Blame template/bin/perl.req

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# This is free software.  You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of
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# the GNU General Public License <>.
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# There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
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# This script was originally written by Ken Estes
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# a simple script used to generate dependencies of Perl modules and scripts.
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# It does not parse the perl grammar but instead just lex it looking for
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# what we want. It takes special care to ignore comments and pod's.
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# The filenames to scan are either passed on the command line or if
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# that is empty they are passed via stdin.
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# If there are strings in the file which match the pattern
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#     m/^\s*\$RPM_Requires\s*=\s*["'](.*)['"]/i
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# then these are treated as additional names which are required by the
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# file and are printed as well.
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my $perl_ns = "__PERL_NS__";
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eval { require version; $HAVE_VERSION = 1; };
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use Fedora::VSP ();
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use File::Basename;
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my $dir = dirname($0);
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if ( -e "$dir/perl.prov" ) {
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  $HAVE_PROV = 1;
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  $prov_script = "$dir/perl.prov";
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if ("@ARGV") {
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  foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
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} else {
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  # notice we are passed a list of filenames NOT as common in unix the
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  # contents of the file.
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Packit Service 74cec8
  foreach my $file (<>) {
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foreach $perlver (sort keys %perlreq) {
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  print "$perl_ns(:VERSION) >= $perlver\n";
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foreach my $module (sort keys %global_require) {
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  if (length($global_require{$module}) == 0) {
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    print "$perl_ns($module)\n";
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  } else {
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    # I am not using rpm3.0 so I do not want spaces around my
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    # operators. Also I will need to change the processing of the
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    # $RPM_* variable when I upgrade.
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    print "$perl_ns($module) >= $global_require{$module}\n";
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exit 0;
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sub compute_global_requires {
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# restrict require_removable to all non provided by the file
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  foreach my $moduler (sort keys %require_removable) {
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    if (exists $provide{$moduler} && length($require_removable{$moduler}) == 0) {
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      $require_removable = delete $require_removable{$moduler};
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# store requires to global_requires
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  foreach my $module (sort keys %require) {
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    my $oldver = $global_require{$module};
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    my $newver = $require{$module};
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    if ($oldver) {
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      $global_require{$module} = $newver
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        if ($HAVE_VERSION && $newver && version->new($oldver) < $newver);
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    } else {
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      $global_require{$module} = $newver;
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# store requires_removable to global_requires
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  foreach my $module (sort keys %require_removable) {
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    my $oldver = $global_require{$module};
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    my $newver = $require_removable{$module};
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    if ($oldver) {
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      $global_require{$module} = $newver
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        if ($HAVE_VERSION && $newver && version->new($oldver) < $newver);
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    } else {
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      $global_require{$module} = $newver;
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# remove all local requires and provides
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  undef %require;
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  undef %require_removable;
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  undef %provide;
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sub add_require {
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  my ($module, $newver) = @_;
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  # __EXAMPLE__ is not valid requirement
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  return if ($module =~ m/^__[A-Z]+__$/o);
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  # To prevent that module does not end with '::'
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  # Example:  use base Object::Event::;
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  $module =~ s/::$//;
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  my $oldver = $require{$module};
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  if ($oldver) {
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    $require{$module} = $newver
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      if ($HAVE_VERSION && $newver && version->new($oldver) < $newver);
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  else {
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    $require{$module} = $newver;
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sub add_require_removable {
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  my ($module, $newver) = @_;
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  # __EXAMPLE__ is not valid requirement
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  return if ($module =~ m/^__[A-Z]+__$/o);
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  # To prevent that module does not end with '::'
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  # Example:  use base Object::Event::;
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  $module =~ s/::$//;
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  my $oldver = $require_removable{$module};
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  if ($oldver) {
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    $require_removable{$module} = $newver
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      if ($HAVE_VERSION && $newver && version->new($oldver) < $newver);
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  else {
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    $require_removable{$module} = $newver;
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sub process_file {
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  my ($file) = @_;
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  chomp $file;
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  if (!open(FILE, $file)) {
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    warn("$0: Warning: Could not open file '$file' for reading: $!\n");
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  while (<FILE>) {
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    # skip the here-docs "<<" blocks
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    # assume that <<12 means bitwise operation
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    if (((m/^\s*(?:'[^']*?'|"[^"]*?"|[^"'#]*?)*?[^"'#<@]<<[\\]?(\w+)\s*/ &&
Packit 745a47
          ($1 !~ m/^\d+$/)) ||
Packit 745a47
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        ) &&
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         ! m/q[qxwr]?\s*[{([#|!\/][^})\]#|!\/]*?<<[^<]/
Packit 745a47
       ) {
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      $tag = $1;
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      $tag =~ s/['"`]//g;
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      if ($_ =~ m/^\s*use\s(constant)\s/) { add_require($1, undef) }
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      while (<FILE>) {
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        ( $_ eq $tag ) && last;
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      $_ = <FILE>;
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    # skip q{} quoted sections - just hope we don't have curly brackets
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    # within the quote, nor an escaped hash mark that isn't a comment
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    # marker, such as occurs right here. Draw the line somewhere.
