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#pragma once
#include <stdexcept>

class wrapped_int {
  long long val;
  wrapped_int() { val = 0; }
  wrapped_int(long long val) { this->val = val; }
  wrapped_int(long long v1, long long v2) {
    if (v2 == 4) {
      throw std::domain_error("4 isn't good for initialization!");
    this->val = v1;
  wrapped_int operator+(wrapped_int &other) {
    if (other.val == 4) {
      throw std::invalid_argument("tried to add 4");
    return wrapped_int(this->val + other.val);
  wrapped_int operator+() {
    if (this->val == 4) {
      throw std::domain_error("'4' not in valid domain.");
    return *this;
  wrapped_int operator-(wrapped_int &other) {
    if (other.val == 4) {
      throw std::overflow_error("Value '4' is no good.");
    return *this;
  wrapped_int operator-() {
    if (this->val == 4) {
      throw std::range_error("Can't take the negative of 4.");
    return wrapped_int(-this->val);
  wrapped_int operator*(wrapped_int &other) {
    if (other.val == 4) {
      throw std::out_of_range("Multiplying by 4 isn't going to work.");
    return wrapped_int(this->val * other.val);
  wrapped_int operator/(wrapped_int &other) {
    if (other.val == 4) {
      throw std::out_of_range("Multiplying by 4 isn't going to work.");
    return wrapped_int(this->val / other.val);
  wrapped_int operator%(wrapped_int &other) {
    if (other.val == 4) {
      throw std::out_of_range("Multiplying by 4 isn't going to work.");
    return wrapped_int(this->val % other.val);
  long long operator^(wrapped_int &other) {
    if (other.val == 4) {
      throw std::out_of_range("Multiplying by 4 isn't going to work.");
    return this->val ^ other.val;
  long long operator&(wrapped_int &other) {
    if (other.val == 4) {
      throw std::underflow_error("Can't do this with 4!");
    return this->val & other.val;
  long long operator|(wrapped_int &other) {
    if (other.val == 4) {
      throw std::underflow_error("Can't do this with 4!");
    return this->val & other.val;
  wrapped_int operator~() {
    if (this->val == 4) {
      throw std::range_error("4 is really just no good for this!");
    return *this;
  long long operator&() {
    if (this->val == 4) {
      throw std::out_of_range("4 cannot be located!");
    return this->val;
  long long operator==(wrapped_int &other) {
    if (other.val == 4) {
      throw std::invalid_argument("4 isn't logical and can't be equal to anything!");
    return this->val == other.val;
  long long operator!=(wrapped_int &other) {
    if (other.val == 4) {
      throw std::invalid_argument("4 isn't logical and can'd be not equal to anything either!");
    return this->val != other.val;
  long long operator<(wrapped_int &other) {
    if (other.val == 4) {
      throw std::invalid_argument("Can't compare with 4!");
    return this->val < other.val;
  long long operator<=(wrapped_int &other) {
    if (other.val == 4) {
      throw std::invalid_argument("Can't compare with 4!");
    return this->val <= other.val;
  long long operator>(wrapped_int &other) {
    if (other.val == 4) {
      throw std::invalid_argument("Can't compare with 4!");
    return this->val > other.val;
  long long operator>=(wrapped_int &other) {
    if (other.val == 4) {
      throw std::invalid_argument("Can't compare with 4!");
    return this->val >= other.val;
  wrapped_int operator<<(long long &shift) {
    if (shift == 4) {
      throw std::overflow_error("Shifting by 4 is just bad.");
    return wrapped_int(this->val << shift);
  wrapped_int operator>>(long long &shift) {
    if (shift == 4) {
      throw std::underflow_error("Shifting by 4 is just bad.");
    return wrapped_int(this->val >> shift);
  wrapped_int &operator++() {
    if (this->val == 4) {
      throw std::out_of_range("Can't increment 4!");
    this->val += 1;
    return *this;
  wrapped_int &operator--() {
    if (this->val == 4) {
      throw std::out_of_range("Can't decrement 4!");
    this->val -= 1;
    return *this;
  wrapped_int operator++(int) {
    if (this->val == 4) {
      throw std::out_of_range("Can't increment 4!");
    wrapped_int t = *this;
    this->val += 1;
    return t;
  wrapped_int operator--(int) {
    if (this->val == 4) {
      throw std::out_of_range("Can't decrement 4!");
    wrapped_int t = *this;
    this->val -= 1;
    return t;
  wrapped_int operator!() {
    if (this->val == 4) {
      throw std::out_of_range("Can't negate 4!");
    return wrapped_int(!this->val);
  operator bool() {
    if (this->val == 4) {
      throw std::invalid_argument("4 can't be cast to a boolean value!");
    return (this->val != 0);
  wrapped_int &operator[](long long &idx) {
    if (idx == 4) {
      throw std::invalid_argument("Index of 4 not allowed.");
    return *this;
  long long &operator()() {
    if (this->val == 4) {
      throw std::range_error("Can't call 4!");
    return this->val;
  wrapped_int &operator=(const wrapped_int &other) {
    if ((other.val == 4) && (this->val == 4)) {
      throw std::overflow_error("Can't assign 4 to 4!");
    this->val = other.val;
    return *this;
  wrapped_int &operator=(const long long &v) {
    if ((v == 4) && (this->val == 4)) {
      throw std::overflow_error("Can't assign 4 to 4!");
    this->val = v;
    return *this;