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# Universal Types with BER/DER Decoder and DER Encoder
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The *asn1crypto* library is a combination of universal type classes that
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implement BER/DER decoding and DER encoding, a PEM encoder and decoder, and a
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number of pre-built cryptographic type classes. This document covers the
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universal type classes.
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For a general overview of ASN.1 as used in cryptography, please see
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[A Layman's Guide to a Subset of ASN.1, BER, and DER](
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This page contains the following sections:
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 - [Universal Types](#universal-types)
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 - [Basic Usage](#basic-usage)
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 - [Sequence](#sequence)
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 - [Set](#set)
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 - [SequenceOf](#sequenceof)
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 - [SetOf](#setof)
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 - [Integer](#integer)
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 - [Enumerated](#enumerated)
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 - [ObjectIdentifier](#objectidentifier)
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 - [BitString](#bitstring)
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 - [Strings](#strings)
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 - [UTCTime](#utctime)
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 - [GeneralizedTime](#generalizedtime)
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 - [Choice](#choice)
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 - [Any](#any)
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 - [Specification via OID](#specification-via-oid)
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 - [Explicit and Implicit Tagging](#explicit-and-implicit-tagging)
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## Universal Types
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For general purpose ASN.1 parsing, the `asn1crypto.core` module is used. It
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contains the following classes, that parse, represent and serialize all of the
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ASN.1 universal types:
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| Class              | Native Type                            | Implementation Notes                 |
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| ------------------ | -------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ |
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| `Boolean`          | `bool`                                 |                                      |
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| `Integer`          | `int`                                  | may be `long` on Python 2            |
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| `BitString`        | `tuple` of `int` or `set` of `unicode` | `set` used if `_map` present         |
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| `OctetString`      | `bytes` (`str`)                        |                                      |
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| `Null`             | `None`                                 |                                      |
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| `ObjectIdentifier` | `str` (`unicode`)                      | string is dotted integer format      |
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| `ObjectDescriptor` |                                        | no native conversion                 |
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| `InstanceOf`       |                                        | no native conversion                 |
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| `Real`             |                                        | no native conversion                 |
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| `Enumerated`       | `str` (`unicode`)                      | `_map` must be set                   |
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| `UTF8String`       | `str` (`unicode`)                      |                                      |
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| `RelativeOid`      | `str` (`unicode`)                      | string is dotted integer format      |
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| `Sequence`         | `OrderedDict`                          |                                      |
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| `SequenceOf`       | `list`                                 |                                      |
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| `Set`              | `OrderedDict`                          |                                      |
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| `SetOf`            | `list`                                 |                                      |
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| `EmbeddedPdv`      | `OrderedDict`                          | no named field parsing               |
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| `NumericString`    | `str` (`unicode`)                      | no charset limitations               |
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| `PrintableString`  | `str` (`unicode`)                      | no charset limitations               |
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| `TeletexString`    | `str` (`unicode`)                      |                                      |
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| `VideotexString`   | `bytes` (`str`)                        | no unicode conversion                |
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| `IA5String`        | `str` (`unicode`)                      |                                      |
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| `UTCTime`          | `datetime.datetime`                    |                                      |
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| `GeneralizedTime`  | `datetime.datetime`                    | treated as UTC when no timezone      |
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| `GraphicString`    | `str` (`unicode`)                      | unicode conversion as latin1         |
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| `VisibleString`    | `str` (`unicode`)                      | no charset limitations               |
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| `GeneralString`    | `str` (`unicode`)                      | unicode conversion as latin1         |
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| `UniversalString`  | `str` (`unicode`)                      |                                      |
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| `CharacterString`  | `str` (`unicode`)                      | unicode conversion as latin1         |
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| `BMPString`        | `str` (`unicode`)                      |                                      |
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For *Native Type*, the Python 3 type is listed first, with the Python 2 type
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in parentheses.
