/** \ingroup rpmdep * \file lib/rpmte.c * Routine(s) to handle an "rpmte" transaction element. */ #include "system.h" #include #include /* RPM_MACHTABLE_* */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib/misc.h" #include "lib/rpmplugins.h" #include "lib/rpmte_internal.h" /* strpool-related interfaces */ #include "lib/rpmfi_internal.h" #include "lib/rpmds_internal.h" #include "lib/rpmts_internal.h" #include "debug.h" /** \ingroup rpmte * A single package instance to be installed/removed atomically. */ struct rpmte_s { rpmElementType type; /*!< Package disposition (installed/removed). */ Header h; /*!< Package header. */ char * NEVR; /*!< Package name-version-release. */ char * NEVRA; /*!< Package name-version-release.arch. */ char * name; /*!< Name: */ char * epoch; char * version; /*!< Version: */ char * release; /*!< Release: */ char * arch; /*!< Architecture hint. */ char * os; /*!< Operating system hint. */ int isSource; /*!< (TR_ADDED) source rpm? */ rpmte depends; /*!< Package updated by this package (ERASE te) */ rpmte parent; /*!< Parent transaction element. */ unsigned int db_instance; /*!< Database instance (of removed pkgs) */ tsortInfo tsi; /*!< Dependency ordering chains. */ rpmds thisds; /*!< This package's provided NEVR. */ rpmds provides; /*!< Provides: dependencies. */ rpmds requires; /*!< Requires: dependencies. */ rpmds conflicts; /*!< Conflicts: dependencies. */ rpmds obsoletes; /*!< Obsoletes: dependencies. */ rpmds order; /*!< Order: dependencies. */ rpmds recommends; /*!< Recommends: dependencies. */ rpmds suggests; /*!< Suggests: dependencies. */ rpmds supplements; /*!< Supplements: dependencies. */ rpmds enhances; /*!< Enhances: dependencies. */ rpmfiles files; /*!< File information. */ rpmfi fi; /*!< File iterator (backwards compat) */ rpmps probs; /*!< Problems (relocations) */ rpmts ts; /*!< Parent transaction */ rpm_color_t color; /*!< Color bit(s) from package dependencies. */ rpm_loff_t pkgFileSize; /*!< No. of bytes in package file (approx). */ unsigned int headerSize; /*!< No. of bytes in package header */ fnpyKey key; /*!< (TR_ADDED) Retrieval key. */ rpmRelocation * relocs; /*!< (TR_ADDED) Payload file relocations. */ int nrelocs; /*!< (TR_ADDED) No. of relocations. */ uint8_t *badrelocs; /*!< (TR_ADDED) Bad relocations (or NULL) */ FD_t fd; /*!< (TR_ADDED) Payload file descriptor. */ #define RPMTE_HAVE_PRETRANS (1 << 0) #define RPMTE_HAVE_POSTTRANS (1 << 1) int transscripts; /*!< pre/posttrans script existence */ int failed; /*!< (parent) install/erase failed */ rpmfs fs; }; /* forward declarations */ static void rpmteColorDS(rpmte te, rpmTag tag); static int rpmteClose(rpmte te, int reset_fi); void rpmteCleanDS(rpmte te) { te->thisds = rpmdsFree(te->thisds); te->provides = rpmdsFree(te->provides); te->requires = rpmdsFree(te->requires); te->conflicts = rpmdsFree(te->conflicts); te->obsoletes = rpmdsFree(te->obsoletes); te->recommends = rpmdsFree(te->recommends); te->suggests = rpmdsFree(te->suggests); te->supplements = rpmdsFree(te->supplements); te->enhances = rpmdsFree(te->enhances); te->order = rpmdsFree(te->order); } static rpmfiles getFiles(rpmte p, Header h) { rpmfiFlags fiflags; fiflags = (p->type == TR_ADDED) ? (RPMFI_NOHEADER | RPMFI_FLAGS_INSTALL) : (RPMFI_NOHEADER | RPMFI_FLAGS_ERASE); /* relocate stuff in header if necessary */ if (rpmteType(p) == TR_ADDED && rpmfsFC(p->fs) > 0) { if (!headerIsEntry(h, RPMTAG_ORIGBASENAMES)) { if (rpmteIsSource(p)) { /* Unlike