((void *) (b)))

#define NM_CMP_DIRECT_MEMCMP(a, b, size) \
    NM_CMP_RETURN (memcmp ((a), (b), (size)))

#define NM_CMP_DIRECT_STRCMP(a, b) \
    NM_CMP_RETURN_DIRECT (strcmp ((a), (b)))

#define NM_CMP_DIRECT_STRCMP0(a, b) \
    NM_CMP_RETURN_DIRECT (nm_strcmp0 ((a), (b)))

#define NM_CMP_DIRECT_IN6ADDR(a, b) \
    G_STMT_START { \
        const struct in6_addr *const _a = (a); \
        const struct in6_addr *const _b = (b); \
        NM_CMP_RETURN (memcmp (_a, _b, sizeof (struct in6_addr))); \
    } G_STMT_END

#define NM_CMP_FIELD(a, b, field) \
    NM_CMP_DIRECT (((a)->field), ((b)->field))

#define NM_CMP_FIELD_UNSAFE(a, b, field) \
    G_STMT_START { \
        /* it's unsafe, because it evaluates the arguments more then once.
         * This is necessary for bitfields, for which typeof() doesn't work. */ \
        if (((a)->field) != ((b)->field)) \
            return ((a)->field < ((b)->field)) ? -1 : 1; \
    } G_STMT_END

#define NM_CMP_FIELD_BOOL(a, b, field) \
    NM_CMP_DIRECT (!!((a)->field), !!((b)->field))

#define NM_CMP_FIELD_STR(a, b, field) \
    NM_CMP_RETURN (strcmp (((a)->field), ((b)->field)))

#define NM_CMP_FIELD_STR_INTERNED(a, b, field) \
    G_STMT_START { \
        const char *_a = ((a)->field); \
        const char *_b = ((b)->field); \
        if (_a != _b) { \
            NM_CMP_RETURN_DIRECT (nm_strcmp0 (_a, _b)); \
        } \
    } G_STMT_END

#define NM_CMP_FIELD_STR0(a, b, field) \
    NM_CMP_RETURN_DIRECT (nm_strcmp0 (((a)->field), ((b)->field)))

#define NM_CMP_FIELD_MEMCMP_LEN(a, b, field, len) \
    NM_CMP_RETURN (memcmp (&((a)->field), &((b)->field), \
                           NM_MIN (len, sizeof ((a)->field))))

#define NM_CMP_FIELD_MEMCMP(a, b, field) \
    NM_CMP_RETURN (memcmp (&((a)->field), \
                           &((b)->field), \
                           sizeof ((a)->field)))

#define NM_CMP_FIELD_IN6ADDR(a, b, field) \
    G_STMT_START { \
        const struct in6_addr *const _a = &((a)->field); \
        const struct in6_addr *const _b = &((b)->field); \
        NM_CMP_RETURN (memcmp (_a, _b, sizeof (struct in6_addr))); \
    } G_STMT_END


gboolean nm_utils_memeqzero (gconstpointer data, gsize length);


extern const void *const _NM_PTRARRAY_EMPTY[1];

#define NM_PTRARRAY_EMPTY(type) ((type const*) _NM_PTRARRAY_EMPTY)

static inline void
_nm_utils_strbuf_init (char *buf, gsize len, char **p_buf_ptr, gsize *p_buf_len)
	NM_SET_OUT (p_buf_len, len);
	NM_SET_OUT (p_buf_ptr, buf);
	buf[0] = '\0';

#define nm_utils_strbuf_init(buf, p_buf_ptr, p_buf_len) \
		G_STATIC_ASSERT (G_N_ELEMENTS (buf) == sizeof (buf) && sizeof (buf) > sizeof (char *)); \
		_nm_utils_strbuf_init ((buf), sizeof (buf), (p_buf_ptr), (p_buf_len)); \
void nm_utils_strbuf_append (char **buf, gsize *len, const char *format, ...) _nm_printf (3, 4);
void nm_utils_strbuf_append_c (char **buf, gsize *len, char c);
void nm_utils_strbuf_append_str (char **buf, gsize *len, const char *str);
void nm_utils_strbuf_append_bin (char **buf, gsize *len, gconstpointer str, gsize str_len);
void nm_utils_strbuf_seek_end (char **buf, gsize *len);

const char *nm_strquote (char *buf, gsize buf_len, const char *str);

static inline gboolean
nm_utils_is_separator (const char c)
	return NM_IN_SET (c, ' ', '\t');


GBytes *nm_gbytes_get_empty (void);

static inline gboolean
nm_gbytes_equal0 (GBytes *a, GBytes *b)
	return a == b || (a && b && g_bytes_equal (a, b));

gboolean nm_utils_gbytes_equal_mem (GBytes *bytes,
                                    gconstpointer mem_data,
                                    gsize mem_len);

GVariant *nm_utils_gbytes_to_variant_ay (GBytes *bytes);

GVariant *nm_utils_strdict_to_variant_ass (GHashTable *strdict);


GVariant *nm_utils_gvariant_vardict_filter (GVariant *src,
                                            gboolean (*filter_fcn) (const char *key,
                                                                    GVariant *val,
                                                                    char **out_key,
                                                                    GVariant **out_val,
                                                                    gpointer user_data),
                                            gpointer user_data);

GVariant *
nm_utils_gvariant_vardict_filter_drop_one (GVariant *src,
                                           const char *key);


static inline int
nm_utils_hexchar_to_int (char ch)

	if (ch >= '0') {
		if (ch <= '9')
			return ch - '0';
		if (ch >= 'A') {
			if (ch <= 'F')
				return ((int) ch) + (10 - (int) 'A');
			if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')
				return ((int) ch) + (10 - (int) 'a');
	return -1;


const char *nm_utils_dbus_path_get_last_component (const char *dbus_path);

int nm_utils_dbus_path_cmp (const char *dbus_path_a, const char *dbus_path_b);


typedef enum {

	/* by default, strsplit will coalesce consecutive delimiters and remove
	 * them from the result. If this flag is present, empty values are preserved
	 * and returned.
	 * When combined with %NM_UTILS_STRSPLIT_SET_FLAGS_STRSTRIP, if a value gets
	 * empty after strstrip(), it also gets removed. */

	/* %NM_UTILS_STRSPLIT_SET_FLAGS_ALLOW_ESCAPING means that delimiters prefixed
	 * by a backslash are not treated as a separator. Such delimiters and their escape
	 * character are copied to the current word without unescaping them. In general,
	 * nm_utils_strsplit_set_full() does not remove any backslash escape characters
	 * and does no unescaping. It only considers them for skipping to split at
	 * an escaped delimiter.
	 * If this is combined with (or implied by %NM_UTILS_STRSPLIT_SET_FLAGS_ESCAPED), then
	 * the backslash escapes are removed from the result.