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As mentioned next to some of the types, value parsing may not be implemented
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for types not currently used in cryptography (such as `ObjectDescriptor`,
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`InstanceOf` and `Real`). Additionally some of the string classes don't
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enforce character set limitations, and for some string types that accept all
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different encodings, the default encoding is set to latin1.
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In addition, there are a few overridden types where various specifications use
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a `BitString` or `OctetString` type to represent a different type. These
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| Class                | Native Type         | Implementation Notes            |
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| -------------------- | ------------------- | ------------------------------- |
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| `OctetBitString`     | `bytes` (`str`)     |                                 |
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| `IntegerBitString`   | `int`               | may be `long` on Python 2       |
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| `IntegerOctetString` | `int`               | may be `long` on Python 2       |
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For situations where the DER encoded bytes from one type is embedded in another,
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the `ParsableOctetString` and `ParsableOctetBitString` classes exist. These
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function the same as `OctetString` and `OctetBitString`, however they also
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have an attribute `.parsed` and a method `.parse()` that allows for
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parsing the content as ASN.1 structures.
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All of these overrides can be used with the `cast()` method to convert between
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them. The only requirement is that the class being casted to has the same tag
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as the original class. No re-encoding is done, rather the contents are simply
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from asn1crypto.core import BitString, OctetBitString, IntegerBitString
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bit = BitString({
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    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
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    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
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# Will print (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)
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octet = bit.cast(OctetBitString)
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# Will print b'\x01\x02'
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i = bit.cast(IntegerBitString)
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# Will print 258
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## Basic Usage
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All of the universal types implement four methods, a class method `.load()` and
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the instance methods `.dump()`, `.copy()` and `.debug()`.
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`.load()` accepts a byte string of DER or BER encoded data and returns an
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object of the class it was called on. `.dump()` returns the serialization of
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an object into DER encoding.
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from asn1crypto.core import Sequence
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parsed = Sequence.load(der_byte_string)
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serialized = parsed.dump()
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By default, *asn1crypto* tries to be efficient and caches serialized data for
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better performance. If the input data is possibly BER encoded, but the output
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must be DER encoded, the `force` parameter may be used with `.dump()`.
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from asn1crypto.core import Sequence
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parsed = Sequence.load(der_byte_string)
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der_serialized = parsed.dump(force=True)
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The `.copy()` method creates a deep copy of an object, allowing child fields to
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be modified without affecting the original.
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from asn1crypto.core import Sequence
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seq1 = Sequence.load(der_byte_string)
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seq2 = seq1.copy()
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seq2[0] = seq1[0] + 1
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if seq1[0] != seq2[0]:
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    print('Copies have distinct contents')
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The `.debug()` method is available to help in situations where interaction with
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another ASN.1 serializer or parsing is not functioning as expected. Calling
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this method will print a tree structure with information about the header bytes,
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class, method, tag, special tagging, content bytes, native Python value, child
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fields and any sub-parsed values.
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from asn1crypto.core import Sequence
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parsed = Sequence.load(der_byte_string)
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In addition to the available methods, every instance has a `.native` property
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that converts the data into a native Python data type.
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import pprint
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from asn1crypto.core import Sequence
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parsed = Sequence.load(der_byte_string)
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## Sequence
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One of the core structures when dealing with ASN.1 is the Sequence type. The
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`Sequence` class can handle field with universal data types, however in most
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situations the `_fields` property will need to be set with the expected
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definition of each field in the Sequence.
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### Configuration
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The `_fields` property must be set to a `list` of 2-3 element `tuple`s. The
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first element in the tuple must be a unicode string of the field name. The
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second must be a type class - either a universal type, or a custom type. The
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third, and optional, element is a `dict` with parameters to pass to the type
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class for things like default values, marking the field as optional, or
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implicit/explicit tagging.
