Blame lib/DateTime/TimeZone/

Packit 1c5982
=head1 NAME
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DateTime::TimeZone::Tzfile - tzfile (zoneinfo) timezone files
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    use DateTime::TimeZone::Tzfile;
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    $tz = DateTime::TimeZone::Tzfile->new(
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	    name => "local timezone",
Packit 1c5982
	    filename => "/etc/localtime");
Packit 1c5982
    $tz = DateTime::TimeZone::Tzfile->new("/etc/localtime");
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    if($tz->is_floating) { ...
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    if($tz->is_utc) { ...
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    if($tz->is_olson) { ...
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    $category = $tz->category;
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    $tz_string = $tz->name;
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    if($tz->has_dst_changes) { ...
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    if($tz->is_dst_for_datetime($dt)) { ...
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    $offset = $tz->offset_for_datetime($dt);
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    $abbrev = $tz->short_name_for_datetime($dt);
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    $offset = $tz->offset_for_local_datetime($dt);
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An instance of this class represents a timezone that was encoded in a
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file in the L<tzfile(5)> format.  These can express arbitrary patterns
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of offsets from Universal Time, changing over time.  Offsets and change
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times are limited to a resolution of one second.
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This class implements the L<DateTime::TimeZone> interface, so that its
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instances can be used with L<DateTime> objects.
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package DateTime::TimeZone::Tzfile;
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{ use 5.006; }
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use warnings;
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use strict;
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use Carp qw(croak);
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use Date::ISO8601 0.000 qw(present_ymd);
Packit 1c5982
use IO::File 1.13;
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use IO::Handle 1.08;
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use Params::Classify 0.000 qw(is_undef is_string is_ref);
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our $VERSION = "0.011";
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my $rdn_epoch_cjdn = 1721425;
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# _fdiv(A, B), _fmod(A, B): divide A by B, flooring remainder
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# B must be a positive Perl integer.  A must be a Perl integer.
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sub _fdiv($$) {
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	my($a, $b) = @_;
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	if($a < 0) {
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		use integer;
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		return -(($b - 1 - $a) / $b);
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	} else {
Packit 1c5982
		use integer;
Packit 1c5982
		return $a / $b;
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sub _fmod($$) { $_[0] % $_[1] }
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=item DateTime::TimeZone::Tzfile->new(ATTR => VALUE, ...)
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Reads and parses a L<tzfile(5)> format file, then constructs and returns
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a L<DateTime>-compatible timezone object that implements the timezone
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encoded in the file.  The following attributes may be given:
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=item B<name>
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Name for the timezone object.  This will be returned by the C<name>
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method described below, and will be included in certain error messages.
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=item B<category>
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The string or C<undef> that will be returned by the C<category> method
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described below.  Default C<undef>.
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=item B<is_olson>
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The truth value that will be returned by the C<is_olson> method described
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below.  Default false.
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=item B<filename>
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Name of the file from which to read the timezone data.  The filename
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must be understood by L<IO::File>.
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=item B<filehandle>
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An L<IO::Handle> object from which the timezone data can be read.
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This does not need to be a regular seekable file; it is read sequentially.
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After the constructor has finished, the handle can still be used to read
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any data that follows the timezone data.
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Either a filename or filehandle must be given.  If a timezone name is not
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given, then the filename is used instead if supplied; a timezone name
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must be given explicitly if no filename is given.
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=item DateTime::TimeZone::Tzfile->new(FILENAME)
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Simpler way to invoke the above constructor in the usual case.  Only the
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filename is given; this will also be used as the timezone name.
