CREDITS Here is a list of people and their CPAN id, extracted from various places. These people have either submitted patches or suggestions, or their bug reports or comments have inspired the appropriate patches. Corrections, additions, deletions welcome: By Philippe Bruhat (BOOK) * Julian Mehnle (JMEHNLE) for reporting that day name is optional, even with strict parsing. Fixed during Dave Rolsky (DROLSKY) maintainership. * Neil Bowers (NEILB) for starting a CPAN-curating trend that led me to look for modules to adopt. DateTime::Format::Mail was the first one. * IKEDA Soji (NEZUMI) for noting the difference between "-0000" and "+0000" in the timezone and that the usual format for days in the RFC examples didn't have a leading "0". By Iain Truskett (SPOON) * Dave Rolsky (DROLSKY) for kickstarting the DateTime project. * Roderick A. Anderson for noting where the documentation was incomplete in places. * Joshua Hoblitt (JHOBLITT) for inspiring me to check what the standard said about interpreting two digit years.