Blame Changes

Packit b8b726
Revision history for Perl extension File-Remove
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
1.57    2016-04-24 - Shlomi Fish
Packit b8b726
    - Correct the copyright holder and year.
Packit b8b726
    - Add a test for Kwalitee and 'use warnings'.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
1.56    2016-03-23 - Shlomi Fish
Packit b8b726
    - Remove the Build.PL so there won't be two build files.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
        - I think it doesn't matter too much with Dist-Zilla, but to avoid
Packit b8b726
        future complaints, I decided to comply with the request.
Packit b8b726
        - Thanks to Karen Etheridge (ETHER) for the report.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
1.55    2016-01-11 - Shlomi Fish
Packit b8b726
    - Add the "{ glob => 0 }" option to remove().
Packit b8b726
        - See
Packit b8b726
        - Thanks to SHARYANTO for the request.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
1.54    2016-01-10 - Shlomi Fish
Packit b8b726
    - Fix a typo in the documentation:
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
        - Thanks to DFH, and dsteinbrunner for the report.
Packit b8b726
    - Hopefully fix the GitHub remote to make it more MetaCPAN-friendly.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
1.53    2016-01-10 - Shlomi Fish
Packit b8b726
    - Convert the distribution from Module-Install to Dist-Zilla.
Packit b8b726
        - Module-Install is undermaintained and unloved.
Packit b8b726
    - Fix a problem running the tests in parallel.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
        - Thanks to ETHER, RJBS, and KENTNL for the report and the analysis.
Packit b8b726
        - Earlier report by EDENC - thanks as well.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
    - Removed trailing whitespace and \r-s.
Packit b8b726
        - The \r-s confused Dist-Zilla abstract extraction.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
1.52    2012-03-19 - Adam Kennedy
Packit b8b726
	- No functional changes
Packit b8b726
	- Updating Module::Install to 1.06
Packit b8b726
	- Moved File::Spec dependency to 3.29 to fix problems with
Packit b8b726
	  four-digit decimal dependencies in some downstream packaging
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
1.51    2011-10-27 - Adam Kennedy
Packit b8b726
	- END-time deletion by clear() is now fork-safe, it will only remove
Packit b8b726
	  paths created in the same process.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
1.50    2011-07-11 - Adam Kennedy
Packit b8b726
	- Adding a second skip for the known-bad cygwin file permissions problem
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
1.49    2011-03-14 - Adam Kennedy
Packit b8b726
	- Restoring 02_directories to no_plan as it runs different test counts
Packit b8b726
	  on different systems.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
1.48    2011-03-11 - Adam Kennedy
Packit b8b726
	- Promoting dev code to production version
Packit b8b726
	- Fixed a major bug in the 1.46 logic that works out what to change the
Packit b8b726
	  cwd to when deleting while inside a directory.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
1.47_01     2011-02-18 - Adam Kennedy
Packit b8b726
	- Add test counts to all test scripts
Packit b8b726
	- Added a test for space-safe globs
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
1.46    2011-02-18 - Adam Kennedy
Packit b8b726
	- No changes from 1.45_01
Packit b8b726
	- CPAN Testers likes the dev release, moving to production release
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
1.45_01  2011-02-17 - Adam Kennedy
Packit b8b726
	- Updated to Module::Install::DSL 1.00
Packit b8b726
	- Skip test on cygwin due to non-root users not being able to deny
Packit b8b726
	  themselves write permissions to files.
Packit b8b726
	- Added a test to delete directories when the current working
Packit b8b726
	  directory is inside the location to delete (ADAMK)
Packit b8b726
	- Fixes for trash() with callbacks and on Mac (MIYAGAWA)
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
1.42    2008-07-03 - Adam Kennedy
Packit b8b726
	- Updated to Module::Install 0.76
Packit b8b726
	- Updated bundled author tests
Packit b8b726
	- Added the test_remove function
Packit b8b726
	- Localising $@ during eval calls
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
1.41    2008-06-02 - Adam Kennedy
Packit b8b726
	- No functional changes
Packit b8b726
	- Updating location of author tests
Packit b8b726
	- Switching to Module::Install again, to generate a better META.yml
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
1.40    2008-02-23 - Adam Kennedy
Packit b8b726
	- Dev release looks good, changing to production release
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
1.39_01 2008-02-20 - Adam Kennedy
Packit b8b726
	- Fixed #30251 "removing dirs enclosed by curly braces"
Packit b8b726
	- remove now ignores globbing if -e is true BEFORE globbing
Packit b8b726
	  (This should fix numerous possible failures where people are trying
Packit b8b726
	   delete strangely named files, but globbing is kicking in and
Packit b8b726
	   expanding the names incorrectly)
Packit b8b726
	- Moving to a production-grade version to indicate module stability
Packit b8b726
	- Adding explicit 5.005 dependency
Packit b8b726
	  (Primarily for the benefit of automated quality/anaylsis tools)
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
0.39    2007-11-12 - Adam Kennedy
Packit b8b726
	- No functional changes
Packit b8b726
	- Updating to Module::Install 0.68
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
0.38    2007-10-15 - Adam Kennedy
Packit b8b726
	- Removed an extremely dangerous and reckless test case that tried
Packit b8b726
	  to delete a soft link to root and (when it failed) deleted the
Packit b8b726
	  actual root directory.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
0.37    2007-07-08 - Adam Kennedy
Packit b8b726
	- Restoring support for broken symlinks (Marek Rouchal)
Packit b8b726
	- Adding tests for the broken symlink case (Marek Rouchal)
Packit b8b726
	- Tidying up the Changes file a bit
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
0.36    2007-06-30 - Adam Kennedy
Packit b8b726
	- Avoid the installation of Mac::Glue.
