Blob Blame History Raw
# binary search maximum stack depth for arrays and hashes
# and store it in lib/Storable/

use Config;
use Cwd;
use File::Spec;
use strict;

my $fn = "lib/Storable/";
my $ptrsize = $Config{ptrsize};
my ($bad1, $bad2) = (65001, 25000);
sub QUIET () {
    (defined $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} and $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} =~ /\b(s|silent|quiet)\b/
     and !defined($ENV{TRAVIS}))
      ? 1 : 0
sub PARALLEL () {
    if (defined $ENV{MAKEFLAGS}
        and $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} =~ /\bj\s*(\d+)\b/
        and $1 > 1) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 0;
sub is_miniperl {
    return !defined &DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader;

if (is_miniperl()) {
    die "Should not run during miniperl\n";
my $prefix = "";
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
    # prevent Windows popping up a dialog each time we overflow
    # the stack
    require Win32API::File;
# the ; here is to ensure system() passes this to the shell
elsif (system("ulimit -c 0 ;") == 0) {
    # try to prevent core dumps
    $prefix = "ulimit -c 0 ; ";
if (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] eq '--core') {
    $ENV{PERL_CORE} = 1;
my $PERL = $^X;
if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
    my $path;
    my $ldlib = $Config{ldlibpthname};
    if (-d 'dist/Storable') {
        chdir 'dist/Storable';
        $PERL = "../../$PERL" unless $PERL =~ m|^/|;
    if ($ldlib) {
        $path = getcwd()."/../..";
    if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and -d '../dist/Storable') {
        chdir '..\dist\Storable';
        $PERL = "..\\..\\$PERL" unless $PERL =~ /^[A-Za-z]:\\/;
    $PERL = "\"$PERL\"" if $PERL =~ / /;
    if ($ldlib and $ldlib ne 'PATH') {
        $PERL = "$ldlib=$path $PERL";

-d "lib" or mkdir "lib";
-d "lib/Storable" or mkdir "lib/Storable";

if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
    require Win32;
    my ($str, $major, $minor) = Win32::GetOSVersion();
    if ($major < 6 || $major == 6 && $minor < 1) {
	print "Using defaults for older Win32\n";
	write_limits(500, 256);
my ($n, $good, $bad, $found) =
    (65000, 100, $bad1, undef);
print "probe for max. stack sizes...\n" unless QUIET;
# -I. since we're run before pm_to_blib (which is going to copy the
# file we create) and need to load our, not the already
# installed
my $mblib = '-Mblib -I.';
if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
    if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
        $mblib = '-I..\..\lib\auto -I..\..\lib';
    } else {
        $mblib = '-I../../lib/auto -I../../lib';
    # problem with parallel builds. wait for INST_DYNAMIC linking to be done.
    # the problem is the RM_F INST_DYNAMIC race.
    print "parallel build race - wait for linker ...\n" unless QUIET;

sub cmd {
    my ($i, $try, $limit_name) = @_;
    die unless $i;
    my $code = "my \$t; \$Storable::$limit_name = -1; $try for 1..$i;dclone(\$t); print qq/ok\n/";
    my $q = ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? '"' : "'";

    "$prefix $PERL $mblib -MStorable=dclone -e$q$code$q"
# try more
sub good {
    my $i = shift; # this passed
    my $j = $i + abs(int(($bad - $i) / 2));
    print "Storable: determining recursion limit: $i passed, try more $j ...\n" unless QUIET;
    $good = $i;
    if ($j <= $i) {
    return $j;
# try less
sub bad {
    my $i = shift; # this failed
    my $j = $i - abs(int(($i - $good) / 2));
    print "Storable: determining recursion limit: $i too big, try less $j ...\n" unless QUIET;
    $bad = $i;
    if ($j >= $i) {
        $j = $good;
    return $j;

sub array_cmd {
    my $depth = shift;
    return cmd($depth, '$t=[$t]', 'recursion_limit');

# first check we can successfully run with a minimum level
my $cmd = array_cmd(1);
unless ((my $output = `$cmd`) =~ /\bok\b/) {
    die "Cannot run probe: '$output', aborting...\n";

    # suppress Segmentation fault messages
    open STDERR, ">", File::Spec->devnull;

while (!$found) {
    my $cmd = array_cmd($n);
    #print "$cmd\n" unless $QUIET;
    if (`$cmd` =~ /\bok\b/) {
        $n = good($n);
    } else {
        $n = bad($n);
print "MAX_DEPTH = $n\n" unless QUIET;
my $max_depth = $n;

($n, $good, $bad, $found) =
  (int($n/2), 50, $n, undef);
# pack j only since 5.8
my $max = ($] > 5.007 and length(pack "j", 0) < 8)
  ? ($^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 3000 : 8000)
  : $max_depth;
$n = $max if $n > $max;
$bad = $max if $bad > $max;
while (!$found) {
    my $cmd = cmd($n, '$t={1=>$t}', 'recursion_limit_hash');
    #print "$cmd\n" unless $QUIET;
    if (`$cmd` =~ /\bok\b/) {
        $n = good($n);
    } else {
        $n = bad($n);
if ($max_depth == $bad1-1
    and $n == $bad2-1)
    # more likely the shell. travis docker ubuntu, mingw e.g.
    print "Error: Apparently your system(SHELLSTRING) cannot catch stack overflows\n"
      unless QUIET;
    $max_depth = 512;
    $n = 256;
    print "MAX_DEPTH = $max_depth\n" unless QUIET;
print "MAX_DEPTH_HASH = $n\n" unless QUIET;
my $max_depth_hash = $n;

# Previously this calculation was done in the macro, calculate it here
# instead so a user setting of either variable more closely matches
# the limits the use sees.

# be fairly aggressive in trimming this, smoke testing showed several
# several apparently random failures here, eg. working in one
# configuration, but not in a very similar configuration.
$max_depth = int(0.6 * $max_depth);
$max_depth_hash = int(0.6 * $max_depth);

my $stack_reserve = $^O eq "MSWin32" ? 32 : 16;
if ($] ge "5.016" && !($^O eq "cygwin" && $ptrsize == 8)) {
    $max_depth -= $stack_reserve;
    $max_depth_hash -= $stack_reserve;
else {
    # within the exception we need another stack depth to recursively
    # cleanup the hash
    $max_depth = ($max_depth >> 1) - $stack_reserve;
    $max_depth_hash = ($max_depth_hash >> 1) - $stack_reserve * 2;

write_limits($max_depth, $max_depth_hash);

sub write_limits {
    my ($max_depth, $max_depth_hash) = @_;
    my $f;
    open $f, ">", $fn or die "$fn $!";
    print $f <<EOS;
# bisected by stacksize
\$Storable::recursion_limit = $max_depth
  unless defined \$Storable::recursion_limit;
\$Storable::recursion_limit_hash = $max_depth_hash
  unless defined \$Storable::recursion_limit_hash;
    close $f
      or die "Failed to close $fn: $!\n";