Blob Blame History Raw
From faf60bc7b1cb727482a17de9a2483998763978c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dominic Cleal <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2015 11:14:32 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Slapd: revert Slapd module to 1.1.0-compatible, add Slapd_140

In order to keep the default sshd config lens compatible with 1.1.0,
the lens from 1.4.0 has been kept in the Slapd_140 module and is not
loaded by default.  Use aug_transform, augtool --transform etc. to use
it instead of Slapd.
 lenses/slapd.aug                |  18 ++---
 lenses/slapd_140.aug            | 158 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lenses/tests/test_slapd.aug     |  55 ++++----------
 lenses/tests/test_slapd_140.aug |  94 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/               |   1 +
 5 files changed, 273 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lenses/slapd_140.aug
 create mode 100644 lenses/tests/test_slapd_140.aug

diff --git a/lenses/slapd.aug b/lenses/slapd.aug
index e1195655..afe074b1 100644
--- a/lenses/slapd.aug
+++ b/lenses/slapd.aug
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ let sep         = del /[ \t\n]+/ " "
 let sto_to_eol  = store /([^ \t\n].*[^ \t\n]|[^ \t\n])/
 let sto_to_spc  = store /[^\\# \t\n]+/
+let sto_to_by   = store (/[^\\# \t\n]+/ - "by")
 let comment     = Util.comment
 let empty       = Util.empty
@@ -27,14 +28,12 @@ let empty       = Util.empty
 let access_re   = "access to"
-let control_re  = "stop" | "continue" | "break"
-let what        = [ spc . label "access"
-                  . store (/[^\\# \t\n]+/ - ("by" | control_re)) ]
+let who         = [ spc . label "who"     . sto_to_spc ]
+let what        = [ spc . label "what"    . sto_to_spc ]
 (* TODO: parse the control field, see man slapd.access (5) *)
-let control     = [ spc . label "control" . store control_re ]
-let by          = [ sep . key "by" . spc . sto_to_spc
-                  . what? . control? ]
+let control     = [ spc . label "control" . sto_to_by  ]
+let by          = [ sep . key "by". who . what. control? ]
 let access      = [ key access_re . spc. sto_to_spc . by+ . eol ]
@@ -134,21 +133,18 @@ let database_re = "suffix"
                 | "restrict"
                 | "rootdn"
                 | "rootpw"
+                | "suffix"
                 | "subordinate"
                 | "syncrepl rid"
                 | "updatedn"
                 | "updateref"
                 | database_hdb
-let database_entry =
-     let val = Quote.double_opt
-  in Build.key_value_line database_re val
 let database    = [ key "database"
                   . spc
                   . sto_to_eol
                   . eol
-                  . (comment|empty|database_entry|access)* ]
+                  . (comment|empty|Build.key_ws_value database_re|access)* ]
  *                              LENS
diff --git a/lenses/slapd_140.aug b/lenses/slapd_140.aug
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d1cd074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lenses/slapd_140.aug
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+(* Slapd module for Augeas
+   This module is compatible with Augeas 1.4.0, but is not loaded by default.