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from asn1crypto.core import Sequence, Integer, OctetString, IA5String
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class MySequence(Sequence):
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    _fields = [
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        ('field_one', Integer),
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        ('field_two', OctetString),
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        ('field_three', IA5String, {'optional': True}),
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Implicit and explicit tagging will be covered in more detail later, however
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the following are options that can be set for each field type class:
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 - `{'default: 1}` sets the field's default value to `1`, allowing it to be
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   omitted from the serialized form
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 - `{'optional': True}` set the field to be optional, allowing it to be
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### Usage
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To access values of the sequence, use dict-like access via `[]` and use the
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name of the field:
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seq = MySequence.load(der_byte_string)
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The values of fields can be set by assigning via `[]`. If the value assigned is
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of the correct type class, it will be used as-is. If the value is not of the
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correct type class, a new instance of that type class will be created and the
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value will be passed to the constructor.
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seq = MySequence.load(der_byte_string)
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# These statements will result in the same state
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seq['field_one'] = Integer(5)
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seq['field_one'] = 5
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When fields are complex types such as `Sequence` or `SequenceOf`, there is no
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way to construct the value out of a native Python data type.
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### Optional Fields
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When a field is configured via the `optional` parameter, not present in the
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`Sequence`, but accessed, the `VOID` object will be returned. This is an object
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that is serialized to an empty byte string and returns `None` when `.native` is
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## Set
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The `Set` class is configured in the same was as `Sequence`, however it allows
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serialized fields to be in any order, per the ASN.1 standard.
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from asn1crypto.core import Set, Integer, OctetString, IA5String
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class MySet(Set):
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    _fields = [
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        ('field_one', Integer),
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        ('field_two', OctetString),
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        ('field_three', IA5String, {'optional': True}),
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## SequenceOf
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The `SequenceOf` class is used to allow for zero or more instances of a type.
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The class uses the `_child_spec` property to define the instance class type.
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from asn1crypto.core import SequenceOf, Integer
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class Integers(SequenceOf):
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    _child_spec = Integer
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Values in the `SequenceOf` can be accessed via `[]` with an integer key. The
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length of the `SequenceOf` is determined via `len()`.
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values = Integers.load(der_byte_string)
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for i in range(0, len(values)):
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## SetOf
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The `SetOf` class is an exact duplicate of `SequenceOf`. According to the ASN.1
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standard, the difference is that a `SequenceOf` is explicitly ordered, however
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`SetOf` may be in any order. This is an equivalent comparison of a Python `list`
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and `set`.
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from asn1crypto.core import SetOf, Integer
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class Integers(SetOf):
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    _child_spec = Integer
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## Integer
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The `Integer` class allows values to be *named*. An `Integer` with named values
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may contain any integer, however special values with named will be represented
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as those names when `.native` is called.
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Named values are configured via the `_map` property, which must be a `dict`
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with the keys being integers and the values being unicode strings.
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from asn1crypto.core import Integer
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class Version(Integer):
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    _map = {
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        1: 'v1',
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        2: 'v2',
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# Will print: "v1"
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# Will print: 4
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## Enumerated
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The `Enumerated` class is almost identical to `Integer`, however only values in
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the `_map` property are valid.
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from asn1crypto.core import Enumerated
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class Version(Enumerated):
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    _map = {
rpm-build 7e4f6c
        1: 'v1',
rpm-build 7e4f6c
        2: 'v2',
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# Will print: "v1"
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# Will raise a ValueError exception
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## ObjectIdentifier
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The `ObjectIdentifier` class represents values of the ASN.1 type of the same
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name. `ObjectIdentifier` instances are converted to a unicode string in a
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dotted-integer format when `.native` is accessed.
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While this standard conversion is a reasonable baseline, in most situations
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it will be more maintainable to map the OID strings to a unicode string
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containing a description of what the OID repesents.
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The mapping of OID strings to name strings is configured via the `_map`
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property, which is a `dict` object with keys being unicode OID string and the
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values being a unicode string.
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The `.dotted` attribute will always return a unicode string of the dotted
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integer form of the OID.
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The class methods `.map()` and `.unmap()` will convert a dotted integer unicode
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string to the user-friendly name, and vice-versa.
