# # 'authentication' should not be found, because it is part of "= <<" block twitter_api_method suggestion_categories => ( path => 'users/suggestions', method => 'GET', params => [], required => [], returns => 'ArrayRef', description => <<'' Returns the list of suggested user categories. The category slug can be used in the C API method get the users in that category . Does not require authentication package authentication; ); %hash = ( "text" => << 'EOT' use and require is a horrible stuff package EOT EOT ); $template = <get_diff($log) ); return << "HERE"; package Use::Template; use Template; HERE } $pod .= << 'HERE'; package Simply::Pod; use Simply::Pod; HERE push @LIB, <note_template( $log, << "HERE" ); perldelta: $section [pending] use HERE write_file( File::Spec->catfile( $fulldir, 'bazmarkhian.al' ), <<'EOT' ); package Foo; use Foo; 1; EOT is (eval <<'END', 1, 'lexical topic compiles') or diag $@; package Experimental ; use experimental 'lexical_topic'; my $_ = 1; is($_, 1, '$_ is 1'); END # Multiple here-docs does not properly. The skipping finish on the first tag myfunc(<< "THIS", 23, <<'THAT'); package THIS; use THIS; THIS package THAT; use THAT; THAT print <<< 'test'; package More::Then::Two::Mark; use More::Then::Two::Mark; print 20 << 20; print 20<<20; use Bitwise::Operator; use constant COPYRIGHT_SHORT => <>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{' . $self->{"name"} .'}, $tracelevel) } $trase = q!<