dhodovsk / source-git / ghc-aeson

Forked from source-git/ghc-aeson 4 years ago
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{-# LANGUAGE  OverloadedStrings #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-deprecations #-}

module UnitTests.NullaryConstructors
    ) where

import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat

import Data.Aeson (decode, eitherDecode, fromEncoding, Value)
import Data.Aeson.Internal (IResult (..), iparse)
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import Data.ByteString.Builder (toLazyByteString)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Encoders
import Test.HUnit ((@=?), Assertion)
import Types
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L

nullaryConstructors :: [Assertion]
nullaryConstructors =
  [ dec "\"C1\""           @=? thNullaryToJSONString C1
  , dec "\"C1\""           @=? gNullaryToJSONString C1
  , dec "{\"c1\":[]}"      @=? thNullaryToJSONObjectWithSingleField C1
  , dec "{\"c1\":[]}"      @=? gNullaryToJSONObjectWithSingleField C1
  , dec "[\"c1\",[]]"      @=? gNullaryToJSON2ElemArray C1
  , dec "[\"c1\",[]]"      @=? thNullaryToJSON2ElemArray C1
  , dec "{\"tag\":\"c1\"}" @=? thNullaryToJSONTaggedObject C1
  , dec "{\"tag\":\"c1\"}" @=? gNullaryToJSONTaggedObject C1

  , decE "\"C1\""           @=? enc (gNullaryToEncodingString C1)
  , decE "\"C1\""           @=? enc (thNullaryToEncodingString C1)
  , decE "[\"c1\",[]]"      @=? enc (gNullaryToEncoding2ElemArray C1)
  , decE "[\"c1\",[]]"      @=? enc (thNullaryToEncoding2ElemArray C1)
  , decE "{\"c1\":[]}"      @=? enc (thNullaryToEncodingObjectWithSingleField C1)
  , decE "{\"c1\":[]}"      @=? enc (gNullaryToEncodingObjectWithSingleField C1)
  , decE "{\"tag\":\"c1\"}" @=? enc (thNullaryToEncodingTaggedObject C1)
  , decE "{\"tag\":\"c1\"}" @=? enc (gNullaryToEncodingTaggedObject C1)

  , ISuccess C1 @=? parse thNullaryParseJSONTaggedObject          (dec "{\"tag\":\"c1\"}")
  , ISuccess C1 @=? parse gNullaryParseJSONTaggedObject           (dec "{\"tag\":\"c1\"}")

  , ISuccess C1 @=? parse thNullaryParseJSONString                (dec "\"C1\"")
  , ISuccess C1 @=? parse gNullaryParseJSONString                 (dec "\"C1\"")
  , ISuccess C1 @=? parse thNullaryParseJSON2ElemArray            (dec  "[\"c1\",[]]")
  , ISuccess C1 @=? parse gNullaryParseJSON2ElemArray             (dec  "[\"c1\",[]]")
  , ISuccess C1 @=? parse thNullaryParseJSONObjectWithSingleField (dec  "{\"c1\":[]}")
  , ISuccess C1 @=? parse gNullaryParseJSONObjectWithSingleField  (dec  "{\"c1\":[]}")
    -- Make sure that the old `"contents" : []' is still allowed
  , ISuccess C1 @=? parse thNullaryParseJSONTaggedObject          (dec "{\"tag\":\"c1\",\"contents\":[]}")
  , ISuccess C1 @=? parse gNullaryParseJSONTaggedObject           (dec "{\"tag\":\"c1\",\"contents\":[]}")
    enc = eitherDecode . toLazyByteString . fromEncoding
    dec :: L.ByteString -> Value
    dec = fromJust . decode
    decE :: L.ByteString -> Either String Value
    decE = eitherDecode
    parse :: (a -> Parser b) -> a -> IResult b
    parse parsejson v = iparse parsejson v