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from asn1crypto.core import ObjectIdentifier
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class MyType(ObjectIdentifier):
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    _map = {
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        '': 'value_name',
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        '': 'other_value',
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# Will print: "value_name"
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# Will print: ""
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# Will print: ""
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# Will print "value_name"
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# Will print ""
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## BitString
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When no `_map` is set for a `BitString` class, the native representation is a
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`tuple` of `int`s (being either `1` or `0`).
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from asn1crypto.core import BitString
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b1 = BitString((1, 0, 1))
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Additionally, it is possible to set the `_map` property to a dict where the
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keys are bit indexes and the values are unicode string names. This allows
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checking the value of a given bit by item access, and the native representation
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becomes a `set` of unicode strings.
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from asn1crypto.core import BitString
rpm-build 7e4f6c
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class MyFlags(BitString):
rpm-build 7e4f6c
    _map = {
rpm-build 7e4f6c
        0: 'edit',
rpm-build 7e4f6c
        1: 'delete',
rpm-build 7e4f6c
        2: 'manage_users',
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permissions = MyFlags({'edit', 'delete'})
rpm-build 7e4f6c
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# This will be printed
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if permissions['edit'] and permissions['delete']:
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    print('Can edit and delete')
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# This will not
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if 'manage_users' in permissions.native:
rpm-build 7e4f6c
    print('Is admin')
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## Strings
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ASN.1 contains quite a number of string types:
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| Type              | Standard Encoding                 | Implementation Encoding | Notes                                                                     |
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| ----------------- | --------------------------------- | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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| `UTF8String`      | UTF-8                             | UTF-8                   |                                                                           |
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| `NumericString`   | ASCII `[0-9 ]`                    | ISO 8859-1              | The implementation is a superset of supported characters                  |
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| `PrintableString` | ASCII `[a-zA-Z0-9 '()+,\\-./:=?]` | ISO 8859-1              | The implementation is a superset of supported characters                  |
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| `TeletexString`   | ITU T.61                          | Custom                  | The implementation is based off of |
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| `VideotexString`  | *?*                               | *None*                  | This has no set encoding, and it not used in cryptography                 |
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| `IA5String`       | ITU T.50 (very similar to ASCII)  | ISO 8859-1              | The implementation is a superset of supported characters                  |
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| `GraphicString`   | *                                 | ISO 8859-1              | This has not set encoding, but seems to often contain ISO 8859-1          |
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| `VisibleString`   | ASCII (printable)                 | ISO 8859-1              | The implementation is a superset of supported characters                  |
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| `GeneralString`   | *                                 | ISO 8859-1              | This has not set encoding, but seems to often contain ISO 8859-1          |
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| `UniversalString` | UTF-32                            | UTF-32                  |                                                                           |
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| `CharacterString` | *                                 | ISO 8859-1              | This has not set encoding, but seems to often contain ISO 8859-1          |
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| `BMPString`       | UTF-16                            | UTF-16                  |                                                                           |
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As noted in the table above, many of the implementations are supersets of the
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supported characters. This simplifies parsing, but puts the onus of using valid
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characters on the developer. However, in general `UTF8String`, `BMPString` or
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`UniversalString` should be preferred when a choice is given.
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All string types other than `VideotexString` are created from unicode strings.
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from asn1crypto.core import IA5String
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## UTCTime
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The class `UTCTime` accepts a unicode string in one of the formats:
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 - `%y%m%d%H%MZ`
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 - `%y%m%d%H%M%SZ`
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 - `%y%m%d%H%M%z`
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 - `%y%m%d%H%M%S%z`
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or a `datetime.datetime` instance. See the
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[Python datetime strptime() reference](
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for details of the formats.
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When `.native` is accessed, it returns a `datetime.datetime` object with a
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`tzinfo` of `asn1crypto.util.timezone.utc`.