	/* If flag is set, does the same as g_strstrip() on the returned tokens.
	 * This will remove leading and trailing ascii whitespaces (g_ascii_isspace()
	 *   empty tokens will be removed (and %NULL will be returned if that
	 *   results in an empty string array).
	 *   trailing whitespace escaped by backslash are not stripped. */

	 * This will do a final run over all tokens and remove all backslash
	 * escape characters that
	 *   - precede a delimiter.
	 *   - precede a backslash.
	 *   - preceed a whitespace (with %NM_UTILS_STRSPLIT_SET_FLAGS_STRSTRIP).
	 *  Note that with %NM_UTILS_STRSPLIT_SET_FLAGS_STRSTRIP, it is only
	 *  necessary to escape the very last whitespace (if the delimiters
	 *  are not whitespace themself). So, technically, it would be sufficient
	 *  to only unescape a backslash before the last whitespace and the user
	 *  still could express everything. However, such a rule would be complicated
	 *  to understand, so when using backslash escaping with nm_utils_strsplit_set_full(),
	 *  then all characters (including backslash) are treated verbatim, except:
	 *    - "\\$DELIMITER" (escaped delimiter)
	 *    - "\\\\" (escaped backslash)
	 *    - "\\$SPACE" (escaped space) (with %NM_UTILS_STRSPLIT_SET_FLAGS_STRSTRIP).
	 * Note that all other escapes like "\\n" or "\\001" are left alone.
	 * That makes the escaping/unescaping rules simple. Also, for the most part
	 * a text is just taken as-is, with little additional rules. Only backslashes
	 * need extra care, and then only if they proceed one of the relevant characters.

} NMUtilsStrsplitSetFlags;

const char **nm_utils_strsplit_set_full (const char *str,
                                         const char *delimiter,
                                         NMUtilsStrsplitSetFlags flags);

static inline const char **
nm_utils_strsplit_set_with_empty (const char *str,
                                  const char *delimiters)
	/* this returns the same result as g_strsplit_set(str, delimiters, -1), except
	 * it does not deep-clone the strv array.
	 * Also, for @str == "", this returns %NULL while g_strsplit_set() would return
	 * an empty strv array. */
	return nm_utils_strsplit_set_full (str, delimiters, NM_UTILS_STRSPLIT_SET_FLAGS_PRESERVE_EMPTY);

static inline const char **
nm_utils_strsplit_set (const char *str,
                       const char *delimiters)
	return nm_utils_strsplit_set_full (str, delimiters, NM_UTILS_STRSPLIT_SET_FLAGS_NONE);

gssize nm_utils_strv_find_first (char **list, gssize len, const char *needle);

char **_nm_utils_strv_cleanup (char **strv,
                               gboolean strip_whitespace,
                               gboolean skip_empty,
                               gboolean skip_repeated);


static inline const char **
nm_utils_escaped_tokens_split (const char *str,
                               const char *delimiters)
	return nm_utils_strsplit_set_full (str,
	                                   | NM_UTILS_STRSPLIT_SET_FLAGS_STRSTRIP);

typedef enum {

	/* Backslash characters will be escaped as "\\\\" if they precede another
	 * character that makes it necessary. Such characters are:
	 *  1) before another '\\' backslash.
	 *  2) before any delimiter in @delimiters.
	 *  3) before any delimiter in @delimiters_as_needed.
	 *  4) before a white space, if ESCAPE_LEADING_SPACE or ESCAPE_TRAILING_SPACE is set.
	 *  5) before the end of the word
	 * Rule 4) is an extension. It's not immediately clear why with ESCAPE_LEADING_SPACE
	 * and ESCAPE_TRAILING_SPACE we want *all* backslashes before a white space escaped.
	 * The reason is, that we obviously want to use ESCAPE_LEADING_SPACE and ESCAPE_TRAILING_SPACE
	 * in cases, where we later parse the backslash escaped strings back, but allowing to strip
	 * unescaped white spaces. That means, we want that " a " gets escaped as "\\ a\\ ".
	 * On the other hand, we also want that " a\\ b " gets escaped as "\\ a\\\\ b\\ ",
	 * and not "\\ a\\ b\\ ". Because otherwise, the parser would need to treat "\\ "
	 * differently depending on whether the sequence is at the beginning, end or middle
	 * of the word.
	 * Rule 5) is also not immediately obvious. When used with ESCAPE_TRAILING_SPACE,
	 * we clearly want to allow that an escaped word can have arbitrary
	 * whitespace suffixes. That's why this mode exists. So we must escape "a\\" as
	 * "a\\\\", so that appending " " does not change the meaning.
	 * Also without ESCAPE_TRAILING_SPACE, we want in general that we can concatenate
	 * two escaped words without changing their meaning. If the words would be "a\\"
	 * and "," (with ',' being a delimiter), then the result must be "a\\\\" and "\\,"
	 * so that the concatenated word ("a\\\\\\,") is still the same. If we would escape
	 * them instead as "a\\" + "\\,", then the concatenated word would be "a\\\\," and
	 * different.
	 * */

} NMUtilsEscapedTokensEscapeFlags;

const char *nm_utils_escaped_tokens_escape_full (const char *str,
                                                 const char *delimiters,
                                                 const char *delimiters_as_needed,
                                                 NMUtilsEscapedTokensEscapeFlags flags,
                                                 char **out_to_free);

static inline const char *
nm_utils_escaped_tokens_escape (const char *str,
                                const char *delimiters,
                                char **out_to_free)
	return nm_utils_escaped_tokens_escape_full (str,
	                                            | NM_UTILS_ESCAPED_TOKENS_ESCAPE_FLAGS_ESCAPE_TRAILING_SPACE,

static inline GString *
nm_utils_escaped_tokens_escape_gstr_assert (const char *str,
                                            const char *delimiters,
                                            GString *gstring)

	/* Just appends @str to @gstring, but also assert that
	 * no escaping is necessary.
	 * Use nm_utils_escaped_tokens_escape_gstr_assert() instead
	 * of nm_utils_escaped_tokens_escape_gstr(), if you *know* that
	 * @str contains no delimiters, no backslashes, and no trailing
	 * whitespace that requires escaping. */

	nm_assert (str);
	nm_assert (gstring);
	nm_assert (delimiters);

		gs_free char *str_to_free = NULL;
		const char *str0;

		str0 = nm_utils_escaped_tokens_escape (str, delimiters, &str_to_free);
		nm_assert (str0 == str);
		nm_assert (!str_to_free);

	g_string_append (gstring, str);
	return gstring;

static inline GString *
nm_utils_escaped_tokens_escape_gstr (const char *str,
                                     const char *delimiters,
                                     GString *gstring)
	gs_free char *str_to_free = NULL;

	nm_assert (str);
	nm_assert (gstring);

	g_string_append (gstring,
	                 nm_utils_escaped_tokens_escape (str, delimiters, &str_to_free));
	return gstring;


char **nm_utils_strsplit_quoted (const char *str);


static inline const char **
nm_utils_escaped_tokens_options_split_list (const char *str)
	return nm_utils_strsplit_set_full (str,
	                                   | NM_UTILS_STRSPLIT_SET_FLAGS_ALLOW_ESCAPING);

void nm_utils_escaped_tokens_options_split (char *str,
                                            const char **out_key,
                                            const char **out_val);

static inline const char *
nm_utils_escaped_tokens_options_escape_key (const char *key,
                                            char **out_to_free)
	return nm_utils_escaped_tokens_escape_full (key,
	                                            | NM_UTILS_ESCAPED_TOKENS_ESCAPE_FLAGS_ESCAPE_LEADING_SPACE
	                                            | NM_UTILS_ESCAPED_TOKENS_ESCAPE_FLAGS_ESCAPE_TRAILING_SPACE,

static inline const char *
nm_utils_escaped_tokens_options_escape_val (const char *val,
                                            char **out_to_free)
	return nm_utils_escaped_tokens_escape_full (val,
	                                            | NM_UTILS_ESCAPED_TOKENS_ESCAPE_FLAGS_ESCAPE_LEADING_SPACE
	                                            | NM_UTILS_ESCAPED_TOKENS_ESCAPE_FLAGS_ESCAPE_TRAILING_SPACE,


