Blame t/request.t

Packit a09cf7
# Test extra HTTP::Request methods.  Basic operation is tested in the
Packit a09cf7
# message.t test suite.
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
use strict;
Packit a09cf7
use warnings;
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
use Test::More;
Packit a09cf7
plan tests => 35;
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
use HTTP::Request;
Packit a09cf7
use Try::Tiny qw( catch try );
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "" );
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
is( $req->method, "GET" );
Packit a09cf7
is( $req->uri,    "" );
Packit a09cf7
like( $req->header("Accept-Encoding"), qr/\bgzip\b/ )
Packit a09cf7
    ;    # assuming IO::Uncompress::Gunzip is there
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
$req->dump( prefix => "# " );
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
is( $req->method("DELETE"), "GET" );
Packit a09cf7
is( $req->method,           "DELETE" );
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
is( $req->uri("http:"), "" );
Packit a09cf7
is( $req->uri,          "http:" );
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
my $r2 = HTTP::Request->parse( $req->as_string );
Packit a09cf7
is( $r2->method,                    "DELETE" );
Packit a09cf7
is( $r2->uri,                       "http:" );
Packit a09cf7
is( $r2->protocol,                  "HTTP/1.1" );
Packit a09cf7
is( $r2->header("Accept-Encoding"), $req->header("Accept-Encoding") );
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
# Test objects which are accepted as URI-like
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
    package Foo::URI;
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
    use strict;
Packit a09cf7
    use warnings;
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
    sub new { return bless {}, shift; }
Packit a09cf7
    sub clone  { return shift }
Packit a09cf7
    sub scheme { }
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
    package Foo::URI::WithCanonical;
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
    sub new { return bless {}, shift; }
Packit a09cf7
    sub clone     { return shift }
Packit a09cf7
    sub scheme    { }
Packit a09cf7
    sub canonical { }
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
    package Foo::URI::WithoutScheme;
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
    sub new { return bless {}, shift; }
Packit a09cf7
    sub clone     { return shift }
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
    package main;
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
    ok( Foo::URI->new->can('scheme'), 'Object can scheme()' );
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
        !do {
Packit a09cf7
            try {
Packit a09cf7
                HTTP::Request->new( GET => Foo::URI->new );
Packit a09cf7
                return 1;
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
            catch { return 0 };
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
        'Object without canonical method triggers an exception'
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
        'Object can canonical()'
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
        do {
Packit a09cf7
            try {
Packit a09cf7
                HTTP::Request->new( GET => Foo::URI::WithCanonical->new );
Packit a09cf7
                return 1;
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
            catch { return 0 };
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
        'Object with canonical method does not trigger an exception'
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
    ok( !Foo::URI::WithoutScheme->new->can('scheme'), 'Object cannot scheme()' );
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
        !do {
Packit a09cf7
            try {
Packit a09cf7
                HTTP::Request->new( GET => Foo::URI::WithoutScheme->new );
Packit a09cf7
                return 1;
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
            catch { return 0 };
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
        'Object without scheme method triggers an exception'
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
eval { $req->uri ({ foo => 'bar'}); };
Packit a09cf7
like($@, qr/A URI can't be a HASH reference/);
Packit a09cf7
eval { $req->uri (['foo']); };
Packit a09cf7
like($@, qr/A URI can't be a ARRAY reference/);
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
$req = HTTP::Request->new;
Packit a09cf7
is($req->as_string, "- -\n\n");
Packit a09cf7
is($req->dump, <
Packit a09cf7
- -
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
(no content)
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
is($req->dump, <
Packit a09cf7
- - HTTP/1.1
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
(no content)
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
	my @warn;
Packit a09cf7
	local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_ };
Packit a09cf7
	local $^W = 0;
Packit a09cf7
	$r2 = HTTP::Request->parse( undef );
Packit a09cf7
	is($#warn, -1);
Packit a09cf7
	local $^W = 1;
Packit a09cf7
	$r2 = HTTP::Request->parse( undef );
Packit a09cf7
	is($#warn, 0);
Packit a09cf7
	like($warn[0], qr/Undefined argument to parse\(\)/);
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
is( $r2->method,                    undef );
Packit a09cf7
is( $r2->uri,                       undef );
Packit a09cf7
is( $r2->protocol,                  undef );
Packit a09cf7
is( $r2->header("Accept-Encoding"), $req->header("Accept-Encoding") );
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
$r2 = HTTP::Request->parse('methonly');
Packit a09cf7
is( $r2->method,   'methonly' );
Packit a09cf7
is( $r2->uri,      undef );
Packit a09cf7
is( $r2->protocol, undef );
Packit a09cf7
Packit a09cf7
$r2 = HTTP::Request->parse('methonly');
Packit a09cf7
is( $r2->method,   'methonly' );
Packit a09cf7
is( $r2->uri,      '' );
Packit a09cf7
is( $r2->protocol, undef );