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Thank you for considering contributing to this distribution. This file
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contains instructions that will help you work with the source code.
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Please note that if you have any questions or difficulties, you can reach the
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maintainer(s) through the bug queue described later in this document
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(preferred), or by emailing the releaser directly. You are not required to
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follow any of the steps in this document to submit a patch or bug report;
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these are just recommendations, intended to help you (and help us help you
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The distribution is managed with
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However, you can still compile and test the code with the `Makefile.PL` or
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`Build.PL` in the repository:
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    perl Makefile.PL
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    make test
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Packit 92cec9
    perl Build.PL
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    ./Build test
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As well as:
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Packit 92cec9
    $ prove -bvr t
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    $ perl -Mblib t/some_test_file.t
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You may need to satisfy some dependencies. The easiest way to satisfy
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dependencies is to install the last release. This is available at
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If you use cpanminus, you can do it without downloading the tarball first:
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Packit 92cec9
    $ cpanm --reinstall --installdeps --with-recommends Package::DeprecationManager
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Dist::Zilla is a very powerful authoring tool, but requires a number of
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author-specific plugins. If you would like to use it for contributing, install
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it from CPAN, then run one of the following commands, depending on your CPAN
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    $ cpan `dzil authordeps --missing`
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    $ dzil authordeps --missing | cpanm
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They may also be additional requirements not needed by the dzil build which
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are needed for tests or other development:
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    $ cpan `dzil listdeps --author --missing`
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    $ dzil listdeps --author --missing | cpanm
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Or, you can use the 'dzil stale' command to install all requirements at once:
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    $ cpan Dist::Zilla::App::Command::stale
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    $ cpan `dzil stale --all`
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    $ cpanm Dist::Zilla::App::Command::stale
Packit 92cec9
    $ dzil stale --all | cpanm
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You can also do this via cpanm directly:
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Packit 92cec9
    $ cpanm --reinstall --installdeps --with-develop --with-recommends Package::DeprecationManager
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Once installed, here are some dzil commands you might try:
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Packit 92cec9
    $ dzil build
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    $ dzil test
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    $ dzil test --release
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    $ dzil xtest
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    $ dzil listdeps --json
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    $ dzil build --notgz
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You can learn more about Dist::Zilla at
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The code for this distribution is [hosted at GitHub](
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You can submit code changes by forking the repository, pushing your code
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changes to your clone, and then submitting a pull request. Detailed
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instructions for doing that is available here:
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If you have found a bug, but do not have an accompanying patch to fix it, you
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can submit an issue report [via the web](
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or [via email](
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This is a good place to send your questions about the usage of this distribution.
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## Travis
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All pull requests for this distribution will be automatically tested by
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[Travis]( and the build status will be reported on the
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pull request page. If your build fails, please take a look at the output.
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## Tidyall
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This distribution uses
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[Code::TidyAll]( to enforce a
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uniform coding style. This is tested as part of the author testing suite. You
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can install and run tidyall by running the following commands:
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Packit 92cec9
    $ cpanm Code::TidyAll
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    $ tidyall -a
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Please run this before committing your changes and address any issues it
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brings up.
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## Contributor Names
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If you send me a patch or pull request, your name and email address will be
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included in the documentation as a contributor (using the attribution on the
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commit or patch), unless you specifically request for it not to be. If you
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wish to be listed under a different name or address, you should submit a pull
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request to the .mailmap file to contain the correct mapping.
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This file was generated via Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GenerateFile::FromShareDir 0.009 from a
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template file originating in Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-DROLSKY-0.62.