Blob Blame History Raw
PYTHON build_ext --inplace
PYTHON -c "import b"

######## ########

from Cython.Build import cythonize
from distutils.core import setup

  ext_modules = cythonize("*.pyx"),

######## a.pxd ########

cimport cython

cdef extern from "header.h":
    ctypedef int extern_int
    ctypedef long extern_long

cdef struct mystruct_t:
    extern_int a

ctypedef union myunion_t:
    extern_long a

cdef public class MyExt [ type MyExtType, object MyExtObject ]:
    cdef unsigned char a

ctypedef char *string_t
simple_t = cython.fused_type(int, float)
less_simple_t = cython.fused_type(int, float, string_t)
struct_t = cython.fused_type(mystruct_t, myunion_t, MyExt)
builtin_t = cython.fused_type(str, unicode, bytes)

ctypedef fused fusedbunch:

ctypedef fused fused1:

cdef fused fused2:

cdef struct_t add_simple(struct_t obj, simple_t simple)
cdef less_simple_t add_to_simple(struct_t obj, less_simple_t simple)
cdef public_optional_args(struct_t obj, simple_t simple = *)

cdef class TestFusedExtMethods(object):
    cdef cython.floating method(self, cython.integral x, cython.floating y)
    cpdef cpdef_method(self, cython.integral x, cython.floating y)

object_t = cython.fused_type(TestFusedExtMethods, object, list)

cpdef public_cpdef(cython.integral x, cython.floating y, object_t z)

######## header.h ########

typedef int extern_int;
typedef long extern_long;

######## a.pyx ########

cimport cython

cdef struct_t add_simple(struct_t obj, simple_t simple):
     obj.a = <int> (obj.a + simple)
     return obj

cdef less_simple_t add_to_simple(struct_t obj, less_simple_t simple):
    return obj.a + simple

cdef public_optional_args(struct_t obj, simple_t simple = 6):
    return obj.a, simple

cdef class TestFusedExtMethods(object):
    cdef cython.floating method(self, cython.integral x, cython.floating y):
        if cython.integral is int:
            x += 1

        if cython.floating is double:
            y += 2.0

        return x + y

    cpdef cpdef_method(self, cython.integral x, cython.floating y):
        return cython.typeof(x), cython.typeof(y)

    def def_method(self, fused1 x, fused2 y):
        if (fused1 is string_t and fused2 is not string_t or
            not fused1 is string_t and fused2 is string_t):
            return x, y
            return <fused1> x + y

cpdef public_cpdef(cython.integral x, cython.floating y, object_t z):
    if cython.integral is int:

    return cython.typeof(x), cython.typeof(y), cython.typeof(z)

######## b.pyx ########

cimport cython
cimport a as a_cmod
from a cimport *

cdef mystruct_t mystruct
cdef myunion_t myunion
cdef MyExt myext = MyExt()

mystruct.a = 5
myunion.a = 5
myext.a = 5

assert add_simple(mystruct, 5).a == 10
assert add_simple(myunion, 5.0).a == 10.0

assert add_to_simple(mystruct, 5.0) == 10.0
assert add_to_simple(myunion, b"spamhameggs") == b"ameggs"
assert add_to_simple(myext, 5) == 10

cdef mystruct_t (*f)(mystruct_t, int)
f = add_simple
assert f(mystruct, 5).a == 10

f = <mystruct_t (*)(mystruct_t, int)> add_simple
assert f(mystruct, 5).a == 10

f = add_simple[mystruct_t, int]
assert f(mystruct, 5).a == 10

assert public_optional_args(mystruct, 5) == (5, 5)
assert public_optional_args[mystruct_t, int](mystruct) == (5, 6)

assert public_optional_args[mystruct_t, float](mystruct) == (5, 6.0)
assert public_optional_args[mystruct_t, float](mystruct, 7.0) == (5, 7.0)

cdef TestFusedExtMethods obj = TestFusedExtMethods()

cdef int x = 4
cdef float y = 5.0
cdef long a = 6
cdef double b = 7.0

cdef double (*func)(TestFusedExtMethods, long, double)

func = obj.method

result = func(obj, a, b)
assert result == 15.0, result

func = <double (*)(TestFusedExtMethods, long, double)> obj.method
assert func(obj, x, y) == 11.0

func = obj.method[long, double]
assert func(obj, a, y) == 13.0

assert obj.method(x, <double> a) == 13.0
assert obj.method[int, double](x, b) == 14.0

# Test inheritance
cdef class Subclass(TestFusedExtMethods):
    cdef cython.floating method(self, cython.integral x, cython.floating y):
        return -x -y

    cpdef cpdef_method(self, cython.integral x, cython.floating y):
        return x, y

cdef Subclass myobj = Subclass()
assert myobj.method[int, float](5, 5.0) == -10

cdef float (*meth)(Subclass, int, float)
meth = myobj.method
assert meth(myobj, 5, 5.0) == -10

meth = myobj.method[int, float]
assert meth(myobj, 5, 5.0) == -10

# Test cpdef functions and methods
cy = __import__("cython")
import a as a_mod

def ae(result, expected):
    "assert equals"
    if result != expected:
        print 'result  :', result
        print 'expected:', expected

    assert result == expected

ae(a_mod.public_cpdef[int, float, list](5, 6, [7]), ("int", "float", "list object"))

idx = cy.typeof(0), cy.typeof(0.0), cy.typeof([])
ae(a_mod.public_cpdef[idx](5, 6, [7]), ("int", "float", "list object"))

ae(a_mod.public_cpdef[, cy.double, cython.typeof(obj)](5, 6, obj), ("int", "double", "TestFusedExtMethods"))
ae(a_mod.public_cpdef[, cy.double, cython.typeof(obj)](5, 6, myobj), ("int", "double", "TestFusedExtMethods"))

ae(public_cpdef[int, float, list](5, 6, [7]), ("int", "float", "list object"))
ae(public_cpdef[int, double, TestFusedExtMethods](5, 6, obj), ("int", "double", "TestFusedExtMethods"))
ae(public_cpdef[int, double, TestFusedExtMethods](5, 6, myobj), ("int", "double", "TestFusedExtMethods"))

ae(obj.cpdef_method(10, 10.0), ("long", "double"))
ae(myobj.cpdef_method(10, 10.0), (10, 10.0))
ae(obj.cpdef_method[int, float](10, 10.0), ("int", "float"))
ae(myobj.cpdef_method[int, float](10, 10.0), (10, 10.0))

s = """\
import cython as cy

ae(obj.cpdef_method[, cy.float](10, 10.0), ("int", "float"))
ae(myobj.cpdef_method[, cy.float](10, 10.0), (10, 10.0))

d = {'obj': obj, 'myobj': myobj, 'ae': ae}

# FIXME: uncomment after subclassing CyFunction
#exec s in d

# Test def methods
# ae(obj.def_method(12, 14.9), 26)
# ae(obj.def_method(13, "spam"), (13, "spam"))
# ae(obj.def_method[cy.short, cy.float](13, 16.3), 29)