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    if ( m/^.*\Wq[qxwr]?\s*([{([#|!\/])[^})\]#|!\/]*$/ && ! m/^\s*(require|use)\s/ ) {
Packit 745a47
      $tag = $1;
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      $tag =~ tr/{\(\[\#|!\//})]#|!\//;
Packit 745a47
      $tag = quotemeta($tag);
Packit 745a47
      while (<FILE>) {
Packit 745a47
        ( $_ =~ m/$tag/ ) && last;
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    # skip the documentation
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    # we should not need to have item in this if statement (it
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    # properly belongs in the over/back section) but people do not
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    # read the perldoc.
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    if (/^=(head[1-4]|pod|for|item)/) {
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      /^=cut/ && next while <FILE>;
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    if (/^=over/) {
Packit 745a47
      /^=back/ && next while <FILE>;
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    # skip the data section
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    if (m/^__(DATA|END)__$/) {
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    # Each keyword can appear multiple times.  Don't
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    #  bother with datastructures to store these strings,
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    #  if we need to print it print it now.
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        # Again allow for "our".
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    if (m/^\s*(our\s+)?\$RPM_Requires\s*=\s*["'](.*)['"]/i) {
Packit 745a47
      foreach $_ (split(/\s+/, $2)) {
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        print "$_\n";
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    my $modver_re = qr/[.0-9]+/;
Packit 745a47
    my $begin_re = qr#qw\s*[(\/'"!|{\[]\s*|qq?\s*[(\/'"!|{\[]\s*|['"]#;
Packit 745a47
    my $end_re   = qr#[)\/"'!|}\]]#;
Packit 745a47
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    # Skip multiline print and assign statements
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    if ( m/\$\S+\s*=\s*(")([^"\\]|(\\.))*$/ ||
Packit 745a47
         m/\$\S+\s*=\s*(')([^'\\]|(\\.))*$/ ||
Packit 745a47
         m/print\s+(")([^"\\]|(\\.))*$/ ||
Packit 745a47
         m/print\s+(')([^'\\]|(\\.))*$/ ) {
Packit 745a47
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        my $quote = $1;
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        while (<FILE>) {
Packit 745a47
          m/^([^\\$quote]|(\\.))*$quote/ && last;
Packit 745a47
Packit 745a47
        $_ = <FILE>;
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    if (
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# ouch could be in a eval, perhaps we do not want these since we catch
Packit 745a47
# an exception they must not be required
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#   eval { require Term::ReadLine } or die $@;
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#   eval "require Term::Rendezvous;" or die $@;
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#   eval { require Carp } if defined $^S; # If error/warning during compilation,
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        (m/^(\s*)         # we hope the inclusion starts the line
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         (require|use)\s+(?!\{)     # do not want 'do {' loops
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         # quotes around name are always legal
Packit 745a47
Packit 745a47
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         [\t; \n]
Packit 745a47
         # the syntax for 'use' allows version requirements
Packit 745a47
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         # catch parameter like '-norequire,'
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         # the latter part is for "use base qw(Foo)" and friends special case
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       ) {
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      my ($whitespace, $statement, $module, $version, $params, $list, $rest) = ($1, $2, $3, $5, $6, $7 || $8 || $9, $10);
Packit 745a47
      $version = undef if ($version eq '');
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      # Ignore line which contains direct method calls
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      # use base __PACKAGE__->subroutine(...);
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      $list = "" if ($list =~ /^[^;#]*?->/ || $rest =~ /^[^;#]*?->/);
Packit 745a47
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      # Executed in case that multiline q{} quoted sections is used for
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      # list of modules
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      if (defined($list) && $list =~ /^q[qxwr]?$/) {
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        $list = "";
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        if ($rest =~ m/^\s*([{([#|!\/])\s*([^})\]#|!\/]*)$/) {
Packit 745a47
          $tag  = $1;
Packit 745a47
          $list = $2;
Packit 745a47
Packit 745a47
          $tag  =~ tr/{\(\[\#|!\//})]#|!\//;
Packit 745a47
          $tag  = quotemeta($tag);
Packit 745a47
          while (<FILE>) {
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            my $line = $_;
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            if ($line =~ m/^\s*(.*?)$tag/) {
Packit 745a47
              $list .= ' ' . $1 if ($1 ne '');
Packit 745a47
Packit 745a47
            } else { $list .= ' ' . $line; }
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      # we only consider require statements that are flushed against
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      # the left edge. any other require statements give too many
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      # false positives, as they are usually inside of an if statement
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      # as a fallback module or a rarely used option
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      ($whitespace ne "" && $statement eq "require") && next;
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      # if there is some interpolation of variables just skip this
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      # dependency, we do not want
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      #        do "$ENV{LOGDIR}/$rcfile";
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      ($module =~ m/\$/) && next;
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      # ignore variables
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      ($module =~ m/^\s*[\$%@\*]/) && next;
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      # skip if the phrase was "use of" -- shows up in gimp-perl, et al.