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sub _saferead($$) {
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	my($fh, $len) = @_;
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	my $data;
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	my $rlen = $fh->read($data, $len);
Packit 1c5982
	croak "can't read tzfile: $!" unless defined($rlen);
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	croak "bad tzfile: premature EOF" unless $rlen == $len;
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	return $data;
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sub _read_u32($) { unpack("N", _saferead($_[0], 4)) }
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sub _read_s32($) {
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	my $uval = _read_u32($_[0]);
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	return ($uval & 0x80000000) ? ($uval & 0x7fffffff) - 0x80000000 :
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sub _read_u8($) { ord(_saferead($_[0], 1)) }
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my $unix_epoch_rdn = 719163;
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sub _read_tm32($) {
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	my $t = _read_s32($_[0]);
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	return [ $unix_epoch_rdn + _fdiv($t, 86400), _fmod($t, 86400) ];
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sub _read_tm64($) {
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	my($fh) = @_;
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	my $th = _read_s32($fh);
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	my $tl = _read_u32($fh);
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	my $dh = _fdiv($th, 86400);
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	$th = (_fmod($th, 86400) << 10) | ($tl >> 22);
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	my $d2 = _fdiv($th, 86400);
Packit 1c5982
	$th = (_fmod($th, 86400) << 10) | (($tl >> 12) & 0x3ff);
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	my $d3 = _fdiv($th, 86400);
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	$th = (_fmod($th, 86400) << 12) | ($tl & 0xfff);
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	my $d4 = _fdiv($th, 86400);
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	$th = _fmod($th, 86400);
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	my $d = $dh * 4294967296 + $d2 * 4194304 + (($d3 << 12) + $d4);
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	return [ $unix_epoch_rdn + $d, $th ];
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my $factory_abbr = "Local time zone must be set--see zic manual page";
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sub new {
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	my $class = shift;
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	unshift @_, "filename" if @_ == 1;
Packit 1c5982
	my $self = bless({}, $class);
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	my($filename, $fh);
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	while(@_) {
Packit 1c5982
		my $attr = shift;
Packit 1c5982
		my $value = shift;
Packit 1c5982
		if($attr eq "name") {
Packit 1c5982
			croak "timezone name specified redundantly"
Packit 1c5982
				if exists $self->{name};
Packit 1c5982
			croak "timezone name must be a string"
Packit 1c5982
				unless is_string($value);
Packit 1c5982
			$self->{name} = $value;
Packit 1c5982
		} elsif($attr eq "category") {
Packit 1c5982
			croak "category value specified redundantly"
Packit 1c5982
				if exists $self->{category};
Packit 1c5982
			croak "category value must be a string or undef"
Packit 1c5982
				unless is_undef($value) || is_string($value);
Packit 1c5982
			$self->{category} = $value;
Packit 1c5982
		} elsif($attr eq "is_olson") {
Packit 1c5982
			croak "is_olson flag specified redundantly"
Packit 1c5982
				if exists $self->{is_olson};
Packit 1c5982
			$self->{is_olson} = !!$value;
Packit 1c5982
		} elsif($attr eq "filename") {
Packit 1c5982
			croak "filename specified redundantly"
Packit 1c5982
				if defined($filename) || defined($fh);
