Blob Blame History Raw

=========  Installing LibRaw ========

I. Installation steps

1. Unpack the distribution file:

 $  tar xzvf LibRaw-0.xx.yy.tar.gz

2. Go to LibRaw folder and run ./configure and make:

 $ cd LibRaw-0.xx.yy
 $ ./configure  [...optional args...]
 $ make

3. install by run make install as root:
 $ sudo make install  

II. ./configure options


  Enable/disable OpenMP support if compiler supports it.
  OpenMP is enabled by default.


  Enable/disable LCMS color engine support. If enabled, ./configure will try to 
  find lcms library.  Both LCMS-1.x and LCMS-2.x are supported
  LCMS support is enabled by default


  Enables/disables examples compilation and installation. Enabled by default