Blame t/fork.t

Packit 6427f8
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
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use strict;
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use Test::More;
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use constant TESTS => 3;
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    eval { require BSD::Resource; BSD::Resource->import() };
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    if ($@) {
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        plan skip_all => "BSD::Resource required to test fork()";
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plan tests => TESTS;
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# This should prevent our process from being allowed to have
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# any children.
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my $rlimit_success = eval { setrlimit(RLIMIT_NPROC, 0, 0); };
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    skip("setrlimit does not allow child limiting",TESTS)
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        if not $rlimit_success;
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    # This should return undef quietly, as well as testing that
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    # fork is failing.
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    my $retval = fork();
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    # If our fork was successful, we had better skip out!
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    if (defined $retval) {
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        $retval or exit(0);   # The child process should just exit.
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        skip("fork() still creates children after setrlimit",TESTS);
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    eval {
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        use autodie qw(fork);
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        fork();         # Should die.
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    if ($@) {
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        ok(1, "autodying fork throws an exception");
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        isa_ok($@, 'autodie::exception', '... with the correct class');
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        ok($@->matches('fork'), '... which matches fork()');
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