dhodovsk / source-git / pacemaker

Forked from source-git/pacemaker 3 years ago
Blob Blame History Raw

# Pacemaker targets compatibility with Python 2.7 and 3.2+
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import, division

__copyright__ = "Copyright 2018 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>"
__license__ = "GNU General Public License version 2 or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY"

import os
import sys
import argparse
import subprocess

VERSION = "1.1.0"

USAGE = """Helper that presents a Pacemaker-style interface for Linux-HA stonith plugins

Should never be invoked by the user directly

Usage: fence_legacy [options]

  -h               usage
  -t <sub agent>   sub agent
  -n <name>        nodename
  -o <string>      Action:  on | off | reset (default) | stat | hostlist
  -s <stonith>     stonith command
  -q               quiet mode
  -V               version"""

META_DATA = """<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_pcmk" shortdesc="Helper that presents a Pacemaker-style interface for Linux-HA stonith plugins">
This agent should never be invoked by the user directly.
        <parameter name="action" unique="1" required="1">
                <getopt mixed="-o &lt;action&gt;" />
                <content type="string" default="disable" />
                <shortdesc lang="en">Fencing Action</shortdesc>
        <parameter name="port" unique="1" required="1">
                <getopt mixed="-n &lt;id&gt;" />
                <content type="string"  />
                <shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number or name of virtual machine</shortdesc>
        <parameter name="help" unique="1" required="0">
                <getopt mixed="-h" />
                <content type="string"  />
                <shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
        <action name="enable" />
        <action name="disable" />
        <action name="reboot" />
        <action name="off" />
        <action name="on" />
        <action name="status" />
        <action name="list" />
        <action name="metadata" />


# These values must be kept in sync with include/crm/crm.h
class CrmExit(object):
    OK                   =   0
    ERROR                =   1
    INVALID_PARAM        =   2

def parse_cli_options():
    """ Return parsed command-line options (as argparse namespace) """

    # Don't add standard help option, so we can format it how we want
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)

    parser.add_argument("-t", metavar="SUBAGENT", dest="subagent",
                        nargs=1, default="none", help="sub-agent")

    parser.add_argument("-n", metavar="NODE", dest="node",
                        nargs=1, default="", help="name of target node")

    # The help text here is consistent with the original version, though
    # perhaps all actions should be listed.
    parser.add_argument("-o", metavar="ACTION", dest="action",
                        nargs=1, choices=ACTIONS, default="reset",
                        help="action: on | off | reset (default) | stat | hostlist")

    parser.add_argument("-s", metavar="COMMAND", dest="command",
                        nargs=1, default="stonith", help="stonith command")

    parser.add_argument("-q", dest="quiet", action="store_true",
                        help="quiet mode")

    parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="store_true",
                        help="show usage and exit")

    # Don't use action="version", because that printed to stderr before
    # Python 3.4, and help2man doesn't like that.
    parser.add_argument("-V", "--version", action="store_true",
                        help="show version and exit")

    return parser.parse_args()

def parse_stdin_options(options):
    """ Update options namespace with options parsed from stdin """

    nlines = 0
    for line in sys.stdin:
        # Remove leading and trailing whitespace
        line = line.strip()

        # Skip blank lines and comments
        if line == "" or line[0] == "#":

        nlines = nlines + 1

        # Parse option name and value (allow whitespace around equals sign)
            (name, value) = line.split("=", 1)
            name = name.rstrip()
            if name == "":
                raise ValueError
        except ValueError:
            print("parse error: illegal name in option %d" % nlines,
        value = value.lstrip()

        if name == "plugin":
            options.subagent = value

        elif name in [ "option", "action" ]:
            options.action = value

        elif name == "nodename":
            options.node = value
            os.environ[name] = value

        elif name == "stonith":
            options.command = value

        elif name != "agent": # agent is used by fenced
            os.environ[name] = value

def normalize_options(options):
    """ Use string rather than list of one string """

    if not hasattr(options.subagent, "strip"):
        options.subagent = options.subagent[0]

    if not hasattr(options.node, "strip"):
        options.node = options.node[0]

    if not hasattr(options.action, "strip"):
        options.action = options.action[0]

    if not hasattr(options.command, "strip"):
        options.command = options.command[0]

def build_command(options):
    """ Return command to execute (as list of arguments) """

    if options.action in [ "hostlist", "list" ]:
        extra_args = [ "-l" ]

    elif options.action in [ "monitor", "stat", "status" ]:
        extra_args = [ "-S" ]

        if options.node == "":
            if not options.quiet:
                print("failed: no plug number")
        extra_args = [ "-T", options.action, options.node ]

    return [ options.command, "-t", options.subagent, "-E" ] + extra_args

def handle_local_options(options):
    """ Handle options that don't require the fence agent """

    if options.help:

    if options.version:

def remap_action(options):
    """ Pre-process requested action """

    options.action = options.action.lower()

    if options.action == "metadata":

    elif options.action in [ "hostlist", "list" ]:
        options.quiet = True

    # Remap accepted aliases to their actual commands

    elif options.action == "reboot":
        options.action = "reset"

    elif options.action == "poweron":
        options.action = "on"

    elif options.action == "poweroff":
        options.action = "off"

def execute_command(options, cmd):
    """ Execute command and return its exit status """

    if not options.quiet:
        print("Performing: " + " ".join(cmd))
    return subprocess.call(cmd)

def handle_result(options, status):
    """ Process fence agent result """

    if status == 0:
        message = "success"
        exitcode = CrmExit.OK
        message = "failed"
        exitcode = CrmExit.ERROR
    if not options.quiet:
        print("%s: %s %d" % (message, options.node, status))

def main():
    """ Execute an LHA-style fence agent """

    options = parse_cli_options()
    cmd = build_command(options)
    status = execute_command(options, cmd)
    handle_result(options, status)

if __name__ == "__main__":