## coding: utf-8 <%! local_script_files = [] default_css_files = [ '_static/pygments.css', '_static/docs.css', '_static/site.css' ] %> <%doc> Structural elements are all prefixed with "docs-" to prevent conflicts when the structure is integrated into the main site. docs-container -> docs-header -> docs-search docs-version-header docs-top-navigation docs-top-page-control docs-navigation-banner docs-body-container -> docs-sidebar docs-body docs-bottom-navigation docs-copyright <%inherit file="base.mako"/> <% withsidebar = bool(toc) and current_page_name != 'index' %> <%block name="head_title"> % if current_page_name != 'index': ${capture(self.show_title) | util.striptags} — % endif ${docstitle|h}
<%block name="headers"> ${parent.headers()} % for scriptfile in script_files + self.attr.local_script_files: % endfor % if hasdoc('about'): % endif % if hasdoc('copyright'): % endif % if parents: % endif % if nexttopic: % endif % if prevtopic: % endif


Release: ${release}
${docstitle|h} % if parents: % for parent in parents: » ${parent['title']} % endfor % endif % if current_page_name != 'index': » ${self.show_title()} % endif

<%block name="show_title"> ${title}

% if withsidebar:

Table of Contents

${toc} % if prevtopic:

Previous Topic


% endif % if nexttopic:

Next Topic


% endif

Quick Search

% endif