Packit 1c5982
			croak "filename must be a string"
Packit 1c5982
				unless is_string($value);
Packit 1c5982
			$filename = $value;
Packit 1c5982
		} elsif($attr eq "filehandle") {
Packit 1c5982
			croak "filehandle specified redundantly"
Packit 1c5982
				if defined($filename) || defined($fh);
Packit 1c5982
			$fh = $value;
Packit 1c5982
		} else {
Packit 1c5982
			croak "unrecognised attribute `$attr'";
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
	croak "file not specified" unless defined($filename) || defined($fh);
Packit 1c5982
	unless(exists $self->{name}) {
Packit 1c5982
		croak "timezone name not specified" unless defined $filename;
Packit 1c5982
		$self->{name} = $filename;
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
	unless(exists $self->{category}) {
Packit 1c5982
		$self->{category} = undef;
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
	unless(exists $self->{is_olson}) {
Packit 1c5982
		$self->{is_olson} = !!0;
Packit 1c5982
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	if(defined $filename) {
Packit 1c5982
		($fh = IO::File->new($filename, "r")) && $fh->binmode
Packit 1c5982
			or croak "can't read $filename: $!";
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
	croak "bad tzfile: wrong magic number"
Packit 1c5982
		unless _saferead($fh, 4) eq "TZif";
Packit 1c5982
	my $fmtversion = _saferead($fh, 1);
Packit 1c5982
	croak "bad tzfile: malformed version number"
Packit 1c5982
		unless $fmtversion =~ /\A[2-9\0]\z/;
Packit 1c5982
	_saferead($fh, 15);
Packit 1c5982
	my($ttisgmtcnt, $ttisstdcnt, $leapcnt, $timecnt, $typecnt, $charcnt) =
Packit 1c5982
		map { _read_u32($fh) } 1 .. 6;
Packit 1c5982
	croak "bad tzfile: no local time types" if $typecnt == 0;
Packit 1c5982
	my @trn_times = map { _read_tm32($fh) } 1 .. $timecnt;
Packit 1c5982
	my @obs_types = map { _read_u8($fh) } 1 .. $timecnt;
Packit 1c5982
	my @types = map {
Packit 1c5982
		[ _read_s32($fh), !!_read_u8($fh), _read_u8($fh) ]
Packit 1c5982
	} 1 .. $typecnt;
Packit 1c5982
	my $chars = _saferead($fh, $charcnt);
Packit 1c5982
	for(my $i = $leapcnt; $i--; ) { _saferead($fh, 8); }
Packit 1c5982
	for(my $i = $ttisstdcnt; $i--; ) { _saferead($fh, 1); }
Packit 1c5982
	for(my $i = $ttisgmtcnt; $i--; ) { _saferead($fh, 1); }
Packit 1c5982
	my $late_rule;
Packit 1c5982
	if($fmtversion ge "2") {
Packit 1c5982
		croak "bad tzfile: wrong magic number"
Packit 1c5982
			unless _saferead($fh, 4) eq "TZif";
Packit 1c5982
		_saferead($fh, 16);
Packit 1c5982
		($ttisgmtcnt, $ttisstdcnt, $leapcnt,
Packit 1c5982
		 $timecnt, $typecnt, $charcnt) =
Packit 1c5982
			map { _read_u32($fh) } 1 .. 6;
Packit 1c5982
		croak "bad tzfile: no local time types" if $typecnt == 0;
Packit 1c5982
		@trn_times = map { _read_tm64($fh) } 1 .. $timecnt;
Packit 1c5982
		@obs_types = map { _read_u8($fh) } 1 .. $timecnt;
Packit 1c5982
		@types = map {
Packit 1c5982
			[ _read_s32($fh), !!_read_u8($fh), _read_u8($fh) ]
Packit 1c5982
		} 1 .. $typecnt;
Packit 1c5982
		$chars = _saferead($fh, $charcnt);
Packit 1c5982
		for(my $i = $leapcnt; $i--; ) { _saferead($fh, 12); }
Packit 1c5982
		for(my $i = $ttisstdcnt; $i--; ) { _saferead($fh, 1); }
Packit 1c5982
		for(my $i = $ttisgmtcnt; $i--; ) { _saferead($fh, 1); }
Packit 1c5982
		croak "bad tzfile: missing newline"
Packit 1c5982
			unless _saferead($fh, 1) eq "\x0a";
Packit 1c5982
		$late_rule = "";
Packit 1c5982
		while(1) {
Packit 1c5982
			my $c = _saferead($fh, 1);
Packit 1c5982
			last if $c eq "\x0a";
Packit 1c5982
			$late_rule .= $c;
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
	$fh = undef;
Packit 1c5982
	for(my $i = @trn_times - 1; $i-- > 0; ) {
Packit 1c5982
		unless(($trn_times[$i]->[0] <=> $trn_times[$i+1]->[0] ||
Packit 1c5982
			$trn_times[$i]->[1] <=> $trn_times[$i+1]->[1]) == -1) {
Packit 1c5982
			croak "bad tzfile: unsorted change times";
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
	my $first_std_type_index;
Packit 1c5982
	my %offsets;
Packit 1c5982
	for(my $i = 0; $i != $typecnt; $i++) {
Packit 1c5982
		my $abbrind = $types[$i]->[2];
Packit 1c5982
		croak "bad tzfile: invalid abbreviation index"
Packit 1c5982