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## GeneralizedTime
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The class `GeneralizedTime` accepts a unicode string in one of the formats:
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 - `%Y%m%d%H`
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 - `%Y%m%d%H%M`
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 - `%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
rpm-build 7e4f6c
 - `%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f`
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 - `%Y%m%d%HZ`
rpm-build 7e4f6c
 - `%Y%m%d%H%MZ`
rpm-build 7e4f6c
 - `%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ`
rpm-build 7e4f6c
 - `%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%fZ`
rpm-build 7e4f6c
 - `%Y%m%d%H%z`
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 - `%Y%m%d%H%M%z`
rpm-build 7e4f6c
 - `%Y%m%d%H%M%S%z`
rpm-build 7e4f6c
 - `%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f%z`
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or a `datetime.datetime` instance. See the
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[Python datetime strptime() reference](
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for details of the formats.
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When `.native` is accessed, it returns a `datetime.datetime` object with a
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`tzinfo` of `asn1crypto.util.timezone.utc`. For formats where the time has a
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timezone offset is specified (`[+-]\d{4}`), the time is converted to UTC. For
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times without a timezone, the time is assumed to be in UTC.
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## Choice
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The `Choice` class allows handling ASN.1 Choice structures. The `_alternatives`
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property must be set to a `list` containing 2-3 element `tuple`s. The first
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element in the tuple is the alternative name. The second element is the type
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class for the alternative. The, optional, third element is a `dict` of
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parameters to pass to the type class constructor. This is used primarily for
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implicit and explicit tagging.
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rpm-build 7e4f6c
from asn1crypto.core import Choice, Integer, OctetString, IA5String
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rpm-build 7e4f6c
class MyChoice(Choice):
rpm-build 7e4f6c
    _alternatives = [
rpm-build 7e4f6c
        ('option_one', Integer),
rpm-build 7e4f6c
        ('option_two', OctetString),
rpm-build 7e4f6c
        ('option_three', IA5String),
rpm-build 7e4f6c
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`Choice` objects has two extra properties, `.name` and `.chosen`. The `.name`
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property contains the name of the chosen alternative. The `.chosen` property
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contains the instance of the chosen type class.
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parsed = MyChoice.load(der_bytes)
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The `.native` property and `.dump()` method work as with the universal type
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classes. Under the hood they just proxy the calls to the `.chosen` object.
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## Any
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The `Any` class implements the ASN.1 Any type, which allows any data type. By
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default objects of this class do not perform any parsing. However, the
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`.parse()` instance method allows parsing the contents of the `Any` object,
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either into a universal type, or to a specification pass in via the `spec`
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This type is not used as a top-level structure, but instead allows `Sequence`
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and `Set` objects to accept varying contents, usually based on some sort of
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from asn1crypto.core import Sequence, ObjectIdentifier, Any, Integer, OctetString
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rpm-build 7e4f6c
class MySequence(Sequence):
rpm-build 7e4f6c
    _fields = [
rpm-build 7e4f6c
        ('type', ObjectIdentifier),
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        ('value', Any),
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## Specification via OID
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Throughout the usage of ASN.1 in cryptography, a pattern is present where an
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`ObjectIdenfitier` is used to determine what specification should be used to
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interpret another field in a `Sequence`. Usually the other field is an instance
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of `Any`, however occasionally it is an `OctetString` or `OctetBitString`.
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*asn1crypto* provides the `_oid_pair` and `_oid_specs` properties of the
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`Sequence` class to allow handling these situations.
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The `_oid_pair` is a tuple with two unicode string elements. The first is the
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name of the field that is an `ObjectIdentifier` and the second if the name of
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the field that has a variable specification based on the first field. *In
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situations where the value field should be an `OctetString` or `OctetBitString`,
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`ParsableOctetString` and `ParsableOctetBitString` will need to be used instead
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to allow for the sub-parsing of the contents.*
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The `_oid_specs` property is a `dict` object with `ObjectIdentifier` values as
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the keys (either dotted or mapped notation) and a type class as the value. When
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the first field in `_oid_pair` has a value equal to one of the keys in
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`_oid_specs`, then the corresponding type class will be used as the
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specification for the second field of `_oid_pair`.