binary packages, source relocation can fail */ if (rpmRelocateSrpmFileList(h, rpmtsRootDir(p->ts)) < 0) { return NULL; } } else { rpmRelocateFileList(p->relocs, p->nrelocs, p->fs, h); } } } return rpmfilesNew(rpmtsPool(p->ts), h, RPMTAG_BASENAMES, fiflags); } /** * Initialize transaction element data from header. * @param p transaction element * @param h header * @param key (TR_ADDED) package retrieval key (e.g. file name) * @param relocs (TR_ADDED) package file relocations */ static int addTE(rpmte p, Header h, fnpyKey key, rpmRelocation * relocs) { rpmstrPool tspool = rpmtsPool(p->ts); struct rpmtd_s bnames; int rc = 1; /* assume failure */ p->name = headerGetAsString(h, RPMTAG_NAME); p->version = headerGetAsString(h, RPMTAG_VERSION); p->release = headerGetAsString(h, RPMTAG_RELEASE); /* name, version and release are required in all packages */ if (p->name == NULL || p->version == NULL || p->release == NULL) goto exit; p->epoch = headerGetAsString(h, RPMTAG_EPOCH); p->arch = headerGetAsString(h, RPMTAG_ARCH); p->os = headerGetAsString(h, RPMTAG_OS); /* gpg-pubkey's dont have os or arch (sigh), for others they are required */ if (!rstreq(p->name, "gpg-pubkey") && (p->arch == NULL || p->os == NULL)) goto exit; p->isSource = headerIsSource(h); p->NEVR = headerGetAsString(h, RPMTAG_NEVR); p->NEVRA = headerGetAsString(h, RPMTAG_NEVRA); p->nrelocs = 0; p->relocs = NULL; p->badrelocs = NULL; if (relocs != NULL) rpmRelocationBuild(h, relocs, &p->nrelocs, &p->relocs, &p->badrelocs); p->db_instance = headerGetInstance(h); p->key = key; p->fd = NULL; p->pkgFileSize = 0; p->headerSize = headerSizeof(h, HEADER_MAGIC_NO); p->thisds = rpmdsThisPool(tspool, h, RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME, RPMSENSE_EQUAL); p->provides = rpmdsNewPool(tspool, h, RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME, 0); p->requires = rpmdsNewPool(tspool, h, RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME, 0); p->conflicts = rpmdsNewPool(tspool, h, RPMTAG_CONFLICTNAME, 0); p->obsoletes = rpmdsNewPool(tspool, h, RPMTAG_OBSOLETENAME, 0); p->order = rpmdsNewPool(tspool, h, RPMTAG_ORDERNAME, 0); p->recommends = rpmdsNewPool(tspool, h, RPMTAG_RECOMMENDNAME, 0); p->suggests = rpmdsNewPool(tspool, h, RPMTAG_SUGGESTNAME, 0); p->supplements = rpmdsNewPool(tspool, h, RPMTAG_SUPPLEMENTNAME, 0); p->enhances = rpmdsNewPool(tspool, h, RPMTAG_ENHANCENAME, 0); /* Relocation needs to know file count before rpmfiNew() */ headerGet(h, RPMTAG_BASENAMES, &bnames, HEADERGET_MINMEM); p->fs = rpmfsNew(rpmtdCount(&bnames), (p->type == TR_ADDED)); rpmtdFreeData(&bnames); p->files = getFiles(p, h); /* Packages with no files return an empty file info set, NULL is an error */ if (p->files == NULL) goto exit; /* See if we have pre/posttrans scripts. */ p->transscripts |= (headerIsEntry(h, RPMTAG_PRETRANS) || headerIsEntry(h, RPMTAG_PRETRANSPROG)) ? RPMTE_HAVE_PRETRANS : 0; p->transscripts |= (headerIsEntry(h, RPMTAG_POSTTRANS) || headerIsEntry(h, RPMTAG_POSTTRANSPROG)) ? RPMTE_HAVE_POSTTRANS : 0; rpmteColorDS(p, RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME); rpmteColorDS(p, RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME); if (p->type == TR_ADDED) p->pkgFileSize = headerGetNumber(h, RPMTAG_LONGSIGSIZE) + 96 + 256; rc = 0; exit: return rc; } rpmte rpmteFree(rpmte te) { if (te != NULL) { if (te->relocs) { for (int i = 0; i < te->nrelocs; i++) { free(te->relocs[i].oldPath); free(te->relocs[i].newPath); } free(te->relocs); free(te->badrelocs); } free(te->os); free(te->arch); free(te->epoch); free(te->name); free(te->version); free(te->release); free(te->NEVR); free(te->NEVRA); fdFree(te->fd); rpmfiFree(te->fi); rpmfilesFree(te->files); headerFree(te->h); rpmfsFree(te->fs); rpmpsFree(te->probs); rpmteCleanDS(te); memset(te, 0, sizeof(*te)); /* XXX trash and burn */ free(te); } return NULL; } rpmte rpmteNew(rpmts ts, Header h, rpmElementType type, fnpyKey key, rpmRelocation * relocs) { rpmte p = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*p)); p->ts = ts; p->type = type; if (addTE(p, h, key, relocs)) { rpmteFree(p); return NULL; } return p; } unsigned int rpmteDBInstance(rpmte te) { return (te != NULL ? te->db_instance : 0); } void rpmteSetDBInstance(rpmte te, unsigned int instance) { if (te != NULL) te->db_instance = instance; } Header rpmteHeader(rpmte te) { return (te != NULL && te->h != NULL ? headerLink(te->h) : NULL); } Header rpmteSetHeader(rpmte te, Header h) { if (te != NULL) { te->h = headerFree(te->h); if (h != NULL) te->h = headerLink(h); } return NULL; } rpmElementType rpmteType(rpmte te) { /* XXX returning negative for unsigned type */ return (te != NULL ? te->type : -1); } const char * rpmteN(rpmte te) { return (te != NULL ? te->name : NULL); } const char * rpmteE(rpmte te) { return (te != NULL ? te->epoch : NULL); } const char * rpmteV(rpmte te) { return (te != NULL ? te->version : NULL); } const char * rpmteR(rpmte te) { return (te != NULL ? te->release : NULL); } const char * rpmteA(rpmte te) { return (te != NULL ? te->arch : NULL); } const char * rpmteO(rpmte te) { return (te != NULL ? te->os : NULL); } int rpmteIsSource(rpmte te) { return (te != NULL ? te->isSource : 0); } rpm_color_t rpmteColor(rpmte te) { return (te != NULL ? te->color : 0); } rpm_color_t rpmteSetColor(rpmte te, rpm_color_t color) { rpm_color_t ocolor = 0; if (te != NULL) { ocolor = te->color; te->color = color; } return ocolor; } rpm_loff_t rpmtePkgFileSize(rpmte te) { return (te != NULL ? te->pkgFileSize : 0); } unsigned int rpmteHeaderSize(rpmte te) { return (te != NULL ? te->headerSize : 0); } rpmte rpmteParent(rpmte te) { return (te != NULL ? te->parent : NULL); } rpmte rpmteSetParent(rpmte te, rpmte pte) { rpmte opte = NULL; if (te != NULL) { opte = te->parent; te->parent = pte; } return opte; } tsortInfo rpmteTSI(rpmte te) { return te->tsi; } void rpmteSetTSI(rpmte te, tsortInfo tsi) { te->tsi = tsi; } void rpmteSetDependsOn(rpmte te, rpmte depends) { te->depends = depends; } rpmte rpmteDependsOn(rpmte te) { return te->depends; } int rpmteDBOffset(rpmte te) { return rpmteDBInstance(te); } const char * rpmteEVR(rpmte te) { return (te != NULL ? te->NEVR + strlen(te->name) + 1 : NULL); } const char * rpmteNEVR(rpmte te) { return (te != NULL ? te->NEVR : NULL); } const char * rpmteNEVRA(rpmte te) { return (te != NULL ? te->NEVRA : NULL); } FD_t rpmteSetFd(rpmte te, FD_t fd) { if (te != NULL) { if (te->fd != NULL) te->fd = fdFree(te->fd); if (fd != NULL) te->fd = fdLink(fd); } return NULL; } fnpyKey rpmteKey(rpmte te) { return (te != NULL ? te->key : NULL); } rpmds rpmteDS(rpmte te, rpmTagVal tag) { if (te == NULL) return NULL; switch (tag) { case RPMTAG_NAME: return te->thisds; case RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME: return te->provides; case RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME: return te->requires; case RPMTAG_CONFLICTNAME: return te->conflicts; case RPMTAG_OBSOLETENAME: return te->obsoletes; case