Blame win32/

Packit 972a07
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use strict;
Packit 972a07
use warnings;
Packit 972a07
use File::Basename;
Packit 972a07
use File::Copy;
Packit 972a07
use File::Path;
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
my $name = shift || 'PerlLog';
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
# get the version from the message file
Packit 972a07
open(my $msgfh, '<', "$") or die "fatal: Can't read file '$': $!\n";
Packit 972a07
my $top = <$msgfh>;
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
my ($version) = $top =~ /Sys::Syslog Message File (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/
Packit 972a07
        or die "error: File '$' doesn't have a version number\n";
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
# compile the message text files
Packit 972a07
system("mc -d $");
Packit 972a07
system("rc $name.rc");
Packit 972a07
system(qq{ link -nodefaultlib -incremental:no -release /nologo -base:0x60000000 }
Packit 972a07
      .qq{ -comment:"Perl Syslog Message File v$version" }
Packit 972a07
      .qq{ -machine:i386 -dll -noentry -out:$name.dll $name.res }); 
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
# uuencode the resource file
Packit 972a07
open(my $rsrc, '<', "$name.RES") or die "fatal: Can't read resource file '$name.RES': $!";
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
my $uudata = pack "u", do { local $/; <$rsrc> };
Packit 972a07
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open(my $uufh, '>', "$name\_RES.uu") or die "fatal: Can't write file '$name\_RES.uu': $!";
Packit 972a07
print $uufh $uudata;
Packit 972a07
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# uuencode the DLL
Packit 972a07
open(my $dll, '<', "$name.dll") or die "fatal: Can't read DLL '$name.dll': $!";
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
$uudata = pack "u", do { local $/; <$dll> };
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
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open($uufh, '>', "$name\_dll.uu") or die "fatal: Can't write file '$name\_dll.uu': $!";
Packit 972a07
print $uufh $uudata;
Packit 972a07
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# parse the generated header to extract the constants
Packit 972a07
open(my $header, '<', "$name.h") or die "fatal: Can't read header file '$name.h': $!";
Packit 972a07
my %vals;    
Packit 972a07
my $max = 0;
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
while (<$header>) {
Packit 972a07
    if (/^#define\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)$/ || /^#define\s+(\w+)\s+\(\(DWORD\)(\d+)L\)/) {
Packit 972a07
        $vals{$1} = $2;
Packit 972a07
        if (substr($1, 0, 1) eq 'C') {
Packit 972a07
            $max = $2 if $max < $2;
Packit 972a07
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my ($hash, $f2c, %fac);
Packit 972a07
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for my $name (sort { substr($a,0,1) cmp substr($b,0,1) || $vals{$a} <=> $vals{$b} } keys %vals) {
Packit 972a07
    $hash .= "    $name => $vals{$name},\n" ;
Packit 972a07
    if ($name =~ /^CAT_(\w+)$/) {
Packit 972a07
        $fac{$1} = $vals{$name};
Packit 972a07
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for my $name (sort {$fac{$a} <=> $fac{$b}} keys %fac) {
Packit 972a07
    $f2c .= "    Sys::Syslog::LOG_$name() => '$name',\n";
Packit 972a07
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# write the Sys::Syslog::Win32 module
Packit 972a07
open my $out, '>', "" or die "fatal: Can't write $!";
Packit 972a07
my $template = join '', <DATA>;
Packit 972a07
$template =~ s/__CONSTANT__/$hash/;
Packit 972a07
$template =~ s/__F2C__/$f2c/;
Packit 972a07
$template =~ s/__NAME_VER__/$name/;
Packit 972a07
$template =~ s/__VER__/$version/;
Packit 972a07
$max = sprintf "0x%08x", $max;
Packit 972a07
$template =~ s/__MAX__/'$max'/g;
Packit 972a07
$template =~ s/__TIME__/localtime()/ge;
Packit 972a07
print $out $template;
Packit 972a07
close $out;
Packit 972a07
print "Updated and relevant message files\n";
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
package Sys::Syslog::Win32;
Packit 972a07
use strict;
Packit 972a07
use warnings;
Packit 972a07
use Carp;
Packit 972a07
use File::Spec;
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
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Packit 972a07
# This file was generated by Sys-Syslog/win32/ on __TIME__
Packit 972a07
# Any changes being made here will be lost the next time Sys::Syslog 
Packit 972a07
# is installed. 
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
# Do NOT USE THIS MODULE DIRECTLY: this is a utility module for Sys::Syslog.
Packit 972a07
# It may change at any time to fit the needs of Sys::Syslog therefore no 
Packit 972a07
# warranty is made WRT to its API. You Have Been Warned.
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our $Source;
Packit 972a07
my $logger;
Packit 972a07
my $Registry;
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
use Win32::EventLog;
Packit 972a07
use Win32::TieRegistry 0.20 (
Packit 972a07
    TiedRef     => \$Registry,
Packit 972a07
    Delimiter   => "/",
Packit 972a07
    ArrayValues => 1,
Packit 972a07
    SplitMultis => 1,
Packit 972a07
    AllowLoad   => 1,
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my $is_Cygwin = $^O =~ /Cygwin/i;
Packit 972a07
my $is_Win32  = $^O =~ /Win32/i;
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
my %const = (
Packit 972a07
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Packit 972a07
my %id2name = (
Packit 972a07
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Packit 972a07
my @priority2eventtype = (
Packit 972a07
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# _install()
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# --------
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# Used to set up a connection to the eventlog.