#define NM_UTILS_CHECKSUM_LENGTH_MD5          16
#define NM_UTILS_CHECKSUM_LENGTH_SHA1         20
#define NM_UTILS_CHECKSUM_LENGTH_SHA256       32

#define nm_utils_checksum_get_digest(sum, arr) \
		GChecksum *const _sum = (sum); \
		gsize _len; \
		                      || sizeof (arr) == NM_UTILS_CHECKSUM_LENGTH_SHA1 \
		                      || sizeof (arr) == NM_UTILS_CHECKSUM_LENGTH_SHA256); \
		G_STATIC_ASSERT_EXPR (sizeof (arr) == G_N_ELEMENTS (arr)); \
		nm_assert (_sum); \
		_len = G_N_ELEMENTS (arr); \
		g_checksum_get_digest (_sum, (arr), &_len); \
		nm_assert (_len == G_N_ELEMENTS (arr)); \

#define nm_utils_checksum_get_digest_len(sum, buf, len) \
		GChecksum *const _sum = (sum); \
		const gsize _len0 = (len); \
		gsize _len; \
		nm_assert (NM_IN_SET (_len0, NM_UTILS_CHECKSUM_LENGTH_MD5, \
		                             NM_UTILS_CHECKSUM_LENGTH_SHA1, \
		                             NM_UTILS_CHECKSUM_LENGTH_SHA256)); \
		nm_assert (_sum); \
		_len = _len0; \
		g_checksum_get_digest (_sum, (buf), &_len); \
		nm_assert (_len == _len0); \


guint32 _nm_utils_ip4_prefix_to_netmask (guint32 prefix);
guint32 _nm_utils_ip4_get_default_prefix (guint32 ip);

gconstpointer          nm_utils_ipx_address_clear_host_address (int family, gpointer dst, gconstpointer src, guint8 plen);
in_addr_t              nm_utils_ip4_address_clear_host_address (in_addr_t addr, guint8 plen);
const struct in6_addr *nm_utils_ip6_address_clear_host_address (struct in6_addr *dst, const struct in6_addr *src, guint8 plen);
int nm_utils_ip6_address_same_prefix_cmp (const struct in6_addr *addr_a, const struct in6_addr *addr_b, guint8 plen);

gboolean nm_utils_ip_is_site_local (int addr_family,
                                    const void *address);


gboolean nm_utils_parse_inaddr_bin_full (int addr_family,
                                         gboolean accept_legacy,
                                         const char *text,
                                         int *out_addr_family,
                                         gpointer out_addr);
static inline gboolean
nm_utils_parse_inaddr_bin (int addr_family,
                           const char *text,
                           int *out_addr_family,
                           gpointer out_addr)
	return nm_utils_parse_inaddr_bin_full (addr_family, FALSE, text, out_addr_family, out_addr);

gboolean nm_utils_parse_inaddr (int addr_family,
                                const char *text,
                                char **out_addr);

gboolean nm_utils_parse_inaddr_prefix_bin (int addr_family,
                                           const char *text,
                                           int *out_addr_family,
                                           gpointer out_addr,
                                           int *out_prefix);

gboolean nm_utils_parse_inaddr_prefix (int addr_family,
                                       const char *text,
                                       char **out_addr,
                                       int *out_prefix);

gboolean nm_utils_parse_next_line (const char **inout_ptr,
                                   gsize *inout_len,
                                   const char **out_line,
                                   gsize *out_line_len);

gint64 nm_g_ascii_strtoll (const char *nptr,
                           char **endptr,
                           guint base);

guint64 nm_g_ascii_strtoull (const char *nptr,
                             char **endptr,
                             guint base);

double nm_g_ascii_strtod (const char *nptr,
                          char **endptr);

gint64  _nm_utils_ascii_str_to_int64  (const char *str, guint base, gint64  min, gint64  max, gint64  fallback);
guint64 _nm_utils_ascii_str_to_uint64 (const char *str, guint base, guint64 min, guint64 max, guint64 fallback);

int _nm_utils_ascii_str_to_bool (const char *str,
                                  int default_value);


extern char _nm_utils_to_string_buffer[2096];

void     nm_utils_to_string_buffer_init (char **buf, gsize *len);
gboolean nm_utils_to_string_buffer_init_null (gconstpointer obj, char **buf, gsize *len);


typedef struct {
	unsigned flag;
	const char *name;
} NMUtilsFlags2StrDesc;

#define NM_UTILS_FLAGS2STR(f, n) { .flag = f, .name = ""n, }

#define NM_UTILS_FLAGS2STR_DEFINE(fcn_name, flags_type, ...) \
const char * \
fcn_name (flags_type flags, char *buf, gsize len) \
{ \
	static const NMUtilsFlags2StrDesc descs[] = { \
		__VA_ARGS__ \
	}; \
	G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof (flags_type) <= sizeof (unsigned)); \
	return nm_utils_flags2str (descs, G_N_ELEMENTS (descs), flags, buf, len); \

const char *nm_utils_flags2str (const NMUtilsFlags2StrDesc *descs,
                                gsize n_descs,
                                unsigned flags,
                                char *buf,
                                gsize len);


#define NM_UTILS_ENUM2STR(v, n)     (void) 0; case v: s = ""n""; break; (void) 0
#define NM_UTILS_ENUM2STR_IGNORE(v) (void) 0; case v: break; (void) 0

#define NM_UTILS_ENUM2STR_DEFINE_FULL(fcn_name, lookup_type, int_fmt, ...) \
const char * \
fcn_name (lookup_type val, char *buf, gsize len) \
{ \
	nm_utils_to_string_buffer_init (&buf, &len); \
	if (len) { \
		const char *s = NULL; \
		switch (val) { \
			(void) 0, \
			__VA_ARGS__ \
			(void) 0; \
		}; \
		if (s) \
			g_strlcpy (buf, s, len); \
		else \
			g_snprintf (buf, len, "(%"int_fmt")", val); \
	} \
	return buf; \

#define NM_UTILS_ENUM2STR_DEFINE(fcn_name, lookup_type, ...) \
	NM_UTILS_ENUM2STR_DEFINE_FULL (fcn_name, lookup_type, "d", __VA_ARGS__)


#define _nm_g_slice_free_fcn_define(mem_size) \
static inline void \
_nm_g_slice_free_fcn_##mem_size (gpointer mem_block) \
{ \
	g_slice_free1 (mem_size, mem_block); \

_nm_g_slice_free_fcn_define (1)
_nm_g_slice_free_fcn_define (2)
_nm_g_slice_free_fcn_define (4)
_nm_g_slice_free_fcn_define (8)
_nm_g_slice_free_fcn_define (10)
_nm_g_slice_free_fcn_define (12)
_nm_g_slice_free_fcn_define (16)
_nm_g_slice_free_fcn_define (32)

