#include "system.h" #include #include /* rpmReadPackageFile */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib/manifest.h" #include "debug.h" static int noDeps = 1; static rpmVSFlags vsflags = 0; static int rpmGraph(rpmts ts, struct rpmInstallArguments_s * ia, const char ** fileArgv) { char ** pkgURL = NULL; char * pkgState = NULL; const char ** fnp; char * fileURL = NULL; int numPkgs = 0; int numFailed = 0; int prevx = 0; int pkgx = 0; char ** argv = NULL; int argc = 0; char ** av = NULL; int ac = 0; Header h; rpmRC rpmrc; int rc = 0; rpmVSFlags ovsflags; int i; if (fileArgv == NULL) return 0; /* Build fully globbed list of arguments in argv[argc]. */ for (fnp = fileArgv; *fnp; fnp++) { av = _free(av); ac = 0; rc = rpmGlob(*fnp, &ac, &av); if (rc || ac == 0) continue; argv = xrealloc(argv, (argc+2) * sizeof(*argv)); memcpy(argv+argc, av, ac * sizeof(*av)); argc += ac; argv[argc] = NULL; } av = _free(av); ac = 0; restart: /* Allocate sufficient storage for next set of args. */ if (pkgx >= numPkgs) { numPkgs = pkgx + argc; pkgURL = xrealloc(pkgURL, (numPkgs + 1) * sizeof(*pkgURL)); memset(pkgURL + pkgx, 0, ((argc + 1) * sizeof(*pkgURL))); pkgState = xrealloc(pkgState, (numPkgs + 1) * sizeof(*pkgState)); memset(pkgState + pkgx, 0, ((argc + 1) * sizeof(*pkgState))); } /* Copy next set of args. */ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { fileURL = _free(fileURL); fileURL = argv[i]; argv[i] = NULL; pkgURL[pkgx] = fileURL; fileURL = NULL; pkgx++; } fileURL = _free(fileURL); /* Continue processing file arguments, building transaction set. */ for (fnp = (const char **) pkgURL+prevx; *fnp != NULL; fnp++, prevx++) { const char * fileName; FD_t fd; (void) urlPath(*fnp, &fileName); /* Try to read the header from a package file. */ fd = Fopen(*fnp, "r.ufdio"); if (fd == NULL || Ferror(fd)) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("open of %s failed: %s\n"), *fnp, Fstrerror(fd)); if (fd) { Fclose(fd); fd = NULL; } numFailed++; *fnp = NULL; continue; } /* Read the header, verifying signatures (if present). */ ovsflags = rpmtsSetVSFlags(ts, vsflags); rpmrc = rpmReadPackageFile(ts, fd, *fnp, &h); rpmtsSetVSFlags(ts, ovsflags); Fclose(fd); fd = NULL; switch (rpmrc) { case RPMRC_FAIL: default: rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("%s cannot be installed\n"), *fnp); numFailed++; *fnp = NULL; break; case RPMRC_OK: rc = rpmtsAddInstallElement(ts, h, (fnpyKey)fileName, 0, NULL); break; case RPMRC_NOTFOUND: goto maybe_manifest; break; } h = headerFree(h); continue; maybe_manifest: /* Try to read a package manifest. */ fd = Fopen(*fnp, "r.ufdio"); if (fd == NULL || Ferror(fd)) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("open of %s failed: %s\n"), *fnp, Fstrerror(fd)); if (fd) { Fclose(fd); fd = NULL; } numFailed++; *fnp = NULL; break; } /* Read list of packages from manifest. */ rc = rpmReadPackageManifest(fd, &argc, &argv); if (rc) rpmlog(RPMLOG_NOTICE, _("%s: read manifest failed: %s\n"), fileURL, Fstrerror(fd)); Fclose(fd); fd = NULL; /* If successful, restart the query loop. */ if (rc == 0) { prevx++; goto restart; } numFailed++; *fnp = NULL; break; } if (numFailed > 0) goto exit; if (!noDeps) { rpmps ps; rc = rpmtsCheck(ts); if (rc) { numFailed += numPkgs; goto exit; } ps = rpmtsProblems(ts); if (rpmpsNumProblems(ps) > 0) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("Failed dependencies:\n")); rpmpsPrint(NULL, ps); numFailed += numPkgs; } rpmpsFree(ps); } rc = rpmtsOrder(ts); if (rc) goto exit; { rpmtsi pi; rpmte p; rpmte q; int oType = TR_ADDED; fprintf(stdout, "digraph XXX {\n"); fprintf(stdout, " rankdir=LR\n"); fprintf(stdout, "//===== Packages:\n"); pi = rpmtsiInit(ts); while ((p = rpmtsiNext(pi, oType)) != NULL) { q = rpmteParent(p); if (q != NULL) fprintf(stdout, " \"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n", rpmteN(p), rpmteN(q)); else { fprintf(stdout, " \"%s\"\n", rpmteN(p)); fprintf(stdout, " { rank=max ; \"%s\" }\n", rpmteN(p)); } } rpmtsiFree(pi); fprintf(stdout, "}\n"); } rc = 0; exit: for (i = 0; i < numPkgs; i++) pkgURL[i] = _free(pkgURL[i]); pkgState = _free(pkgState); pkgURL = _free(pkgURL); argv = _free(argv); return rc; } static struct poptOption optionsTable[] = { { "check", '\0', POPT_ARG_VAL|POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN, &noDeps, 0, N_("don't verify package dependencies"), NULL }, { "nolegacy", '\0', POPT_BIT_SET, &vsflags, RPMVSF_NEEDPAYLOAD, N_("don't verify header+payload signature"), NULL }, { NULL, '\0', POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE, rpmcliAllPoptTable, 0, N_("Common options for all rpm modes and executables:"), NULL }, POPT_AUTOALIAS POPT_AUTOHELP POPT_TABLEEND }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { rpmts ts = NULL; struct rpmInstallArguments_s * ia = &rpmIArgs; poptContext optCon; int ec = 0; xsetprogname(argv[0]); /* Portability call -- see system.h */ optCon = rpmcliInit(argc, argv, optionsTable); if (optCon == NULL) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); ts = rpmtsCreate(); vsflags |= rpmcliVSFlags; (void) rpmtsSetVSFlags(ts, vsflags); ec = rpmGraph(ts, ia, poptGetArgs(optCon)); rpmtsFree(ts); rpmcliFini(optCon); return ec; }