			if $abbrind > $charcnt;
Packit 1c5982
		pos($chars) = $abbrind;
Packit 1c5982
		$chars =~ /\G([^\0]*)/g;
Packit 1c5982
		$types[$i]->[2] = $1;
Packit 1c5982
		$first_std_type_index = $i
Packit 1c5982
			if !defined($first_std_type_index) && !$types[$i]->[1];
Packit 1c5982
		$self->{has_dst} = 1 if $types[$i]->[1];
Packit 1c5982
		if($types[$i]->[0] == 0 && !$types[$i]->[1] &&
Packit 1c5982
				$types[$i]->[2] eq "zzz") {
Packit 1c5982
			# "zzz" means the zone is not defined at this time,
Packit 1c5982
			# due for example to the location being uninhabited
Packit 1c5982
			$types[$i] = "zone disuse";
Packit 1c5982
		} else {
Packit 1c5982
			$offsets{$types[$i]->[0]} = undef;
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
	unshift @obs_types,
Packit 1c5982
		defined($first_std_type_index) ? $first_std_type_index : 0;
Packit 1c5982
	foreach my $obs_type (@obs_types) {
Packit 1c5982
		croak "bad tzfile: invalid local time type index"
Packit 1c5982
			if $obs_type >= $typecnt;
Packit 1c5982
		$obs_type = $types[$obs_type];
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
	if(defined($late_rule) && $late_rule eq "<$factory_abbr>0" &&
Packit 1c5982
			defined($obs_types[-1]) && $obs_types[-1]->[0] == 0 &&
Packit 1c5982
			!$obs_types[-1]->[1] &&
Packit 1c5982
			$obs_types[-1]->[2] eq $factory_abbr) {
Packit 1c5982
		# This bizarre timezone abbreviation is used in the Factory
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		# timezone in the Olson database.  It's not valid in a
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		# SysV-style TZ value, because it contains spaces, but zic
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		# puts it into one anyway because the file format demands
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		# it.  DT:TZ:SystemV would object, so as a special
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		# exception we ignore the TZ value in this case.
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		$late_rule = undef;
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
	if(defined $late_rule) {
Packit 1c5982
		if($late_rule eq "") {
Packit 1c5982
			$obs_types[-1] = "missing data";
Packit 1c5982
		} elsif($late_rule =~
Packit 1c5982
				/\A(?:zzz|<zzz>)[-+]?00?(?::00(?::00)?)?\z/) {
Packit 1c5982
			$obs_types[-1] = "zone disuse";
Packit 1c5982
		} else {
Packit 1c5982
			require DateTime::TimeZone::SystemV;
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
			$obs_types[-1] =
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
					system => $fmtversion ge "3" ?
Packit 1c5982
							"tzfile3" : "posix",
Packit 1c5982
					recipe => $late_rule);
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
	$self->{trn_times} = \@trn_times;
Packit 1c5982
	$self->{obs_types} = \@obs_types;
Packit 1c5982
	$self->{offsets} = [ sort { $a <=> $b } keys %offsets ];
Packit 1c5982
	return $self;
Packit 1c5982
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Packit 1c5982
sub _present_rdn_sod($$) {
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	my($rdn, $sod) = @_;
Packit 1c5982
	return sprintf("%sT%02d:%02d:%02d",
Packit 1c5982
		present_ymd($rdn + $rdn_epoch_cjdn),
Packit 1c5982
		int($sod/3600), int($sod/60)%60, $sod%60);
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=head1 METHODS
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These methods are all part of the L<DateTime::TimeZone> interface.
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See that class for the general meaning of these methods; the documentation
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below only comments on the specific behaviour of this class.
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=head2 Identification
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=item $tz->is_floating
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Packit 1c5982
Returns false.
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sub is_floating { 0 }
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Packit 1c5982
=item $tz->is_utc
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Returns false.