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      next if $module eq 'of';
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      # if the module ends in a comma we probably caught some
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      # documentation of the form 'check stuff,\n do stuff, clean
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      # stuff.' there are several of these in the perl distribution
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      ($module  =~ m/[,>]$/) && next;
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      # if the module name starts in a dot it is not a module name.
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      # Is this necessary?  Please give me an example if you turn this
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      # back on.
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      #      ($module =~ m/^\./) && next;
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      # if the module starts with /, it is an absolute path to a file
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      if ($module =~ m(^/)) {
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        print "$module\n";
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      # sometimes people do use POSIX qw(foo), or use POSIX(qw(foo)) etc.
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      # we can strip qw.*$, as well as (.*$:
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      $module =~ s/qw.*$//;
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      $module =~ s/\(.*$//;
Packit 745a47
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      # if the module ends with .pm, strip it to leave only basename.
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      # .pm files are not accepted by 'use'
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      ($module =~ s/\.pm$// && $statement eq 'use' ) && next;
Packit 745a47
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      # some perl programmers write 'require URI/URL;' when
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      # they mean 'require URI::URL;'
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      ($module =~ s/\//::/ && $statement eq 'use' ) && next;
Packit 745a47
Packit 745a47
      # trim off trailing parentheses if any.  Sometimes people pass
Packit 745a47
      # the module an empty list.
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      $module =~ s/\(\s*\)$//;
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      if ( $module =~ m/^(v?[0-9._]+)$/ ) {
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        # if module is a number then both require and use interpret that
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        # to mean that a particular version of perl is specified
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        my $rpm_ver = Fedora::VSP::vsp($1);
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        if (defined $rpm_ver) {
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          $perlreq{"$rpm_ver"} = 1;
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Packit 745a47
      # ph files do not use the package name inside the file.
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      # perlmodlib documentation says:
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      #       the .ph files made by h2ph will probably end up as
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      #       extension modules made by h2xs.
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      # so do not expend much effort on these.
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Packit 745a47
Packit 745a47
      # there is no easy way to find out if a file named
Packit 745a47
      # will be included with the name sys/ so only use the
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      # basename of *.ph files
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      ($module =~ m/\.ph$/) && next;
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      # use base|parent qw(Foo) dependencies
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      # use aliased qw(Foo::Bar) dependencies
Packit Service 74cec8
      if ($statement eq "use" && $module eq "base") {
Packit Service 74cec8
        add_require($module, $version);
Packit Service 74cec8
        if (defined($list) && $list ne "") {
Packit Service 74cec8
          add_require_removable($_, undef) for split(' ', $list);
Packit Service 74cec8
Packit Service 74cec8
Packit Service 74cec8
Packit Service 74cec8
      if ($statement eq "use" && $module eq "aliased") {
Packit 745a47
        add_require($module, $version);
Packit 745a47
        if (defined($list) && $list ne "") {
Packit 745a47
          add_require($_, undef) for split(' ', $list);
Packit 745a47
Packit 745a47
Packit 745a47
Packit 745a47
      if ($statement eq "use" && $module eq "parent") {
Packit 745a47
        add_require($module, $version);
Packit 745a47
        if (defined($list) && $list ne "" && $params !~ /-norequire/) {
Packit 745a47
          add_require($_, undef) for split(' ', $list);
Packit 745a47
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      # use Any::Moose dependencies
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      # Mouse or Mouse::Role will be added
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      if ($statement eq "use" && $module eq "Any::Moose") {
Packit 745a47
        add_require($module, $version);
Packit 745a47
        if (defined($list) && $list ne "") {
Packit 745a47
          if (grep { !/^Role$/ } split(' ', $list)) {
Packit 745a47
            add_require('Mouse::Role', undef);
Packit 745a47
          } else {
Packit 745a47
            add_require('Mouse', undef);
Packit 745a47
Packit 745a47
        } else {
Packit 745a47
          add_require('Mouse', undef);
Packit 745a47
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Packit 745a47
      add_require($module, $version);
Packit 745a47
    } # use|require regex
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  } # while (<FILE>)
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  close(FILE) ||
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    die("$0: Could not close file: '$file' : $!\n");
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sub process_file_provides {
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  my ($file) = @_;
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  chomp $file;
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  return if (! $HAVE_PROV);
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  my @result = readpipe( "$prov_script $file" );
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  foreach my $prov (@result) {
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    $provide{$1} = undef if $prov =~ /perl\(([_:a-zA-Z0-9]+)\)/;
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