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rpm-build 7e4f6c
from asn1crypto.core import Sequence, ObjectIdentifier, Any, OctetString, Integer
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rpm-build 7e4f6c
class MyId(ObjectIdentifier):
rpm-build 7e4f6c
    _map = {
rpm-build 7e4f6c
        '': 'initialization_vector',
rpm-build 7e4f6c
        '': 'iterations',
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rpm-build 7e4f6c
class MySequence(Sequence):
rpm-build 7e4f6c
    _fields = [
rpm-build 7e4f6c
        ('type', MyId),
rpm-build 7e4f6c
        ('value', Any),
rpm-build 7e4f6c
rpm-build 7e4f6c
rpm-build 7e4f6c
    _oid_pair = ('type', 'value')
rpm-build 7e4f6c
    _oid_specs = {
rpm-build 7e4f6c
        'initialization_vector': OctetString,
rpm-build 7e4f6c
        'iterations': Integer,
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## Explicit and Implicit Tagging
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When working with `Sequence`, `Set` and `Choice` it is often necessary to
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disambiguate between fields because of a number of factors:
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 - In `Sequence` the presence of an optional field must be determined by tag number
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 - In `Set`, each field must have a different tag number since they can be in any order
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 - In `Choice`, each alternative must have a different tag number to determine which is present
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The universal types all have unique tag numbers. However, if a `Sequence`, `Set`
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or `Choice` has more than one field with the same universal type, tagging allows
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a way to keep the semantics of the original type, but with a different tag
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Implicit tagging simply changes the tag number of a type to a different value.
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However, Explicit tagging wraps the existing type in another tag with the
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specified tag number.
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In general, most situations allow for implicit tagging, with the notable
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exception than a field that is a `Choice` type must always be explicitly tagged.
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Otherwise, using implicit tagging would modify the tag of the chosen
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alternative, breaking the mechanism by which `Choice` works.
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Here is an example of implicit and explicit tagging where explicit tagging on
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the `Sequence` allows a `Choice` type field to be optional, and where implicit
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tagging in the `Choice` structure allows disambiguating between two string of
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the same type.
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rpm-build 7e4f6c
from asn1crypto.core import Sequence, Choice, IA5String, UTCTime, ObjectIdentifier
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rpm-build 7e4f6c
class Person(Choice):
rpm-build 7e4f6c
    _alternatives = [
rpm-build 7e4f6c
        ('name', IA5String),
rpm-build 7e4f6c
        ('email', IA5String, {'implicit': 0}),
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class Record(Sequence):
rpm-build 7e4f6c
    _fields = [
rpm-build 7e4f6c
        ('id', ObjectIdentifier),
rpm-build 7e4f6c
        ('created', UTCTime),
rpm-build 7e4f6c
        ('creator', Person, {'explicit': 0, 'optional': True}),
rpm-build 7e4f6c
rpm-build 7e4f6c
rpm-build 7e4f6c
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As is shown above, the keys `implicit` and `explicit` are used for tagging,
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and are passed to a type class constructor via the optional third element of
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a field or alternative tuple. Both parameters may be an integer tag number, or
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a 2-element tuple of string class name and integer tag.
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If a tagging value needs its tagging changed, the `.untag()` method can be used
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to create a copy of the object without explicit/implicit tagging. The `.retag()`
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method can be used to change the tagging. This method accepts one parameter, a
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dict with either or both of the keys `implicit` and `explicit`.
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rpm-build 7e4f6c
person = Person(name='email', value='')
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# Will display True
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rpm-build 7e4f6c
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# Will display False
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rpm-build 7e4f6c
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# Will display 0
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rpm-build 7e4f6c
rpm-build 7e4f6c
# Will display 1
rpm-build 7e4f6c
print(person.retag({'implicit': 1}).tag)
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