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sub _install {
Packit 972a07
    return $logger if $logger;
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    # can't just use basename($0) here because Win32 path often are a 
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    # a mix of / and \, and File::Basename::fileparse() can't handle that, 
Packit 972a07
    # while File::Spec::splitpath() can.. Go figure..
Packit 972a07
    my (undef, undef, $basename) = File::Spec->splitpath($0);
Packit 972a07
    ($Source) ||= $basename;
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
    $Source.=" [SSW:__VER__]";
Packit 972a07
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    #$Registry->Delimiter("/"); # is this needed?
Packit 972a07
    my $root = 'LMachine/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/Eventlog/Application/';
Packit 972a07
    my $dll  = 'Sys/Syslog/__NAME_VER__.dll';
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
    if (!$Registry->{$root.$Source} || 
Packit 972a07
        !$Registry->{$root.$Source.'/CategoryMessageFile'}[0] ||
Packit 972a07
        !-e $Registry->{$root.$Source.'/CategoryMessageFile'}[0] ) 
Packit 972a07
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Packit 972a07
        # find the resource DLL, which should be along Syslog.dll
Packit 972a07
        my ($file) = grep { -e $_ }  map { ("$_/$dll" => "$_/auto/$dll") }  @INC;
Packit 972a07
        $dll = $file if $file;
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
        # on Cygwin, convert the Unix path into absolute Windows path
Packit 972a07
        if ($is_Cygwin) {
Packit 972a07
            if ($] > 5.009005) {
Packit 972a07
                chomp($file = Cygwin::posix_to_win_path($file, 1));
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
            else {
Packit 972a07
                local $ENV{PATH} = '';
Packit 972a07
                chomp($dll = `/usr/bin/cygpath --absolute --windows "$dll"`);
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
        $dll =~ s![\\/]+!\\!g;     # must be backslashes!
Packit 972a07
        die "fatal: Can't find resource DLL for Sys::Syslog\n" if !$dll;
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
        $Registry->{$root.$Source} = {
Packit 972a07
            '/EventMessageFile'    => [ $dll, REG_EXPAND_SZ ],
Packit 972a07
            '/CategoryMessageFile' => [ $dll, REG_EXPAND_SZ ],
Packit 972a07
            '/CategoryCount'       => [ __MAX__, REG_DWORD ],
Packit 972a07
            #'/TypesSupported'      => [ __MAX__, REG_DWORD ],
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
        warn "Configured eventlog to use $dll for $Source\n" if $Sys::Syslog::DEBUG;
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
    #Carp::confess("Registry has the wrong value for '$Source', possibly mismatched dll!\nMine:$dll\nGot :$Registry->{$root.$Source.'/CategoryMessageFile'}[0]\n")
Packit 972a07
    #    if $Registry->{$root.$Source.'/CategoryMessageFile'}[0] ne $dll;
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
    # we really should do something useful with this but for now
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    # we set it to "" to prevent Win32::EventLog from warning
Packit 972a07
    my $host = "";
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
    $logger = Win32::EventLog->new($Source, $host) 
Packit 972a07
        or Carp::confess("Failed to connect to the '$Source' event log");
Packit 972a07
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    return $logger;
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# _syslog_send()
Packit 972a07
# ------------
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# Used to convert syslog messages into eventlog messages
Packit 972a07
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sub _syslog_send {
Packit 972a07
    my ($buf, $numpri, $numfac) = @_;
Packit 972a07
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    $numfac ||= Sys::Syslog::LOG_USER();
Packit 972a07
    my $name = $id2name{$numfac};
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
    my $opts = {
Packit 972a07
        EventType   => $priority2eventtype[$numpri], 
Packit 972a07
        EventID     => $const{"MSG_$name"},
Packit 972a07
        Category    => $const{"CAT_$name"}, 
Packit 972a07
        Strings     => "$buf\0", 
Packit 972a07
        Data        => "",
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
    if ($Sys::Syslog::DEBUG) {
Packit 972a07
        require Data::Dumper;
Packit 972a07
        warn Data::Dumper->Dump(
Packit 972a07
            [$numpri, $numfac, $name, $opts], 
Packit 972a07
            [qw(numpri numfac name opts)]
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
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Packit 972a07
    return $logger->Report($opts);
Packit 972a07
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=head1 NAME
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Sys::Syslog::Win32 - Win32 support for Sys::Syslog
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This module is a back-end plugin for C<Sys::Syslog>, for supporting the Win32 
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event log. It is not expected to be directly used by any module other than 
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C<Sys::Syslog> therefore it's API may change at any time and no warranty is 
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made with regards to backward compatibility. You Have Been Warned. 
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In order to execute this script and compile the Win32 support files, you
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need some helper programs: mc.exe, rc.exe and link.exe
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mc.exe and rc.exe can be downloaded from
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link.exe is usually shipped with Visual Studio.
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=head1 SEE ALSO
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=head1 AUTHORS
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SE<eacute>bastien Aperghis-Tramoni and Yves Orton
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=head1 LICENSE
Packit 972a07
Packit 972a07
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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under the same terms as Perl itself.
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