Blame doc/memorymanagement.txt

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Memory management
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There can be two types of nodes:
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* those connected to an existing tree
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* those unconnected. These may be the top node of a tree
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Nodes consist of a C-level libxml2 node, Node for short, and
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optionally a Python-level proxy node, Proxy. Zero, one or more Proxies can
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exist for a single Node.
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Proxies are garbage collected automatically by Python. Nodes are not
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garbage collected at all. Instead, explicit mechanisms exist for
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Nodes to clear them and the tree they may be the top of.
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A Node can be safely freed when:
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* no Proxy is connected to this Node
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* no Proxy cannot be created for this Node
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A Proxy cannot be created to a CNode when:
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* no Proxy exist for nodes that are connected to that Node
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This is the case when:
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* the Node is in a tree that has no Proxy connected to any of the nodes.
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This means that the whole tree in such a condition can be freed.
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Detecting whether a Node is in a tree that has no Proxies connected to
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it can be done by relying on Python's garbage collection
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algorithm. Each Proxy can have a reference to the Proxy that points to
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the top of the tree. In case of a document tree, this reference is to
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the Document Proxy. When no more references exist in the system to the
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top Proxy, this means no more Proxies exist that point to the Node
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tree the top Proxy is the top of. If this Node tree is unconnected;
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i.e. it is not a subtree, this means that tree can be safely garbage
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A special case exists for document references. Each Proxy will always
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have a reference to the Document Proxy, as any Node will have such a
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reference to the Document Node. This means that a Document Node can
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only be garbage collected when no more Proxies at all exist anymore
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which refer to the Document. This is a separate system from the
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top-Node references, even though the top-node in many cases will be
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the Document. This because there is no way to get to a node that is
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not connected to the Document tree from a Document Proxy.
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This approach requires a system that can keep track of the top of the
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tree in any case. Usually this is simple: when a Proxy gets connected,
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the tree top becomes the tree top of whatever node it is connected
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Sometimes this is more difficult: a Proxy may exist pointing to a node
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in a subtree that just got connected. The top reference cannot be
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updated. This is a problem in the following case:
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  b    c         h
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d  e  f  g     i  j
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now imagine we have a proxy to k, K, and a proxy of i, I. They both
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have a pointer to proxy H.
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Now imagine i gets moved under g through proxy I. Proxy I will have an
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updated pointer to proxy A. However, proxy K cannot be updated and still
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points to H, from which it is now in fact disconnected.
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proxy H cannot be removed now until proxy A is removed. In addition,
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proxy A has a refcount that is too low because proxy K doesn't point
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to it but should.
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Another strategy involves having a reference count on the underlying
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nodes, one per proxy. A node can only be freed if there is no
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descendant-or-self that has the refcount higher than 0. A node, when
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no more Python references to it exist, will check for refcounts first.
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The drawback of this is potentially heavy tree-walking each time a proxy
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can be removed.