#!/usr/bin/perl -w =pod =head1 NAME portfw - Port forwarder =head1 SYNOPSYS portfw [-p pidfile] [local_ip:]local_port[/proto] remote_ip[:remote_port] =head1 DESCRIPTION Forwards all incoming request from local_port to remote_port. If local_ip is not specified, all addresses on all interfaces are used. If no remote_port is specified, then the same local_port is assumed as the default. If no /proto is specified, tcp is assumed. =head1 AUTHOR Rob Brown - bbb@cpan.org $Id: portfw,v 1.7 2003/07/30 06:50:26 rob Exp $ =cut use strict; use Getopt::Long; use IO::Multiplex; use IO::Socket; my $pidfile; GetOptions "pidfile=s" => \$pidfile, ; my ($local_addr,$remote_addr)=@ARGV; die "Missing local port\n" if !$local_addr; die "Missing remote ip\n" if !$remote_addr; my ($local_ip, $local_port, $proto, $remote_ip,$remote_port); if ($local_addr =~ s%/(\w+)$%%) { $proto = $1; } else { $proto = "tcp"; } if ($local_addr =~ s%^([\d\.]+):%%) { $local_ip = $1; } else { $local_ip = ""; } if ($local_addr =~ m%^(\d+)$%) { $local_port = $1; } else { die "Invalid local port [$local_addr]\n"; } if ($remote_addr =~ s%:(\d+)$%%) { $remote_port = $1; } else { $remote_port = $local_port; } if ($remote_addr =~ m%^([\d\.]+)$%) { $remote_ip = $1; } else { die "Invalid remote ip [$remote_addr]\n"; } print STDERR "Forwarding $proto packets from $local_ip:$local_port to $remote_ip:$remote_port\n"; # Get ready to receive an incoming connection my $listen = new IO::Socket::INET LocalAddr => $local_ip, LocalPort => $local_port, Proto => $proto, ReuseAddr => 1, $proto eq "tcp"?(Listen => 10):(), or die "Could not bind local port $local_port/$proto: $!"; # Just test the remote connection once. my $remote_connect = new IO::Socket::INET PeerAddr => $remote_ip, PeerPort => $remote_port, Proto => $proto, or die "Could not connect to remote $remote_ip:$remote_port/$proto: $!"; if ($proto eq "tcp") { # Close the test tcp socket $remote_connect->close; } elsif ($proto eq "udp") { # Keep this around for udp replies } else { die "Unimplemented protocol $proto\n"; } if ($pidfile) { if (my $pid = fork) { open (PID, ">$pidfile") or die "WARNING: Cannot create $pidfile: $!\n"; print PID "$pid\n"; close PID; exit; } elsif (!defined $pid) { die "fork: $!\n"; } $SIG{TERM} = sub { unlink $pidfile; exit; }; } else { exit if fork; } open STDIN, "/dev/null"; open STDERR, ">/dev/null"; my $mux = new IO::Multiplex; $mux->set_callback_object("My::Portfw"); if ($proto eq "tcp") { $mux->listen($listen); } elsif ($proto eq "udp") { $My::Portfw::complement{"$listen"} = $remote_connect; $My::Portfw::complement{"$remote_connect"} = $listen; $mux->add($listen); $mux->add($remote_connect); } else { die "Unimplemented proto [$proto]"; } $mux->loop; # Never reaches here exit 1; package My::Portfw; use vars qw(%complement); sub mux_connection { my $self = shift; my $mux = shift; my $fh = shift; my $remote_client = new IO::Socket::INET PeerAddr => $remote_ip, PeerPort => $remote_port, Proto => $proto; if (!$remote_client) { warn "FAILED!\n"; # Remote connection failed $fh->write("Server Down! $!\n"); $fh->close; return; } $mux->add($remote_client); $complement{"$fh"} = $remote_client; $complement{"$remote_client"} = $fh; return 1; } sub mux_input { my $self = shift; my $mux = shift; my $fh = shift; my $data = shift; if (my $proxy = $complement{"$fh"}) { # Consume the packet by sending to its complement socket. $proxy->write($$data); $$data = ""; } else { # Not sure what to do, close it. $$data = ""; $fh->close; } } sub mux_eof { my $self = shift; my $mux = shift; my $fh = shift; my $data = shift; if (my $proxy = $complement{"$fh"}) { # Consume the packet by sending to its complement socket. $proxy->write($$data); $$data = ""; # If this has been closed for writing, # then close the complement for writing too. $mux->shutdown($proxy, 1); } } sub mux_close { my $self = shift; my $mux = shift; my $fh = shift; delete $complement{"$fh"} if exists $complement{"$fh"}; }