+   Author: Free Ekanayaka <>
+   Reference: man slapd.conf(5), man slapd.access (5)
+module Slapd_140 =
+ *                           USEFUL PRIMITIVES
+ *************************************************************************)
+let eol         = Util.eol
+let spc         = Util.del_ws_spc
+let sep         = del /[ \t\n]+/ " "
+let sto_to_eol  = store /([^ \t\n].*[^ \t\n]|[^ \t\n])/
+let sto_to_spc  = store /[^\\# \t\n]+/
+let comment     = Util.comment
+let empty       = Util.empty
+ *                           ACCESS TO
+ *************************************************************************)
+let access_re   = "access to"
+let control_re  = "stop" | "continue" | "break"
+let what        = [ spc . label "access"
+                  . store (/[^\\# \t\n]+/ - ("by" | control_re)) ]
+(* TODO: parse the control field, see man slapd.access (5) *)
+let control     = [ spc . label "control" . store control_re ]
+let by          = [ sep . key "by" . spc . sto_to_spc
+                  . what? . control? ]
+let access      = [ key access_re . spc. sto_to_spc . by+ . eol ]
+ *                             GLOBAL
+ *************************************************************************)
+(* TODO: parse special field separately, see man slapd.conf (5) *)
+let global_re   = "allow"
+                | "argsfile"
+                | "attributeoptions"
+                | "attributetype"
+                | "authz-policy"
+                | "ldap"
+                | "dn"
+                | "concurrency"
+                | "cron_max_pending"
+                | "conn_max_pending_auth"
+                | "defaultsearchbase"
+                | "disallow"
+                | "ditcontentrule"
+                | "gentlehup"
+                | "idletimeout"
+                | "include"
+                | "index_substr_if_minlen"
+                | "index_substr_if_maxlen"
+                | "index_substr_any_len"
+                | "index_substr_any_step"
+                | "localSSF"
+                | "loglevel"
+                | "moduleload"
+                | "modulepath"
+                | "objectclass"
+                | "objectidentifier"
+                | "password-hash"
+                | "password-crypt-salt-format"
+                | "pidfile"
+                | "referral"
+                | "replica-argsfile"
+                | "replica-pidfile"
+                | "replicationinterval"
+                | "require"
+                | "reverse-lookup"
+                | "rootDSE"
+                | "sasl-host "
+                | "sasl-realm"
+                | "sasl-secprops"
+                | "schemadn"
+                | "security"
+                | "sizelimit"
+                | "sockbuf_max_incoming "
+                | "sockbuf_max_incoming_auth"
+                | "threads"
+                | "timelimit time"
+                | "tool-threads"
+                | "TLSCipherSuite"
+                | "TLSCACertificateFile"
+                | "TLSCACertificatePath"
+                | "TLSCertificateFile"
+                | "TLSCertificateKeyFile"
+                | "TLSDHParamFile"
+                | "TLSRandFile"
+                | "TLSVerifyClient"
+                | "TLSCRLCheck"
+                | "backend"
+let global     = Build.key_ws_value global_re
+ *                             DATABASE
+ *************************************************************************)
+(* TODO: support all types of database backend *)
+let database_hdb = "cachesize"
+                | "cachefree"
+                | "checkpoint"
+                | "dbconfig"
+                | "dbnosync"
+                | "directory"
+                | "dirtyread"
+                | "idlcachesize"
+                | "index"
+                | "linearindex"
+                | "lockdetect"
+                | "mode"
+                | "searchstack"
+                | "shm_key"
+let database_re = "suffix"
+                | "lastmod"
+                | "limits"
+                | "maxderefdepth"
+                | "overlay"
+                | "readonly"
+                | "replica uri"
+                | "replogfile"
+                | "restrict"
+                | "rootdn"
+                | "rootpw"
+                | "subordinate"
+                | "syncrepl rid"
+                | "updatedn"
+                | "updateref"
+                | database_hdb
+let database_entry =
+     let val = Quote.double_opt
+  in Build.key_value_line database_re val
+let database    = [ key "database"
+                  . spc
+                  . sto_to_eol
+                  . eol
+                  . (comment|empty|database_entry|access)* ]
+ *                              LENS
+ *************************************************************************)
+let lns         = (comment|empty|global|access)* . (database)*
diff --git a/lenses/tests/test_slapd.aug b/lenses/tests/test_slapd.aug
index a4bbb4e9..e477342a 100644
--- a/lenses/tests/test_slapd.aug
+++ b/lenses/tests/test_slapd.aug
@@ -48,47 +48,18 @@ test Slapd.lns get conf =
   { "database" = "hdb"
      { "#comment" = "The base of your directory in database #1" }
-     { "suffix"   = "dc=nodomain" }
+     { "suffix"   = "\"dc=nodomain\"" }
      { "access to" = "attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange"
-        { "by" = "dn=\"cn=admin,dc=nodomain\""
-           { "access" = "write" } }
-        { "by" = "anonymous"