#define nm_g_slice_free_fcn1(mem_size) \
	({ \
		void (*_fcn) (gpointer); \
		/* If mem_size is a compile time constant, the compiler
		 * will be able to optimize this. Hence, you don't want
		 * to call this with a non-constant size argument. */ \
		G_STATIC_ASSERT_EXPR (   ((mem_size) ==  1) \
		                      || ((mem_size) ==  2) \
		                      || ((mem_size) ==  4) \
		                      || ((mem_size) ==  8) \
		                      || ((mem_size) == 10) \
		                      || ((mem_size) == 12) \
		                      || ((mem_size) == 16) \
		                      || ((mem_size) == 32)); \
		switch ((mem_size)) { \
		case  1: _fcn = _nm_g_slice_free_fcn_1;  break; \
		case  2: _fcn = _nm_g_slice_free_fcn_2;  break; \
		case  4: _fcn = _nm_g_slice_free_fcn_4;  break; \
		case  8: _fcn = _nm_g_slice_free_fcn_8;  break; \
		case 10: _fcn = _nm_g_slice_free_fcn_10; break; \
		case 12: _fcn = _nm_g_slice_free_fcn_12; break; \
		case 16: _fcn = _nm_g_slice_free_fcn_16; break; \
		case 32: _fcn = _nm_g_slice_free_fcn_32; break; \
		default: g_assert_not_reached (); _fcn = NULL; break; \
		} \
		_fcn; \

 * nm_g_slice_free_fcn:
 * @type: type argument for sizeof() operator that you would
 *   pass to g_slice_new().
 * Returns: a function pointer with GDestroyNotify signature
 *   for g_slice_free(type,*).
 * Only certain types are implemented. You'll get a compile time
 * error for the wrong types. */
#define nm_g_slice_free_fcn(type) (nm_g_slice_free_fcn1 (sizeof (type)))

#define nm_g_slice_free_fcn_gint64 (nm_g_slice_free_fcn (gint64))


/* Like g_error_matches() however:
 * - as macro it is always inlined.
 * - the @domain is usually a error quark getter function that cannot
 *   be inlined. This macro calls the getter only if there is an error (lazy).
 * - accept a list of allowed codes, instead of only one.
#define nm_g_error_matches(error, err_domain, ...) \
	({ \
		const GError *const _error = (error); \
		   _error \
		&& _error->domain == (err_domain) \
		&& NM_IN_SET (_error->code, __VA_ARGS__); \

static inline void
nm_g_set_error_take (GError **error, GError *error_take)
	if (!error_take)
		g_return_if_reached ();
	if (!error) {
		g_error_free (error_take);
	if (*error) {
		g_error_free (error_take);
		g_return_if_reached ();
	*error = error_take;

#define nm_g_set_error_take_lazy(error, error_take_lazy) \
		GError **_error = (error); \
		if (_error) \
			nm_g_set_error_take (_error, (error_take_lazy)); \

 * NMUtilsError:
 * @NM_UTILS_ERROR_UNKNOWN: unknown or unclassified error
 * @NM_UTILS_ERROR_CANCELLED_DISPOSING: when disposing an object that has
 *   pending aynchronous operations, the operation is cancelled with this
 *   error reason. Depending on the usage, this might indicate a bug because
 *   usually the target object should stay alive as long as there are pending
 *   operations.
 *   purpose during nm_device_check_connection_compatible() to indicate that
 *   the profile does not match the device already because their type differs.
 *   That is, there is a fundamental reason of trying to check a profile that
 *   cannot possibly match on this device.
 *   purpose during nm_device_check_connection_available(), to indicate that the
 *   device is not available because it is unmanaged.
 *   available/compatible with the device, but this may be only temporary.
 * @NM_UTILS_ERROR_SETTING_MISSING: the setting is missing
 * @NM_UTILS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid argument.
typedef enum {
	NM_UTILS_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 0,                 /*< nick=Unknown >*/
	NM_UTILS_ERROR_CANCELLED_DISPOSING,         /*< nick=CancelledDisposing >*/
	NM_UTILS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,            /*< nick=InvalidArgument >*/

	/* the following codes have a special meaning and are exactly used for
	 * nm_device_check_connection_compatible() and nm_device_check_connection_available().
	 * Actually, their meaning is not very important (so, don't think too
	 * hard about the name of these error codes). What is important, is their
	 * relative order (i.e. the integer value of the codes). When manager
	 * searches for a suitable device, it will check all devices whether
	 * a profile can be activated. If they all fail, it will pick the error
	 * message from the device that returned the *highest* error code,
	 * in the hope that this message makes the most sense for the caller.
	 * */


} NMUtilsError;

#define NM_UTILS_ERROR (nm_utils_error_quark ())
GQuark nm_utils_error_quark (void);

void nm_utils_error_set_cancelled (GError **error,
                                   gboolean is_disposing,
                                   const char *instance_name);

static inline GError *
nm_utils_error_new_cancelled (gboolean is_disposing,
                              const char *instance_name)
	GError *error = NULL;

	nm_utils_error_set_cancelled (&error, is_disposing, instance_name);
	return error;

gboolean nm_utils_error_is_cancelled_or_disposing (GError *error);

static inline gboolean
nm_utils_error_is_cancelled (GError *error)
	return    error
	       && error->code == G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED
	       && error->domain == G_IO_ERROR;

gboolean nm_utils_error_is_notfound (GError *error);

static inline void
nm_utils_error_set_literal (GError **error, int error_code, const char *literal)
	g_set_error_literal (error, NM_UTILS_ERROR, error_code, literal);

#define nm_utils_error_set(error, error_code, ...) \
		if (NM_NARG (__VA_ARGS__) == 1) { \
			g_set_error_literal ((error), NM_UTILS_ERROR, (error_code), _NM_UTILS_MACRO_FIRST (__VA_ARGS__)); \
		} else { \
			g_set_error ((error), NM_UTILS_ERROR, (error_code), __VA_ARGS__); \
		} \

#define nm_utils_error_set_errno(error, errsv, fmt, ...) \
		char _bstrerr[NM_STRERROR_BUFSIZE]; \
		g_set_error ((error), \
		             NM_UTILS_ERROR, \
		             NM_UTILS_ERROR_UNKNOWN, \
		             fmt, \
		             ##__VA_ARGS__, \
		             nm_strerror_native_r (({ \
		                                      const int _errsv = (errsv); \
		                                      (  _errsv >= 0 \
		                                       ? _errsv \
		                                       : (  G_UNLIKELY (_errsv == G_MININT) \
		                                          ? G_MAXINT \
		                                          : -errsv)); \
		                                   }), \
		                                   _bstrerr, \
		                                   sizeof (_bstrerr))); \

#define nm_utils_error_new(error_code, ...) \
	(   (NM_NARG (__VA_ARGS__) == 1) \
	 ? g_error_new_literal (NM_UTILS_ERROR, (error_code), _NM_UTILS_MACRO_FIRST (__VA_ARGS__)) \
	 : g_error_new         (NM_UTILS_ERROR, (error_code), __VA_ARGS__))


gboolean nm_g_object_set_property (GObject *object,
                                   const char *property_name,
                                   const GValue *value,
                                   GError **error);

gboolean nm_g_object_set_property_string (GObject *object,
                                          const char *property_name,
                                          const char *value,
                                          GError **error);

gboolean nm_g_object_set_property_string_static (GObject *object,
                                                 const char *property_name,
                                                 const char *value,
                                                 GError **error);

gboolean nm_g_object_set_property_string_take (GObject *object,
                                               const char *property_name,
                                               char *value,
                                               GError **error);

gboolean nm_g_object_set_property_boolean (GObject *object,
                                           const char *property_name,
                                           gboolean value,
                                           GError **error);

gboolean nm_g_object_set_property_char (GObject *object,
                                        const char *property_name,
                                        gint8 value,
                                        GError **error);

gboolean nm_g_object_set_property_uchar (GObject *object,
                                         const char *property_name,
                                         guint8 value,
                                         GError **error);

gboolean nm_g_object_set_property_int (GObject *object,
                                       const char *property_name,
                                       int value,
                                       GError **error);

gboolean nm_g_object_set_property_int64 (GObject *object,
                                         const char *property_name,
                                         gint64 value,
                                         GError **error);

gboolean nm_g_object_set_property_uint (GObject *object,
                                        const char *property_name,
                                        guint value,
                                        GError **error);

gboolean nm_g_object_set_property_uint64 (GObject *object,
                                          const char *property_name,
                                          guint64 value,
                                          GError **error);

gboolean nm_g_object_set_property_flags (GObject *object,
                                         const char *property_name,
                                         GType gtype,
                                         guint value,
                                         GError **error);

gboolean nm_g_object_set_property_enum (GObject *object,
                                        const char *property_name,
                                        GType gtype,
                                        int value,
                                        GError **error);