RPMTAG_ORDERNAME: return te->order; case RPMTAG_RECOMMENDNAME: return te->recommends; case RPMTAG_SUGGESTNAME: return te->suggests; case RPMTAG_SUPPLEMENTNAME: return te->supplements; case RPMTAG_ENHANCENAME: return te->enhances; default: break; } return NULL; } void rpmteCleanFiles(rpmte te) { if (te != NULL) { te->fi = rpmfiFree(te->fi); te->files = rpmfilesFree(te->files); } } rpmfi rpmteFI(rpmte te) { if (te == NULL) return NULL; if (te->fi == NULL) te->fi = rpmfilesIter(te->files, RPMFI_ITER_FWD); return te->fi; /* XXX take fi reference here? */ } rpmfiles rpmteFiles(rpmte te) { return (te != NULL) ? rpmfilesLink(te->files) : NULL; } static void rpmteColorDS(rpmte te, rpmTag tag) { rpmfi fi; rpmds ds = rpmteDS(te, tag); char deptype = 'R'; char mydt; const uint32_t * ddict; rpm_color_t * colors; rpm_color_t val; int Count; unsigned ix; int ndx, i; if (!(te && (Count = rpmdsCount(ds)) > 0 && rpmfilesFC(te->files) > 0)) return; switch (tag) { default: return; break; case RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME: deptype = 'P'; break; case RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME: deptype = 'R'; break; } colors = xcalloc(Count, sizeof(*colors)); /* Calculate dependency color. */ fi = rpmfilesIter(te->files, RPMFI_ITER_FWD); while (rpmfiNext(fi) >= 0) { val = rpmfiFColor(fi); ddict = NULL; ndx = rpmfiFDepends(fi, &ddict); if (ddict != NULL) while (ndx-- > 0) { ix = *ddict++; mydt = ((ix >> 24) & 0xff); if (mydt != deptype) continue; ix &= 0x00ffffff; assert (ix < Count); colors[ix] |= val; } } /* Set color values in dependency set. */ ds = rpmdsInit(ds); while ((i = rpmdsNext(ds)) >= 0) { val = colors[i]; te->color |= val; (void) rpmdsSetColor(ds, val); } free(colors); rpmfiFree(fi); } static Header rpmteDBHeader(rpmte te) { Header h = NULL; rpmdbMatchIterator mi; mi = rpmtsInitIterator(te->ts, RPMDBI_PACKAGES, &te->db_instance, sizeof(te->db_instance)); /* iterator returns weak refs, grab hold of header */ if ((h = rpmdbNextIterator(mi))) h = headerLink(h); rpmdbFreeIterator(mi); return h; } static Header rpmteFDHeader(rpmte te) { Header h = NULL; te->fd = rpmtsNotify(te->ts, te, RPMCALLBACK_INST_OPEN_FILE, 0, 0); if (te->fd != NULL) { rpmVSFlags ovsflags; rpmRC pkgrc; ovsflags = rpmtsSetVSFlags(te->ts, rpmtsVSFlags(te->ts) | RPMVSF_NEEDPAYLOAD); pkgrc = rpmReadPackageFile(te->ts, te->fd, rpmteNEVRA(te), &h); rpmtsSetVSFlags(te->ts, ovsflags); switch (pkgrc) { default: rpmteClose(te, 1); break; case RPMRC_NOTTRUSTED: case RPMRC_NOKEY: case RPMRC_OK: break; } } return h; } static int rpmteOpen(rpmte te, int reload_fi) { int rc = 0; /* assume failure */ Header h = NULL; if (te == NULL || te->ts == NULL || rpmteFailed(te)) goto exit; rpmteSetHeader(te, NULL); switch (rpmteType(te)) { case TR_ADDED: h = rpmteDBInstance(te) ? rpmteDBHeader(te) : rpmteFDHeader(te); break; case TR_REMOVED: h = rpmteDBHeader(te); break; } if (h != NULL) { if (reload_fi) { /* This can fail if we get a different, bad header from callback */ te->files = getFiles(te, h); rc = (te->files != NULL); } else { rc = 1; } rpmteSetHeader(te, h); headerFree(h); } exit: return rc; } static int rpmteClose(rpmte te, int reset_fi) { if (te == NULL || te->ts == NULL) return 0; switch (te->type) { case TR_ADDED: if (te->fd) { rpmtsNotify(te->ts, te, RPMCALLBACK_INST_CLOSE_FILE, 0, 0); te->fd = NULL; } break; case TR_REMOVED: /* eventually we'll want notifications for erase open too */ break; } rpmteSetHeader(te, NULL); if (reset_fi) { rpmteCleanFiles(te); } return 1; } FD_t rpmtePayload(rpmte te) { FD_t payload = NULL; if (te->fd && te->h) { const char *compr = headerGetString(te->h, RPMTAG_PAYLOADCOMPRESSOR); char *ioflags = rstrscat(NULL, "r.", compr ? compr : "gzip", NULL); payload = Fdopen(fdDup(Fileno(te->fd)), ioflags); free(ioflags); } return payload; } static int rpmteMarkFailed(rpmte te) { rpmtsi pi = rpmtsiInit(te->ts); rpmte p; te->failed++; /* XXX we can do a much better here than this... */ while ((p = rpmtsiNext(pi, TR_REMOVED))) { if (rpmteDependsOn(p) == te) { p->failed++; } } rpmtsiFree(pi); return te->failed; } int rpmteFailed(rpmte te) { return (te != NULL) ? te->failed : -1; } int rpmteHaveTransScript(rpmte te, rpmTagVal tag) { int rc = 0; if (tag == RPMTAG_PRETRANS) { rc = (te->transscripts & RPMTE_HAVE_PRETRANS); } else if (tag == RPMTAG_POSTTRANS) { rc = (te->transscripts & RPMTE_HAVE_POSTTRANS); } return rc; } rpmps rpmteProblems(rpmte te) { return (te != NULL) ? rpmpsLink(te->probs) : NULL; } void rpmteCleanProblems(rpmte te) { if (te != NULL && te->probs != NULL) { te->probs = rpmpsFree(te->probs); } } static void appendProblem(rpmte te, rpmProblemType type, fnpyKey key, const char * altNEVR, const char * str, uint64_t number) { rpmProblem o; rpmProblem p = rpmProblemCreate(type, te->NEVRA, key, altNEVR, str, number); rpmpsi psi = rpmpsInitIterator(te->probs); /* Only add new, unique problems to the set */ while ((o = rpmpsiNext(psi))) { if (rpmProblemCompare(p, o) == 0) break; } rpmpsFreeIterator(psi); if (o == NULL) { if (te->probs == NULL) te->probs = rpmpsCreate(); rpmpsAppendProblem(te->probs, p); rpmteMarkFailed(te); } rpmProblemFree(p); } void rpmteAddProblem(rpmte te, rpmProblemType type, const char *altNEVR, const char *str, uint64_t number) { if (te != NULL) { appendProblem(te, type, rpmteKey(te), altNEVR, str, number); } } void rpmteAddDepProblem(rpmte te, const char * altNEVR, rpmds ds, fnpyKey * suggestedKeys) { if (te != NULL) { const char * DNEVR = rpmdsDNEVR(ds); rpmProblemType type; fnpyKey key = (suggestedKeys ? suggestedKeys[0] : NULL); switch ((unsigned)DNEVR[0]) { case 'O': type = RPMPROB_OBSOLETES; break; case 'C': type = RPMPROB_CONFLICT; break; default: case 'R': type = RPMPROB_REQUIRES; break; } appendProblem(te, type, key, altNEVR, DNEVR+2, rpmdsInstance(ds)); } } void rpmteAddRelocProblems(rpmte te) { if (te && te->badrelocs) { for (int i = 0; i < te->nrelocs; i++) { if (te->badrelocs[i]) { rpmteAddProblem(te, RPMPROB_BADRELOCATE, NULL, te->relocs[i].oldPath, 0); } } } } const char * rpmteTypeString(rpmte te) { switch (rpmteType(te)) { case TR_ADDED: return _("install"); case TR_REMOVED: return _("erase"); default: return "???"; } } rpmfs rpmteGetFileStates(rpmte te) { return te->fs; } int rpmteProcess(rpmte te, pkgGoal goal, int num) { /* Only install/erase resets pkg file info */ int scriptstage = (goal != PKG_INSTALL && goal != PKG_ERASE); int test = (rpmtsFlags(te->ts) & RPMTRANS_FLAG_TEST); int reset_fi = (scriptstage == 0 && test == 0); int failed = 1; /* Dont bother opening for elements without pre/posttrans scripts */ if (goal == PKG_PRETRANS || goal == PKG_POSTTRANS) { if (!rpmteHaveTransScript(te, goal)) { return 0; } } if (rpmteOpen(te, reset_fi)) { if (!scriptstage) { rpmtsNotify(te->ts, te, RPMCALLBACK_ELEM_PROGRESS, num, rpmtsMembers(te->ts)->orderCount); } failed = rpmpsmRun(te->ts, te, goal); rpmteClose(te, reset_fi); } if (failed) { failed = rpmteMarkFailed(te); } return failed; }