-           { "access" = "auth" } }
-        { "by" = "self"
-           { "access" = "write" } }
-        { "by" = "*"
-           { "access" = "none" } } } }
-(* Test: Slapd.lns
-     Full access test with who/access/control *)
-test Slapd.lns get "access to dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\"
-  by self write stop\n" =
-  { "access to" = "dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\""
-    { "by" = "self"
-      { "access" = "write" }
-      { "control" = "stop" } } }
-(* Test: Slapd.lns
-     access test with who *)
-test Slapd.lns get "access to dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\"
-  by self\n" =
-  { "access to" = "dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\""
-    { "by" = "self" } }
-(* Test: Slapd.lns
-     access test with who/access *)
-test Slapd.lns get "access to dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\"
-  by self write\n" =
-  { "access to" = "dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\""
-    { "by" = "self"
-      { "access" = "write" } } }
-(* Test: Slapd.lns
-     access test with who/control *)
-test Slapd.lns get "access to dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\"
-  by self stop\n" =
-  { "access to" = "dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\""
-    { "by" = "self"
-      { "control" = "stop" } } }
+        { "by"
+           { "who" = "dn=\"cn=admin,dc=nodomain\"" }
+           { "what" = "write" } }
+        { "by"
+           { "who" = "anonymous" }
+           { "what" = "auth" } }
+        { "by"
+           { "who" = "self" }
+           { "what" = "write" } }
+        { "by"
+           { "who" = "*" }
+           { "what" = "none" } } } }
diff --git a/lenses/tests/test_slapd_140.aug b/lenses/tests/test_slapd_140.aug
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0118f030
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lenses/tests/test_slapd_140.aug
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+module Test_slapd_140 =
+let conf = "# This is the main slapd configuration file. See slapd.conf(5) for more
+# info on the configuration options.
+# Global Directives:
+# Features to permit
+#allow bind_v2
+# Schema and objectClass definitions
+include         /etc/ldap/schema/core.schema
+# Specific Directives for database #1, of type hdb:
+# Database specific directives apply to this databasse until another
+# 'database' directive occurs
+database        hdb
+# The base of your directory in database #1
+suffix          \"dc=nodomain\"
+access to attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange
+        by dn=\"cn=admin,dc=nodomain\" write
+        by anonymous auth
+        by self write
+        by * none
+test Slapd_140.lns get conf =
+  { "#comment" = "This is the main slapd configuration file. See slapd.conf(5) for more" }
+  { "#comment" = "info on the configuration options." }
+  {}
+  { "#comment" = "######################################################################" }
+  { "#comment" = "Global Directives:"}
+  {}
+  { "#comment" = "Features to permit" }
+  { "#comment" = "allow bind_v2" }
+  {}
+  { "#comment" = "Schema and objectClass definitions" }
+  { "include"  = "/etc/ldap/schema/core.schema" }
+  {}
+  { "#comment" = "######################################################################" }
+  { "#comment" = "Specific Directives for database #1, of type hdb:" }
+  { "#comment" = "Database specific directives apply to this databasse until another" }
+  { "#comment" = "'database' directive occurs" }
+  { "database" = "hdb"
+     {}
+     { "#comment" = "The base of your directory in database #1" }
+     { "suffix"   = "dc=nodomain" }
+     {}
+     { "access to" = "attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange"
+        { "by" = "dn=\"cn=admin,dc=nodomain\""
+           { "access" = "write" } }
+        { "by" = "anonymous"
+           { "access" = "auth" } }
+        { "by" = "self"
+           { "access" = "write" } }
+        { "by" = "*"
+           { "access" = "none" } } } }
+(* Test: Slapd_140.lns
+     Full access test with who/access/control *)
+test Slapd_140.lns get "access to dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\"
+  by self write stop\n" =
+  { "access to" = "dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\""
+    { "by" = "self"
+      { "access" = "write" }
+      { "control" = "stop" } } }
+(* Test: Slapd_140.lns
+     access test with who *)
+test Slapd_140.lns get "access to dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\"
+  by self\n" =
+  { "access to" = "dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\""
+    { "by" = "self" } }
+(* Test: Slapd_140.lns
+     access test with who/access *)
+test Slapd_140.lns get "access to dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\"
+  by self write\n" =
+  { "access to" = "dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\""
+    { "by" = "self"
+      { "access" = "write" } } }
+(* Test: Slapd_140.lns
+     access test with who/control *)
+test Slapd_140.lns get "access to dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\"
+  by self stop\n" =
+  { "access to" = "dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\""
+    { "by" = "self"
+      { "control" = "stop" } } }
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 315cac9c..65d8993e 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ lens_tests =			\	\	    \			\
+			\			\		\			\