GParamSpec *nm_g_object_class_find_property_from_gtype (GType gtype,
                                                        const char *property_name);


#define _NM_G_PARAM_SPEC_CAST(param_spec, _value_type, _c_type) \
	({ \
		const GParamSpec *const _param_spec = (param_spec); \
		nm_assert (   !_param_spec \
		           || _param_spec->value_type == (_value_type)); \
		((const _c_type *) _param_spec); \

#define NM_G_PARAM_SPEC_CAST_BOOLEAN(param_spec) _NM_G_PARAM_SPEC_CAST (param_spec, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, GParamSpecBoolean)
#define NM_G_PARAM_SPEC_CAST_UINT(param_spec)    _NM_G_PARAM_SPEC_CAST (param_spec, G_TYPE_UINT,    GParamSpecUInt)
#define NM_G_PARAM_SPEC_CAST_UINT64(param_spec)  _NM_G_PARAM_SPEC_CAST (param_spec, G_TYPE_UINT64,  GParamSpecUInt64)

#define NM_G_PARAM_SPEC_GET_DEFAULT_BOOLEAN(param_spec) (NM_G_PARAM_SPEC_CAST_BOOLEAN (NM_ENSURE_NOT_NULL (param_spec))->default_value)
#define NM_G_PARAM_SPEC_GET_DEFAULT_UINT(param_spec)    (NM_G_PARAM_SPEC_CAST_UINT    (NM_ENSURE_NOT_NULL (param_spec))->default_value)
#define NM_G_PARAM_SPEC_GET_DEFAULT_UINT64(param_spec)  (NM_G_PARAM_SPEC_CAST_UINT64  (NM_ENSURE_NOT_NULL (param_spec))->default_value)


GType nm_g_type_find_implementing_class_for_property (GType gtype,
                                                      const char *pname);


typedef enum {
	NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE                = 0,

	/* This flag only has an effect during escaping. */

	/* This flag only has an effect during escaping. */

	/* This flag only has an effect during escaping to ensure we
	 * don't leak secrets in memory. Note that during unescape we
	 * know the maximum result size from the beginning, and no
	 * reallocation happens. Thus, unescape always avoids leaking
	 * secrets already. */
	NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_SECRET              = 0x0004,

	/* This flag only has an effect during unescaping. It means
	 * that non-escaped whitespaces (g_ascii_isspace()) will be
	 * stripped from the front and end of the string. Note that
	 * this flag is only useful for gracefully accepting user input
	 * with spaces. With this flag, escape and unescape may no longer
	 * yield the original input. */
} NMUtilsStrUtf8SafeFlags;

const char *nm_utils_buf_utf8safe_escape (gconstpointer buf, gssize buflen, NMUtilsStrUtf8SafeFlags flags, char **to_free);
char *nm_utils_buf_utf8safe_escape_cp (gconstpointer buf, gssize buflen, NMUtilsStrUtf8SafeFlags flags);
const char *nm_utils_buf_utf8safe_escape_bytes (GBytes *bytes, NMUtilsStrUtf8SafeFlags flags, char **to_free);
gconstpointer nm_utils_buf_utf8safe_unescape (const char *str, NMUtilsStrUtf8SafeFlags flags, gsize *out_len, gpointer *to_free);

const char *nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape   (const char *str, NMUtilsStrUtf8SafeFlags flags, char **to_free);
const char *nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape (const char *str, NMUtilsStrUtf8SafeFlags flags, char **to_free);

char *nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape_cp   (const char *str, NMUtilsStrUtf8SafeFlags flags);
char *nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape_cp (const char *str, NMUtilsStrUtf8SafeFlags flags);

char *nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape_take (char *str, NMUtilsStrUtf8SafeFlags flags);

static inline void
nm_g_variant_unref_floating (GVariant *var)
	/* often a function wants to keep a reference to an input variant.
	 * It uses g_variant_ref_sink() to either increase the ref-count,
	 * or take ownership of a possibly floating reference.
	 * If the function doesn't actually want to do anything with the
	 * input variant, it still must make sure that a passed in floating
	 * reference is consumed. Hence, this helper which:
	 *   - does nothing if @var is not floating
	 *   - unrefs (consumes) @var if it is floating. */
	if (g_variant_is_floating (var))
		g_variant_unref (var);

#define nm_g_variant_lookup(dictionary, ...) \
	({ \
		GVariant *const _dictionary = (dictionary); \
		(   _dictionary \
		 && g_variant_lookup (_dictionary, __VA_ARGS__)); \

static inline GVariant *
nm_g_variant_lookup_value (GVariant *dictionary,
                           const char *key,
                           const GVariantType *expected_type)
	return   dictionary
	       ? g_variant_lookup_value (dictionary, key, expected_type)
	       : NULL;

static inline gboolean
nm_g_variant_is_of_type (GVariant *value,
                         const GVariantType *type)
	return    value
	       && g_variant_is_of_type (value, type);

static inline void
nm_g_variant_builder_add_sv (GVariantBuilder *builder, const char *key, GVariant *val)
	g_variant_builder_add (builder, "{sv}", key, val);

static inline void
nm_g_variant_builder_add_sv_bytearray (GVariantBuilder *builder, const char *key, const guint8 *arr, gsize len)
	g_variant_builder_add (builder, "{sv}", key, g_variant_new_fixed_array (G_VARIANT_TYPE_BYTE, arr, len, 1));

static inline void
nm_g_variant_builder_add_sv_uint32 (GVariantBuilder *builder, const char *key, guint32 val)
	nm_g_variant_builder_add_sv (builder, key, g_variant_new_uint32 (val));

static inline void
nm_g_variant_builder_add_sv_str (GVariantBuilder *builder, const char *key, const char *str)
	nm_g_variant_builder_add_sv (builder, key, g_variant_new_string (str));

static inline void
nm_g_source_destroy_and_unref (GSource *source)
	g_source_destroy (source);
	g_source_unref (source);

#define nm_clear_g_source_inst(ptr) (nm_clear_pointer ((ptr), nm_g_source_destroy_and_unref))

NM_AUTO_DEFINE_FCN0 (GSource *, _nm_auto_destroy_and_unref_gsource, nm_g_source_destroy_and_unref);
#define nm_auto_destroy_and_unref_gsource nm_auto(_nm_auto_destroy_and_unref_gsource)

NM_AUTO_DEFINE_FCN0 (GMainContext *, _nm_auto_pop_gmaincontext, g_main_context_pop_thread_default)
#define nm_auto_pop_gmaincontext nm_auto (_nm_auto_pop_gmaincontext)

static inline gboolean
nm_source_func_unref_gobject (gpointer user_data)
	nm_assert (G_IS_OBJECT (user_data));
	g_object_unref (user_data);

