use base 'Alpha'; use base qw(Beta Gamma); use base qw; use parent 'Epsilon'; use parent qw{Theta}; # 'Zeta', 'Iota' should not be found use parent -norequire, qw(Zeta Iota); use aliased "Some::Crazy::Module"; # 'ShorterName' should not be found use aliased "Another::Crazy::Module" => "ShorterName"; use base Kappa::Lambda; use base Mu::Nu::; use base qw/ Try /; use base qw ( This One ); use parent qw[Class::Accessor::Fast]; # Two examples from perl-Sys-Info-Base # "__PACKAGE__" should not be found use base __PACKAGE__->load_subclass('Sys::Info::Driver::%s::Device::CPU'); # It is not possible to filter constant which is used as a module use constant TARGET_CLASS => __PACKAGE__->load_subclass('Sys::Info::Driver::%s::OS'); use base TARGET_CLASS; # Do not ignore line which contains '->' in a coment use base 'XML::XQL::Element'; # L -> L use NoCleanA; package NoCleanA; package NoCleanB; require NoCleanB; package ToRemove; sub foo{} package Foo; use base 'ToRemove';