language: "perl" sudo: false # travis-perl filters out cperl, perlbrew does support it perl: - "5.6.2" - "5.8" - "5.10" - "5.12" - "5.14" - "5.16" - "5.18" - "5.20" - "5.22" - "5.24" #- "5.24-thr" - "5.26" - "dev" - "blead" # slows down already cached versions by 3 (33s => 1m45s) # (i.e. cache download: 9s, setup: 45s-130s) # but speeds up building the non-cached versions (5.24-*) by 2 (3m50s => 1m45s) # overall: 25min => 35min, so disable the perl cache #cache: # directories: # - /home/travis/perl5/perlbrew/ # blead and 5.6 stumble over YAML and more missing dependencies # for Devel::Cover::Report::Coveralls # cpanm does not do 5.6 before_install: - mkdir /home/travis/bin || true - ln -s `which true` /home/travis/bin/cpansign - eval $(curl --auto install: - export AUTOMATED_TESTING=1 HARNESS_TIMER=1 AUTHOR_TESTING=0 RELEASE_TESTING=0 #- cpan-install --deps # installs prereqs, including recommends #- cpan-install Test::LeakTrace - cpan-install --coverage # installs converage prereqs, if enabled before_script: - coverage-setup notifications: email: on_success: change on_failure: always matrix: fast_finish: true include: - perl: "5.18" env: COVERAGE=1 AUTHOR_TESTING=1 # enables coverage+coveralls reporting allow_failures: - env: COVERAGE=1 AUTHOR_TESTING=1 - perl: "blead" # Hack to not run on tag pushes: branches: except: - /^v?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/