GSource *nm_g_idle_source_new (int priority,
                               GSourceFunc func,
                               gpointer user_data,
                               GDestroyNotify destroy_notify);

GSource *nm_g_timeout_source_new (guint timeout_msec,
                                  int priority,
                                  GSourceFunc func,
                                  gpointer user_data,
                                  GDestroyNotify destroy_notify);
GSource *nm_g_unix_fd_source_new (int fd,
                                  GIOCondition io_condition,
                                  int priority,
                                  gboolean (*source_func) (int fd,
                                                           GIOCondition condition,
                                                           gpointer user_data),
                                  gpointer user_data,
                                  GDestroyNotify destroy_notify);
GSource *nm_g_unix_signal_source_new (int signum,
                                      int priority,
                                      GSourceFunc handler,
                                      gpointer user_data,
                                      GDestroyNotify notify);

static inline GSource *
nm_g_source_attach (GSource *source,
                    GMainContext *context)
	g_source_attach (source, context);
	return source;

NM_AUTO_DEFINE_FCN0 (GMainContext *, _nm_auto_unref_gmaincontext, g_main_context_unref)
#define nm_auto_unref_gmaincontext nm_auto (_nm_auto_unref_gmaincontext)

static inline GMainContext *
nm_g_main_context_push_thread_default (GMainContext *context)
	/* This function is to work together with nm_auto_pop_gmaincontext. */
	if (G_UNLIKELY (!context))
		context = g_main_context_default ();
	g_main_context_push_thread_default (context);
	return context;

static inline gboolean
nm_g_main_context_is_thread_default (GMainContext *context)
	GMainContext *cur_context;

	cur_context = g_main_context_get_thread_default ();
	if (cur_context == context)
		return TRUE;

	if (G_UNLIKELY (!cur_context))
		cur_context = g_main_context_default ();
	else if (G_UNLIKELY (!context))
		context = g_main_context_default ();
		return FALSE;

	return (cur_context == context);

static inline GMainContext *
nm_g_main_context_push_thread_default_if_necessary (GMainContext *context)
	GMainContext *cur_context;

	cur_context = g_main_context_get_thread_default ();
	if (cur_context == context)
		return NULL;

	if (G_UNLIKELY (!cur_context)) {
		cur_context = g_main_context_default ();
		if (cur_context == context)
			return NULL;
	} else if (G_UNLIKELY (!context)) {
		context = g_main_context_default ();
		if (cur_context == context)
			return NULL;

	g_main_context_push_thread_default (context);
	return context;


static inline int
nm_utf8_collate0 (const char *a, const char *b)
	if (!a)
		return !b ? 0 : -1;
	if (!b)
		return 1;
	return g_utf8_collate (a, b);

int nm_strcmp_with_data (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer user_data);
int nm_strcmp_p_with_data (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer user_data);
int nm_strcmp0_p_with_data (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer user_data);
int nm_cmp_uint32_p_with_data (gconstpointer p_a, gconstpointer p_b, gpointer user_data);
int nm_cmp_int2ptr_p_with_data (gconstpointer p_a, gconstpointer p_b, gpointer user_data);


typedef struct {
	const char *name;
} NMUtilsNamedEntry;

typedef struct {
	union {
		NMUtilsNamedEntry named_entry;
		const char *name;
	union {
		const char *value_str;
		gconstpointer value_ptr;
} NMUtilsNamedValue;

#define NM_UTILS_NAMED_VALUE_INIT(n, v)     { .name = (n), .value_ptr = (v) }

NMUtilsNamedValue *nm_utils_named_values_from_str_dict_with_sort (GHashTable *hash,
                                                                  guint *out_len,
                                                                  GCompareDataFunc compare_func,
                                                                  gpointer user_data);

static inline NMUtilsNamedValue *
nm_utils_named_values_from_str_dict (GHashTable *hash, guint *out_len)
	G_STATIC_ASSERT (G_STRUCT_OFFSET (NMUtilsNamedValue, name) == 0);

	return nm_utils_named_values_from_str_dict_with_sort (hash, out_len, nm_strcmp_p_with_data, NULL);

gssize nm_utils_named_value_list_find (const NMUtilsNamedValue *arr,
                                       gsize len,
                                       const char *name,
                                       gboolean sorted);

gboolean nm_utils_named_value_list_is_sorted (const NMUtilsNamedValue *arr,
                                              gsize len,
                                              gboolean accept_duplicates,
                                              GCompareDataFunc compare_func,
                                              gpointer user_data);

void nm_utils_named_value_list_sort (NMUtilsNamedValue *arr,
                                     gsize len,
                                     GCompareDataFunc compare_func,
                                     gpointer user_data);


gpointer *nm_utils_hash_keys_to_array (GHashTable *hash,
                                       GCompareDataFunc compare_func,
                                       gpointer user_data,
                                       guint *out_len);

gpointer *nm_utils_hash_values_to_array (GHashTable *hash,
                                         GCompareDataFunc compare_func,
                                         gpointer user_data,
                                         guint *out_len);

static inline const char **
nm_utils_strdict_get_keys (const GHashTable *hash,
                           gboolean sorted,
                           guint *out_length)
	return (const char **) nm_utils_hash_keys_to_array ((GHashTable *) hash,
	                                                    sorted ? nm_strcmp_p_with_data : NULL,

gboolean nm_utils_hashtable_same_keys (const GHashTable *a,
                                       const GHashTable *b);

char **nm_utils_strv_make_deep_copied (const char **strv);

char **nm_utils_strv_make_deep_copied_n (const char **strv, gsize len);

static inline char **
nm_utils_strv_make_deep_copied_nonnull (const char **strv)
	return nm_utils_strv_make_deep_copied (strv) ?: g_new0 (char *, 1);

char **nm_utils_strv_dup (gpointer strv,
                          gssize len,
                          gboolean deep_copied);


GSList *nm_utils_g_slist_find_str (const GSList *list,
                                   const char *needle);

int nm_utils_g_slist_strlist_cmp (const GSList *a, const GSList *b);

char *nm_utils_g_slist_strlist_join (const GSList *a, const char *separator);


static inline guint
nm_g_array_len (const GArray *arr)
	return arr ? arr->len : 0u;


static inline guint
nm_g_ptr_array_len (const GPtrArray *arr)
	return arr ? arr->len : 0u;


static inline guint
nm_g_hash_table_size (GHashTable *hash)
	return hash ? g_hash_table_size (hash) : 0u;

static inline gpointer
nm_g_hash_table_lookup (GHashTable *hash, gconstpointer key)
	return hash ? g_hash_table_lookup (hash, key) : NULL;

static inline gboolean
nm_g_hash_table_remove (GHashTable *hash, gconstpointer key)
	return hash ? g_hash_table_remove (hash, key) : FALSE;


gssize nm_utils_ptrarray_find_binary_search (gconstpointer *list,
                                             gsize len,
                                             gconstpointer needle,
                                             GCompareDataFunc cmpfcn,
                                             gpointer user_data,
                                             gssize *out_idx_first,
                                             gssize *out_idx_last);

gssize nm_utils_array_find_binary_search (gconstpointer list,
                                          gsize elem_size,
                                          gsize len,
                                          gconstpointer needle,
                                          GCompareDataFunc cmpfcn,
                                          gpointer user_data);


typedef gboolean (*NMUtilsHashTableEqualFunc) (gconstpointer a,
                                               gconstpointer b);

gboolean nm_utils_hash_table_equal (const GHashTable *a,
                                    const GHashTable *b,
                                    gboolean treat_null_as_empty,
                                    NMUtilsHashTableEqualFunc equal_func);


void _nm_utils_strv_sort (const char **strv, gssize len);
#define nm_utils_strv_sort(strv, len) _nm_utils_strv_sort (NM_CAST_STRV_MC (strv), len)

int _nm_utils_strv_cmp_n (const char *const*strv1,
                          gssize len1,
                          const char *const*strv2,
                          gssize len2);

static inline gboolean
_nm_utils_strv_equal (char **strv1, char **strv2)
	return _nm_utils_strv_cmp_n ((const char *const*) strv1, -1,
	                             (const char *const*) strv2, -1) == 0;


