Blame t/03_pragma.t

Packit 549706
Packit 549706
Packit 549706
# Load testing for
Packit 549706
Packit 549706
use strict;
Packit 549706
Packit 549706
	$|  = 1;
Packit 549706
	$^W = 1;
Packit 549706
Packit 549706
use Test::More tests => 12;
Packit 549706
Packit 549706
# Try to prefork-load a module
Packit 549706
use_ok( 'prefork', 'File::Spec::Functions' );
Packit 549706
is( $prefork::MODULES{'File::Spec::Functions'}, 'File/Spec/', 'Module is added to queue' );
Packit 549706
ok( ! $INC{'File/Spec/'}, 'Module is not loaded' );
Packit 549706
Packit 549706
# Load outstanding modules
Packit 549706
is( $prefork::FORKING, '', 'The $FORKING variable is false' );
Packit 549706
use_ok( 'prefork', ':enable' );
Packit 549706
is( scalar(keys %prefork::MODULES), 0, 'All modules are loaded by enable' );
Packit 549706
is( $prefork::FORKING, 1, 'The $FORKING variable is set' );
Packit 549706
ok( $INC{'File/Spec/'}, 'Module is now loaded' );
Packit 549706
Packit 549706
# use in pragma form after enabling
Packit 549706
ok( ! $INC{'Test/'}, 'Test::Simple is not loaded' );
Packit 549706
use_ok( 'prefork', 'Test::Simple' );
Packit 549706
is( scalar(keys %prefork::MODULES), 0, 'The %MODULES hash is still empty' );
Packit 549706
ok( $INC{'Test/'}, 'Test::Simple is loaded' );