Blame Changes

Packit 1c5982
version 0.011; 2017-07-25
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * no longer include a Makefile.PL in the distribution
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * in documentation, use four-column indentation for all verbatim
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * in META.{yml,json}, point to public bug tracker
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * in META.json, specify type of public repository
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
version 0.010; 2013-09-21
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * bugfix: require bugfixed version of DateTime::TimeZone::SystemV to
Packit 1c5982
    handle ->offset_for_local_datetime with perpetual-DST ruleset that
Packit 1c5982
    can arise with a version-3 tzfile
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
version 0.009; 2013-09-20
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * support version 3 of the tzfile format
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
version 0.008; 2013-07-14
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * bugfix: require bugfixed version of DateTime::TimeZone::SystemV to
Packit 1c5982
    handle POSIX-TZ field showing transitions occurring at 24:00
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * in META.{yml,json}, point to public git repository
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
version 0.007; 2012-03-10
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * bugfix: recognise zone disuse indicator if it comes in the form of
Packit 1c5982
    the POSIX-TZ extension rule
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * distinguish between zone disuse and missing data
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * eliminate use of Date::JD, because it's too heavy to justify the
Packit 1c5982
    minimal convenience gained from it
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * eliminate use of, for stylistic consistency
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * test more error cases
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * test behaviour around leap seconds
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * factor out date/time presentation code used for error messages
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * for CRLF test, use a smaller tzfile that tickles the same potential
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * give test tzfiles appropriately capitalised names
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * convert .cvsignore to .gitignore
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
version 0.006; 2011-09-27
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * include the time and zone name in error messages about non-existent
Packit 1c5982
    local time and unrepresented time
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * check argument types in constructor
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * make test suite work even if DateTime is not available
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
version 0.005; 2011-04-05
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * bugfix: read tzfiles in binary mode
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * include META.json in distribution
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * add MYMETA.json to .cvsignore
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
version 0.004; 2010-08-31
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * for the Olson "Factory" timezone, which has a pseudo-abbreviation
Packit 1c5982
    containing spaces, don't process the TZ value that it contains,
Packit 1c5982
    because it's invalid and DateTime::TimeZone::SystemV objects to it
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * tighten the criteria for recognising the special observance that
Packit 1c5982
    indicates that local time is not defined (abbreviation "zzz" was
Packit 1c5982
    previously the sole criterion, now also require zero offset and
Packit 1c5982
    not DST)
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * allow the ->is_olson and ->category values to be specified to the
Packit 1c5982
    constructor, instead of having fixed values
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * when a local time is non-existent due to an undefined observance,
Packit 1c5982
    give an error message that says so, rather than conflating it with
Packit 1c5982
    local time being non-existent due to an offset change
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * add DateTime::TimeZone::Olson, Time::OlsonTZ::Data, and
Packit 1c5982
    Time::OlsonTZ::Download to the "see also" list
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * test the error message that is given when a local time does not
Packit 1c5982
    exist due to an offset change
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
version 0.003; 2010-07-30
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * in documentation, correct one use of "filename" to "filehandle"
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * in documentation, use the term "truth value" instead of the less
Packit 1c5982
    precise "boolean"
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * abandon use of the "fields" module
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * check for required Perl version at runtime
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * use full stricture in test suite
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * in Build.PL, explicitly declare configure-time requirements
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * remove bogus "exit 0" from Build.PL
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * add MYMETA.yml to .cvsignore
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
version 0.002; 2009-03-22
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * with a version-1 tzfile, treat the last observance as continuing
Packit 1c5982
    indefinitely, rather than as having no rule for the future
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * test POD syntax and coverage, and rename some internal functions to
Packit 1c5982
    satisfy the coverage test
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * drop prototypes from method subs (where the prototypes have no effect)
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * in tests, avoid unreliable "\d" regexp element
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * typo fix in documentation
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * really complete dependency list (was missing "integer", and
Packit 1c5982
    build_requires was missing "IO::File")
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * include "distribution_type" entry in META.yml to satisfy CPANTS
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * in documentation, separate "license" section from "copyright" section
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * use full stricture in Build.PL
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * remove from .cvsignore items that don't occur with Module::Build
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
version 0.001; 2007-09-12
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * bugfix: override any ambient $SIG{__DIE__} handler when using eval { }
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * bugfix: require bugfixed version of DateTime::TimeZone::SystemV
Packit 1c5982
    (for $SIG{__DIE__} handling)
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * new key/value constructor parameter style
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * constructor option to set timezone name independently from filename
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * constructor option to supply an open filehandle
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * use "fields" module to structure object
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * build with Module::Build instead of ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * complete dependency list
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * include signature in distribution
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
version 0.000; 2007-02-10
Packit 1c5982
Packit 1c5982
  * initial released version