#define NM_UTILS_NSEC_PER_SEC  ((gint64) 1000000000)
#define NM_UTILS_USEC_PER_SEC  ((gint64) 1000000)
#define NM_UTILS_MSEC_PER_SEC  ((gint64) 1000)
#define NM_UTILS_NSEC_PER_MSEC ((gint64) 1000000)

static inline gint64


int nm_utils_fd_wait_for_event (int fd, int event, gint64 timeout_nsec);
ssize_t nm_utils_fd_read_loop (int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes, bool do_poll);
int nm_utils_fd_read_loop_exact (int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes, bool do_poll);


#define NM_DEFINE_GDBUS_ARG_INFO_FULL(name_, ...) \
	((GDBusArgInfo *) (&((const GDBusArgInfo) { \
		.ref_count = -1, \
		.name = name_, \
		__VA_ARGS__ \

#define NM_DEFINE_GDBUS_ARG_INFO(name_, a_signature) \
		name_, \
		.signature = a_signature, \

	((GDBusArgInfo **) ((const GDBusArgInfo *[]) { \
		__VA_ARGS__ \
		NULL, \

#define NM_DEFINE_GDBUS_PROPERTY_INFO(name_, ...) \
	((GDBusPropertyInfo *) (&((const GDBusPropertyInfo) { \
		.ref_count = -1, \
		.name = name_, \
		__VA_ARGS__ \

#define NM_DEFINE_GDBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_READABLE(name_, m_signature) \
		name_, \
		.signature = m_signature, \

	((GDBusPropertyInfo **) ((const GDBusPropertyInfo *[]) { \
		__VA_ARGS__ \
		NULL, \

#define NM_DEFINE_GDBUS_SIGNAL_INFO_INIT(name_, ...) \
	{ \
		.ref_count = -1, \
		.name = name_, \
		__VA_ARGS__ \

#define NM_DEFINE_GDBUS_SIGNAL_INFO(name_, ...) \
	((GDBusSignalInfo *) (&((const GDBusSignalInfo) NM_DEFINE_GDBUS_SIGNAL_INFO_INIT (name_, __VA_ARGS__))))

	((GDBusSignalInfo **) ((const GDBusSignalInfo *[]) { \
		__VA_ARGS__ \
		NULL, \

#define NM_DEFINE_GDBUS_METHOD_INFO_INIT(name_, ...) \
	{ \
		.ref_count = -1, \
		.name = name_, \
		__VA_ARGS__ \

#define NM_DEFINE_GDBUS_METHOD_INFO(name_, ...) \
	((GDBusMethodInfo *) (&((const GDBusMethodInfo) NM_DEFINE_GDBUS_METHOD_INFO_INIT (name_, __VA_ARGS__))))

	((GDBusMethodInfo **) ((const GDBusMethodInfo *[]) { \
		__VA_ARGS__ \
		NULL, \

	{ \
		.ref_count = -1, \
		.name = name_, \
		__VA_ARGS__ \

#define NM_DEFINE_GDBUS_INTERFACE_INFO(name_, ...) \
	((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) (&((const GDBusInterfaceInfo) NM_DEFINE_GDBUS_INTERFACE_INFO_INIT (name_, __VA_ARGS__))))

	((GDBusInterfaceVTable *) (&((const GDBusInterfaceVTable) { \
		__VA_ARGS__ \


guint64 nm_utils_get_start_time_for_pid (pid_t pid, char *out_state, pid_t *out_ppid);

static inline gboolean
nm_utils_process_state_is_dead (char pstate)
	/* "/proc/[pid]/stat" returns a state as the 3rd fields (see `man 5 proc`).
	 * Some of these states indicate the the process is effectively dead (or a zombie).
	return NM_IN_SET (pstate, 'Z', 'x', 'X');


gpointer _nm_utils_user_data_pack (int nargs, gconstpointer *args);

#define nm_utils_user_data_pack(...) \
	_nm_utils_user_data_pack(NM_NARG (__VA_ARGS__), (gconstpointer[]) { __VA_ARGS__ })

void _nm_utils_user_data_unpack (gpointer user_data, int nargs, ...);

#define nm_utils_user_data_unpack(user_data, ...) \
	_nm_utils_user_data_unpack(user_data, NM_NARG (__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__)


typedef void (*NMUtilsInvokeOnIdleCallback) (gpointer user_data,
                                             GCancellable *cancellable);

void nm_utils_invoke_on_idle (GCancellable *cancellable,
                              NMUtilsInvokeOnIdleCallback callback,
                              gpointer callback_user_data);

void nm_utils_invoke_on_timeout (guint timeout_msec,
                                 GCancellable *cancellable,
                                 NMUtilsInvokeOnIdleCallback callback,
                                 gpointer callback_user_data);


GSource *nm_utils_g_main_context_create_integrate_source (GMainContext *internal);


static inline GPtrArray *
nm_strv_ptrarray_ensure (GPtrArray **p_arr)
	nm_assert (p_arr);

	if (G_UNLIKELY (!*p_arr))
		*p_arr = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free);

	return *p_arr;

static inline void
nm_strv_ptrarray_add_string_take (GPtrArray *cmd,
                                  char *str)
	nm_assert (cmd);
	nm_assert (str);

	g_ptr_array_add (cmd, str);

static inline void
nm_strv_ptrarray_add_string_dup (GPtrArray *cmd,
                                 const char *str)
	nm_strv_ptrarray_add_string_take (cmd,
	                                  g_strdup (str));

#define nm_strv_ptrarray_add_string_concat(cmd, ...) \
	nm_strv_ptrarray_add_string_take ((cmd), g_strconcat (__VA_ARGS__, NULL))

#define nm_strv_ptrarray_add_string_printf(cmd, ...) \
	nm_strv_ptrarray_add_string_take ((cmd), g_strdup_printf (__VA_ARGS__))

#define nm_strv_ptrarray_add_int(cmd, val) \
	nm_strv_ptrarray_add_string_take ((cmd), nm_strdup_int (val))

static inline void
nm_strv_ptrarray_take_gstring (GPtrArray *cmd,
                               GString **gstr)
	nm_assert (gstr && *gstr);

	nm_strv_ptrarray_add_string_take (cmd,
	                                  g_string_free (g_steal_pointer (gstr),

static inline gssize
nm_strv_ptrarray_find_first (const GPtrArray *strv,
                             const char *str)
	if (!strv)
		return -1;
	return nm_utils_strv_find_first ((char **) strv->pdata, strv->len, str);

static inline gboolean
nm_strv_ptrarray_contains (const GPtrArray *strv,
                           const char *str)
	return nm_strv_ptrarray_find_first (strv, str) >= 0;


int nm_utils_getpagesize (void);


char *nm_utils_bin2hexstr_full (gconstpointer addr,
                                gsize length,
                                char delimiter,
                                gboolean upper_case,
                                char *out);

guint8 *nm_utils_hexstr2bin_full (const char *hexstr,
                                  gboolean allow_0x_prefix,
                                  gboolean delimiter_required,
                                  const char *delimiter_candidates,
                                  gsize required_len,
                                  guint8 *buffer,
                                  gsize buffer_len,
                                  gsize *out_len);

