Blame lib/DateTime/Format/Builder/Parser/

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package DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::generic;
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  $DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::generic::VERSION = '0.81';
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use strict;
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use warnings;
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use Carp;
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use Params::Validate qw(
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sub new {
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    my $class = shift;
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    bless {@_}, $class;
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sub generic_parser {
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    my $class = shift;
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    my %args  = validate(
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                map { $_ => { type => CODEREF, optional => 1 } }
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                    on_match on_fail preprocess postprocess
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            label => { type => SCALAR | UNDEF, optional => 1 },
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    my $label = $args{label};
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    my $callback
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        = ( exists $args{on_match} or exists $args{on_fail} ) ? 1 : undef;
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    return sub {
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        my ( $self, $date, $p, @args ) = @_;
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        return unless defined $date;
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        my %p;
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        %p = %$p if $p;    # Look! A Copy!
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        my %param = (
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            self => $self,
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            ( defined $label ? ( label => $label ) : () ),
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            ( @args          ? ( args  => \@args ) : () ),
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        # Preprocess - can modify $date and fill %p
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        if ( $args{preprocess} ) {
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            $date = $args{preprocess}
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                ->( input => $date, parsed => \%p, %param );
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        my $rv = $class->do_match( $date, @args ) if $class->can('do_match');
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        # Funky callback thing
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        if ($callback) {
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            my $type = defined $rv ? "on_match" : "on_fail";
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            $args{$type}->( input => $date, %param ) if $args{$type};
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        return unless defined $rv;
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        my $dt;
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        $dt = $class->post_match( $date, $rv, \%p )
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            if $class->can('post_match');
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        # Allow post processing. Return undef if regarded as failure
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        if ( $args{postprocess} ) {
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            my $rv = $args{postprocess}->(
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                parsed => \%p,
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                input  => $date,
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                post   => $dt,
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            return unless $rv;
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        # A successful match!
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        $dt = $class->make( $date, $dt, \%p ) if $class->can('make');
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        return $dt;
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    no strict 'refs';
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    for (qw( valid_params params )) {
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        *$_ = *{"DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::$_"};
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# ABSTRACT: Useful routines
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=head1 NAME
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DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::generic - Useful routines
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=head1 VERSION
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version 0.81
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=head1 METHODS
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=head2 Useful
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=head3 new
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Standard constructor. Returns a blessed hash; any arguments are placed
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in the hash. This is useful for storing information between methods.
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=head3 generic_parser
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This is a method provided solely for the benefit of
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C<Parser> implementations. It semi-neatly abstracts
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a lot of the work involved.
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Basically, it takes parameters matching the assorted
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callbacks from the parser declarations and makes a coderef
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out of it all.
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Currently recognized callbacks are:
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=over 4
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=item *
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=item *
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=item *
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=item *
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=head2 Methods for subclassing
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These are methods you should define when writing your own subclass.
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B<Note>: these methods do not exist in this class. There is no point
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trying to call C<< $self->SUPER::do_match( ... ) >>.
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=head3 do_match
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C<do_match> is the first phase. Arguments are the date and @args.
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C<self>, C<label>, C<args>. Return value must be defined if you match
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=head3 post_match
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C<post_match> is called after the appropriate callback out of
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C<on_match>/C<on_fail> is done. It's passed the date, the return
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value from C<do_match> and the parsing hash.
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Its return value is used as the C<post> argument to the C<postprocess>
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callback, and as the second argument to C<make>.
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=head3 make
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C<make> takes the original input, the return value from C<post_match>
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and the parsing hash and should return a C<DateTime> object or
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=head2 Delegations
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For use of C<Parser>, this module also delegates C<valid_params> and
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C<params>. This is just convenience to save typing the following:
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    DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser->valid_params( blah )
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Instead we get to type:
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    $self->valid_params( blah );
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    __PACKAGE__->valid_params( blah );
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Rather than attempt to explain how it all works, I think it's best if
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you take a look at F<> and F<> as examples and
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work from there.
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=head1 SUPPORT
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See L<DateTime::Format::Builder> for details.
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=head1 SEE ALSO
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C<> mailing list.
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L<perl>, L<DateTime>, L<DateTime::Format::Builder>,
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=head1 AUTHORS
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=over 4
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=item *
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Dave Rolsky <>
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=item *
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Iain Truskett
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This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by Dave Rolsky.
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This is free software, licensed under:
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  The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)
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