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sub is_utc { 0 }
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Packit 1c5982
=item $tz->is_olson
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Packit 1c5982
Returns the truth value that was provided to the constructor for this
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purpose, default false.  This nominally indicates whether the timezone
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data is from the Olson database.  The files interpreted by this class
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are very likely to be from the Olson database, but there is no explicit
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indicator for this in the file, so this information must be supplied to
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the constructor if required.
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sub is_olson { $_[0]->{is_olson} }
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Packit 1c5982
=item $tz->category
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Packit 1c5982
Returns the value that was provided to the constructor for this purpose,
Packit 1c5982
default C<undef>.  This is intended to indicate the general region
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(continent or ocean) in which a geographical timezone is used, when
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the timezone is named according to the hierarchical scheme of the Olson
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timezone database.
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Packit 1c5982
sub category { $_[0]->{category} }
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=item $tz->name
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Returns the timezone name.  Usually this is the filename that was supplied
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to the constructor, but it can be overridden by the constructor's B<name>
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
sub name { $_[0]->{name} }
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=head2 Offsets
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=item $tz->has_dst_changes
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Returns a truth value indicating whether any of the observances in the file
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are marked as DST.  These DST flags are potentially arbitrary, and don't
Packit 1c5982
affect any of the zone's behaviour.
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
sub has_dst_changes { $_[0]->{has_dst} }
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Packit 1c5982
# observance lookup
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Packit 1c5982
sub _type_for_rdn_sod {
Packit 1c5982
	my($self, $utc_rdn, $utc_sod) = @_;
Packit 1c5982
	my $lo = 0;
Packit 1c5982
	my $hi = @{$self->{trn_times}};
Packit 1c5982
	while($lo != $hi) {
Packit 1c5982
		my $try = do { use integer; ($lo + $hi) / 2 };
Packit 1c5982
		if(($utc_rdn <=> $self->{trn_times}->[$try]->[0] ||
Packit 1c5982
		    $utc_sod <=> $self->{trn_times}->[$try]->[1]) == -1) {
Packit 1c5982
			$hi = $try;
Packit 1c5982
		} else {
Packit 1c5982
			$lo = $try + 1;
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
	return $self->{obs_types}->[$lo];
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
sub _type_for_datetime {
Packit 1c5982
	my($self, $dt) = @_;
Packit 1c5982
	my($utc_rdn, $utc_sod) = $dt->utc_rd_values;
Packit 1c5982
	$utc_sod = 86399 if $utc_sod >= 86400;
Packit 1c5982
	my $type = $self->_type_for_rdn_sod($utc_rdn, $utc_sod);
Packit 1c5982
	if(is_string($type)) {
Packit 1c5982
		croak "time @{[_present_rdn_sod($utc_rdn, $utc_sod)]}Z ".
Packit 1c5982
			"is not represented ".
Packit 1c5982
			"in the @{[$self->{name}]} timezone ".
Packit 1c5982
			"due to $type";
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
	return $type;
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
=item $tz->offset_for_datetime(DT)
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
must be a L<DateTime>-compatible object (specifically, it must
Packit 1c5982
implement the C<utc_rd_values> method).  Returns the offset from UT that
Packit 1c5982
is in effect at the instant represented by I
, in seconds.
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
sub offset_for_datetime {
Packit 1c5982
	my($self, $dt) = @_;
Packit 1c5982
	my $type = $self->_type_for_datetime($dt);
Packit 1c5982
	return is_ref($type, "ARRAY") ? $type->[0] :
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
=item $tz->is_dst_for_datetime(DT)
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
must be a L<DateTime>-compatible object (specifically, it must
Packit 1c5982
implement the C<utc_rd_values> method).  Returns a truth value indicating
Packit 1c5982
whether the timezone's observance at the instant represented by I
Packit 1c5982
is marked as DST.  This DST flag is potentially arbitrary, and doesn't
Packit 1c5982
affect anything else.
