Blob Blame History Raw
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

BEGIN { unshift @INC, '.' ;
        $SIG{__WARN__}=sub {return "" if $_[0] =~ /used only once/; print @_;};

use Devel::Symdump::Export qw(filehandles hashes arrays);
use Test::More;

plan tests => 13;


my %prefices = qw(
		  scalars	$
		  arrays	@
		  hashes	%
		  functions 	&
		  unknowns 	*

@prefices{qw(filehandles dirhandles packages)}=("") x 3;

format i_am_the_symbol_printing_format_lest_there_be_any_doubt =
Got these @*
~~ ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


$~ = 'i_am_the_symbol_printing_format_lest_there_be_any_doubt';

@a = packsort(filehandles('main'));
$t = 'filehandles';
$a = "@a";
# write;
ok (
    $a eq "main::DATA main::Hmmmm main::STDERR main::STDIN main::STDOUT main::stderr main::stdin main::stdout"
    $a eq "main::ARGV main::DATA main::Hmmmm main::STDERR main::STDIN main::STDOUT main::i_am_the_symbol_printing_format_lest_there_be_any_doubt main::stderr main::stdin main::stdout"
    $a eq "main::DATA main::DOT main::Hmmmm main::STDERR main::STDIN main::STDOUT main::stderr main::stdin main::stdout", # v5.21.6-337-g67f2cc7

@a = packsort(hashes 'main');
$t = 'hashes';
$a = uncontrol("@a");
$a =~ s/main:://g;
ok (
    $a eq "^H + - @ ENV INC SIG" # + named capture 29682
    $a eq "^H + @ ENV INC SIG"   # + named capture 28957
    $a eq "^H @ ENV INC SIG"     # ^H hints 27643 (?)
    $a eq "^H ENV INC SIG"       # v5.19.5-71-gd456e3f
    $a eq "@ ENV INC SIG"
    $a eq "ENV INC SIG",

@a = packsort(arrays());
$t = 'arrays';
$a = "@a";
like (
      $a, "/main::INC.*main::_.*main::a/", "packsort arrays"

eval {
    @a = Devel::Symdump->really_bogus('main');
$a = $@ ? $@ : "@a";
like ($a,
      "/^invalid Devel::Symdump method: really_bogus\(\)/",

$sob = rnew Devel::Symdump;

for (active_packages($sob)) {
    push @m, "$_";
like ($a,
      "/Carp.*Devel.*Devel::Symdump.*Devel::Symdump::Export.*DynaLoader.*Exporter.*Hidden.*big::long::hairy.*funny::little.*strict/", "active_packages");

my %m=();
for (active_modules($sob)) {
$a = join " ", keys %m;
#print "[$a]\n";
ok (exists $m{"Devel::Symdump"} &&
    exists $m{"Devel::Symdump::Export"} &&
    exists $m{"Exporter"} &&
    exists $m{"strict"} &&
    exists $m{"vars"}, "active_modules");

# Cannot test on the number of packages and functions because not
# every perl is built the same way. Static perls will reveal more
# packages and more functions being in them
# Testing on >= seems no problem to me, we'll see

# (Time passes) Much less unknowns in version 1.22 (perl5.003_10).

my %Expect=qw(
packages 13 scalars 28 arrays 7 hashes 5 functions 35 filehandles 9
dirhandles 2 unknowns 53

#we don't count the unknowns. Newer perls might have different outcomes
for $type ( qw{
	       scalars arrays hashes
	       functions filehandles dirhandles
    next unless @syms = $sob->$type();

	# if this block execute , mysteriously COREDUMPS at for() below
	# NOT TRUE anymore (watched by Andreas, 15.6.1995)
	@vars = ($type eq 'packages') ? sort(@syms) : packsort(@syms);
    } else {
	if ($type eq 'packages') {
	    @syms = sort @syms;
	} else {
	    @syms = packsort(@syms);

    ok (@syms >= $Expect{$type}, $type);


sub active_modules {
    my $ob = shift;
    my @modules = ();
    for $pack ("main", sort $ob->packages) {
        no strict 'refs';
        my %stash = %{"$pack\::"};
        # With restricted hashes we need to check with exists first
        # XXX Core limitation: copying to %stash removes the READONLY flag
        my $restricted = Internals::SvREADONLY(%{"$pack\::"});
        #warn (($restricted ? "" : "un")."restricted $pack\::\n");
        for my $f (qw(import AUTOLOAD ISA EXPORT EXPORT_OK)) {
            if (!$restricted or exists($stash{$f})) {
                if (defined &{ "$pack\::$f"}) {
                    push @modules, $pack;
                    #warn "$pack \n";
                    last FUNCS;
    return sort @modules;

sub active_packages {
    my $ob = shift;

    my @modules = ();
    my $pack;
    for $pack ($ob->packages) {
	$pob = new Devel::Symdump $pack;
	if ( $pob->scalars()	||
	     $pob->hashes()	||
	     $pob->arrays()	||
	     $pob->functions()	||
	    push @modules, $pack;
    return sort @modules;

sub uncontrol {
    local $_  = $_[0];
    s/([\200-\377])/    'M-' . pack('c', ord($1) & 0177 )  /eg;
    s/([\000-\037\177])/ '^' . pack('c', ord($1) ^  64   ) /eg;
    return $_;

sub packsort {
    my (@vars, @pax, @fullnames);

    for (@_) {
        my($pack, $name) = /^(.*::)(.*)$/s;
        push(@vars, $name);
        push(@pax, $pack);
        push(@fullnames, $_);

    return @fullnames [
		sort {
                    ($pax[$a] ne 'main::') <=> ($pax[$b] ne 'main::')
                    $pax[$a] cmp $pax[$b]
                    $vars[$a] cmp $vars[$b]
                } 0 .. $#fullnames

sub init {
    sub Devel::testsub {};
    opendir(DOT, '.');
    opendir(funny::little::imadir, '/');
    $i_am_a_scalar_variable = 1;
    open(Hmmmm, ">/dev/null");
    open(Hidden::FH, ">/dev/null");