Packit b8b726
	  (It should not be necesary to test voice synthesis to delete a file)
Packit b8b726
	- Anyone truly needing "trash" support will need to add a dependency
Packit b8b726
	  on Mac::Glue themself. The function may be split out of File::Remove
Packit b8b726
	  later down the track.
Packit b8b726
	- Constanting the debugger flag for a minor speed and memory improvement
Packit b8b726
	- Copy in a known-readonly flag for more accurate testing on Win32
Packit b8b726
	- Remove assumption that -w implied deletion rights on Win32
Packit b8b726
	- Validate that the file was actually deleted.
Packit b8b726
	- Add better mode-handling for files.
Packit b8b726
	- Add smarter implementation of "candelete" logic.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
0.35    2007-02-09
Packit b8b726
	- Update makefile to require Mac::Glue version compatible with Intel macs
Packit b8b726
	- Change pod heading from "methods" to "subroutines" [RT#13687]
Packit b8b726
	- No functional changes from 0.34
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
0.34    2006-11-06
Packit b8b726
	- Update t/03 to skip the "is this file not writable" test when
Packit b8b726
	  it would fail because the tests are being run by root (as sometimes
Packit b8b726
	  happens when installing Perl modules).
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
0.33    2006-10-24
Packit b8b726
	- Previous release tested ok.
Packit b8b726
	- Incrementing for production release.
Packit b8b726
	- No functional changes
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
0.32_01     2006-10-23
Packit b8b726
	- Use File::Spec to clean/canon paths instead of hand-stripping trailing slash
Packit b8b726
	- Apply the File::Path "safe" check manually for the root only, and
Packit b8b726
	  use File::Path itself with safe OFF, so that we can handle deleting
Packit b8b726
	  deep readonly files (and do it properly on VMS)
Packit b8b726
	- Added a test for the deletion of deep readonly files
Packit b8b726
	- Removing the use of "our" variables to try and get the Perl version
Packit b8b726
	  dependency back to at least 5.005.
Packit b8b726
	- Report "deleted" for non-existant files they want to delete
Packit b8b726
	- Report the path they pass, but for dir USE a File::Spec->canonpath
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
0.31    2005-12-28
Packit b8b726
	- Applied Eric Hanchrow's patch to support filenames with spaces.
Packit b8b726
	- Skip recycle tests unless recycle/trash support is available.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
0.30    2005-07-14
Packit b8b726
	- Applied CNANDOR's patch to fix trash() support on OS X 10.4.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
0.29    2004-12-04
Packit b8b726
	- Stabilize undelete support for OS X and Windows.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
0.26    2004-11-16
Packit b8b726
	- Fix the synopsis.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
0.25    2004-11-15
Packit b8b726
	- Renamed undelete() to trash(), to be more clear.
Packit b8b726
	- Allow users to provide their own rmdir/unlink to trash().
Packit b8b726
	- Re-disabled debugging by default.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
0.24    2004-11-15
Packit b8b726
	- Add undelete support for OS X (via Mac::Glue).
Packit b8b726
	- Fix undelete overloading of unlink/rmdir and update tests.
Packit b8b726
	- Fix the documentation to be readable with perldoc.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
0.23    2004-11-15
Packit b8b726
	- Add undelete supportand tests (currently only for Win32, via
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
0.22    2004-11-15
Packit b8b726
	- Add the first set of tests.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
0.21    2004-07-20
Packit b8b726
	- Converted the internals to File::Spec.
Packit b8b726
	- Maintenance transferred by to Richard Soderberg.
Packit b8b726
	  Please e-mail bug reports to <>.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
0.20    1998-04-15
Packit b8b726
	- Now you can pass a scalar reference as the first argument and it
Packit b8b726
	  will used as the recursive flag when removing directories.  With
Packit b8b726
	  recursive flag set to 0 only the files in the directory are
Packit b8b726
	  removed and no attempt is made to recurse into subdirectories.
Packit b8b726
	  Nevertheless, if the directory becomes empty it is removed.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
0.12    1998-04-14
Packit b8b726
	- change the umask and set the permission on directories so we can
Packit b8b726
	  remove the files
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
0.11    1998-04-13
Packit b8b726
	- changed the return values to successes rather than failures since
Packit b8b726
	  it makes more sense.
Packit b8b726
Packit b8b726
0.10    1998-04-10
Packit b8b726
	- original version