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
sub is_dst_for_datetime {
Packit 1c5982
	my($self, $dt) = @_;
Packit 1c5982
	my $type = $self->_type_for_datetime($dt);
Packit 1c5982
	return is_ref($type, "ARRAY") ? $type->[1] :
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
=item $tz->short_name_for_datetime(DT)
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
must be a L<DateTime>-compatible object (specifically, it must
Packit 1c5982
implement the C<utc_rd_values> method).  Returns the abbreviation
Packit 1c5982
used to label the time scale at the instant represented by I
Packit 1c5982
This abbreviation is potentially arbitrary, and does not uniquely identify
Packit 1c5982
either the timezone or the offset.
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
sub short_name_for_datetime {
Packit 1c5982
	my($self, $dt) = @_;
Packit 1c5982
	my $type = $self->_type_for_datetime($dt);
Packit 1c5982
	return is_ref($type, "ARRAY") ? $type->[2] :
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
=item $tz->offset_for_local_datetime(DT)
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
must be a L<DateTime>-compatible object (specifically, it
Packit 1c5982
must implement the C<local_rd_values> method).  Takes the local
Packit 1c5982
time represented by I
(regardless of what absolute time it also
Packit 1c5982
represents), and interprets that as a local time in the timezone of the
Packit 1c5982
timezone object (not the timezone used in I
). Returns the offset
Packit 1c5982
from UT that is in effect at that local time, in seconds.
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
If the local time given is ambiguous due to a nearby offset change,
Packit 1c5982
the numerically lowest offset (usually the standard one) is returned
Packit 1c5982
with no warning of the situation.  (Equivalently: the latest possible
Packit 1c5982
absolute time is indicated.)  If the local time given does not exist
Packit 1c5982
due to a nearby offset change, the method C<die>s saying so.
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
sub _local_to_utc_rdn_sod($$$) {
Packit 1c5982
	my($rdn, $sod, $offset) = @_;
Packit 1c5982
	$sod -= $offset;
Packit 1c5982
	while($sod < 0) {
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
		$sod += 86400;
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
	while($sod >= 86400) {
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
		$sod -= 86400;
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
	return ($rdn, $sod);
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
sub offset_for_local_datetime {
Packit 1c5982
	my($self, $dt) = @_;
Packit 1c5982
	my($lcl_rdn, $lcl_sod) = $dt->local_rd_values;
Packit 1c5982
	$lcl_sod = 86399 if $lcl_sod >= 86400;
Packit 1c5982
	my %seen_error;
Packit 1c5982
	foreach my $offset (@{$self->{offsets}}) {
Packit 1c5982
		my($utc_rdn, $utc_sod) =
Packit 1c5982
			_local_to_utc_rdn_sod($lcl_rdn, $lcl_sod, $offset);
Packit 1c5982
		my $ttype = $self->_type_for_rdn_sod($utc_rdn, $utc_sod);
Packit 1c5982
		if(is_string($ttype)) {
Packit 1c5982
			$seen_error{$ttype} = undef;
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
		my $local_offset = is_ref($ttype, "ARRAY") ? $ttype->[0] :
Packit 1c5982
			eval { local $SIG{__DIE__};
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
		return $offset
Packit 1c5982
			if defined($local_offset) && $local_offset == $offset;
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
	my $error;
Packit 1c5982
	foreach("zone disuse", "missing data") {
Packit 1c5982
		if(exists $seen_error{$_}) {
Packit 1c5982
			$error = $_;
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
	$error ||= "offset change";
Packit 1c5982
	croak "local time @{[_present_rdn_sod($lcl_rdn, $lcl_sod)]} ".
Packit 1c5982
		"does not exist in the @{[$self->{name}]} timezone ".
Packit 1c5982
		"due to $error";
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
=head1 SEE ALSO
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
=head1 AUTHOR
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Andrew Main (Zefram) <>
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Copyright (C) 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2017
Packit 1c5982
Andrew Main (Zefram) <>
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
=head1 LICENSE
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
Packit 1c5982
under the same terms as Perl itself.
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982