#define nm_utils_hexstr2bin_buf(hexstr, allow_0x_prefix, delimiter_required, delimiter_candidates, buffer) \
    nm_utils_hexstr2bin_full ((hexstr), (allow_0x_prefix), (delimiter_required), (delimiter_candidates), G_N_ELEMENTS (buffer), (buffer), G_N_ELEMENTS (buffer), NULL)

guint8 *nm_utils_hexstr2bin_alloc (const char *hexstr,
                                   gboolean allow_0x_prefix,
                                   gboolean delimiter_required,
                                   const char *delimiter_candidates,
                                   gsize required_len,
                                   gsize *out_len);


                                             value_type, \
                                             value_type_result, \
                                             entry_cmd, \
                                             unknown_val_cmd, \
                                             get_operator, \
                                             ...) \
value_type_result \
fcn_name (const char *name) \
{ \
	static const struct { \
		const char *name; \
		value_type value; \
	} LIST[] = { \
		__VA_ARGS__ \
	}; \
	if (NM_MORE_ASSERT_ONCE (5)) { \
		int i; \
		for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (LIST); i++) { \
			nm_assert (LIST[i].name); \
			if (i > 0) \
				nm_assert (strcmp (LIST[i - 1].name, LIST[i].name) < 0); \
		} \
	} \
	{ entry_cmd; } \
	if (G_LIKELY (name)) { \
		int imin = 0; \
		int imax = (G_N_ELEMENTS (LIST) - 1); \
		int imid = (G_N_ELEMENTS (LIST) - 1) / 2; \
		for (;;) { \
			const int cmp = strcmp (LIST[imid].name, name); \
			if (G_UNLIKELY (cmp == 0)) \
				return get_operator (LIST[imid].value); \
			if (cmp < 0) \
				imin = imid + 1; \
			else \
				imax = imid - 1; \
			if (G_UNLIKELY (imin > imax)) \
				break; \
			/* integer overflow cannot happen, because LIST is shorter than G_MAXINT/2. */ \
			imid = (imin + imax) / 2;\
		} \
	} \
	{ unknown_val_cmd; } \

                                                   result_type, \
                                                   entry_cmd, \
                                                   unknown_val_cmd, \
                                                   ...) \
	                                      result_type, \
	                                      const result_type *, \
	                                      entry_cmd, \
	                                      unknown_val_cmd, \
	                                      &, \

                                            result_type, \
                                            entry_cmd, \
                                            unknown_val_cmd, \
                                            ...) \
	                                      result_type, \
	                                      result_type, \
	                                      entry_cmd, \
	                                      unknown_val_cmd, \
	                                      , \


static inline GTask *
nm_g_task_new (gpointer source_object,
               GCancellable *cancellable,
               gpointer source_tag,
               GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
               gpointer callback_data)
	GTask *task;

	task = g_task_new (source_object, cancellable, callback, callback_data);
	if (source_tag)
		g_task_set_source_tag (task, source_tag);
	return task;

static inline gboolean
nm_g_task_is_valid (gpointer task,
                    gpointer source_object,
                    gpointer source_tag)
	return    g_task_is_valid (task, source_object)
	       && g_task_get_source_tag (task) == source_tag;

guint nm_utils_parse_debug_string (const char *string,
                                   const GDebugKey *keys,
                                   guint nkeys);


static inline gboolean
nm_utils_strdup_reset (char **dst, const char *src)
	nm_assert (dst);

	if (nm_streq0 (*dst, src))
		return FALSE;
	g_free (*dst);
	*dst = g_strdup (src);
	return TRUE;

void nm_indirect_g_free (gpointer arg);


/* nm_utils_get_next_realloc_size() is used to grow buffers exponentially, when
 * the final size is unknown. As such, it has borders for which it allocates
 * certain buffer sizes.
 * The use of these defines is to get favorable allocation sequences.
 * For example, nm_str_buf_init() asks for an initial allocation size. Note that
 * it reserves the exactly requested amount, under the assumption that the
 * user may know how many bytes will be required. However, often the caller
 * doesn't know in advance, and NMStrBuf grows exponentially by calling
 * nm_utils_get_next_realloc_size().
 * Imagine you call nm_str_buf_init() with an initial buffer size 100, and you
 * add one character at a time. Then the first reallocation will increase the
 * buffer size only from 100 to 104.
 * If you however start with an initial buffer size of 104, then the next reallocation
 * via nm_utils_get_next_realloc_size() gives you 232, and so on. By using
 * these sizes, it results in one less allocation, if you anyway don't know the
 * exact size in advance. */
#define NM_UTILS_GET_NEXT_REALLOC_SIZE_104     ((gsize) 104)
#define NM_UTILS_GET_NEXT_REALLOC_SIZE_1000    ((gsize) 1000)

gsize nm_utils_get_next_realloc_size (gboolean true_realloc, gsize requested);


typedef enum {
} NMUtilsIfaceType;

gboolean nm_utils_ifname_valid_kernel (const char *name, GError **error);

gboolean nm_utils_ifname_valid (const char* name,
                                NMUtilsIfaceType type,
                                GError **error);


static inline GArray *
nm_strvarray_ensure (GArray **p)
	if (!*p) {
		*p = g_array_new (TRUE, FALSE, sizeof (char *));
		g_array_set_clear_func (*p, nm_indirect_g_free);
	return *p;

static inline void
nm_strvarray_add (GArray *array, const char *str)
	char *s;

	s = g_strdup (str);
	g_array_append_val (array, s);

static inline const char *const*
nm_strvarray_get_strv_non_empty (GArray *arr, guint *length)
	if (!arr || arr->len == 0) {
		NM_SET_OUT (length, 0);
		return NULL;

	NM_SET_OUT (length, arr->len);
	return &g_array_index (arr, const char *, 0);

static inline const char *const*
nm_strvarray_get_strv (GArray **arr, guint *length)
	if (!*arr) {
		NM_SET_OUT (length, 0);
		return (const char *const*) arr;

	NM_SET_OUT (length, (*arr)->len);
	return &g_array_index (*arr, const char *, 0);

static inline void
nm_strvarray_set_strv (GArray **array, const char *const*strv)
	gs_unref_array GArray *array_old = NULL;

	array_old = g_steal_pointer (array);

	if (!strv || !strv[0])

	nm_strvarray_ensure (array);
	for (; strv[0]; strv++)
		nm_strvarray_add (*array, strv[0]);


void _nm_utils_format_variant_attributes_full (GString *str,
                                               const NMUtilsNamedValue *values,
                                               guint num_values,
                                               char attr_separator,
                                               char key_value_separator);

char *_nm_utils_format_variant_attributes (GHashTable *attributes,
                                           char attr_separator,
                                           char key_value_separator);

#endif /* __NM_SHARED_UTILS_H__ */