Blame lib/DateTime/Format/Builder/Parser/

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package DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::Regex;
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  $DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::Regex::VERSION = '0.81';
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use strict;
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use warnings;
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use vars qw( @ISA );
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use Params::Validate qw( validate ARRAYREF SCALARREF HASHREF CODEREF );
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use DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::generic;
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@ISA = qw( DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::generic );
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    # How to match
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    params => {
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        type => ARRAYREF,    # mapping $1,$2,... to new() args
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    regex => {
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        type      => SCALARREF,
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        callbacks => {
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            'is a regex' => sub { ref(shift) eq 'Regexp' }
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    # How to create
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    extra => {
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        type     => HASHREF,
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        optional => 1,
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    constructor => {
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        type      => CODEREF | ARRAYREF,
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        optional  => 1,
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        callbacks => {
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            'array has 2 elements' => sub {
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                ref( $_[0] ) eq 'ARRAY' ? ( @{ $_[0] } == 2 ) : 1;
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sub do_match {
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    my $self    = shift;
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    my $date    = shift;
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    my @matches = $date =~ $self->{regex};
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    return @matches ? \@matches : undef;
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sub post_match {
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    my $self = shift;
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    my ( $date, $matches, $p ) = @_;
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    # Fill %p from match
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    @{$p}{ @{ $self->{params} } } = @$matches;
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sub make {
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    my $self = shift;
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    my ( $date, $dt, $p ) = @_;
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    my @args = ( %$p, %{ $self->{extra} } );
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    if ( my $cons = $self->{constructor} ) {
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        if ( ref $cons eq 'ARRAY' ) {
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            my ( $class, $method ) = @$cons;
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            return $class->$method(@args);
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        elsif ( ref $cons eq 'CODE' ) {
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            return $self->$cons(@args);
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    else {
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        return DateTime->new(@args);
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sub create_parser {
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    my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
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    $args{extra} ||= {};
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    unless ( ref $self ) {
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        $self = $self->new(%args);
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    # Create our parser
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    return $self->generic_parser(
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            map { exists $args{$_} ? ( $_ => $args{$_} ) : () }
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                on_match on_fail preprocess postprocess
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        label => $args{label},
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# ABSTRACT: Regex based date parsing
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=head1 NAME
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DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::Regex - Regex based date parsing
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=head1 VERSION
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version 0.81
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   my $parser = DateTime::Format::Builder->create_parser(
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	regex  => qr/^(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)T(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/,
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	params => [ qw( year month day hour minute second ) ],
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In addition to the
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L<common keys|DateTime::Format::Builder/"SINGLE SPECIFICATIONS">,
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C<Regex> supports:
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=over 4
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=item *
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B<regex> is a regular expression that should capture
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elements of the datetime string.
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This is a required element. This is the key whose presence
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indicates it's a specification that belongs to this class.
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=item *
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B<params> is an arrayref of key names. The captures from the
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regex are mapped to these (C<$1> to the first element, C<$2>
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to the second, and so on) and handed to
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C<< DateTime->new() >>.
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This is a required element.
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=item *
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B<extra> is a hashref of extra arguments you wish to give to
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C<< DateTime->new() >>. For example, you could set the
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C<year> or C<time_zone> to defaults:
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    extra => { year => 2004, time_zone => "Australia/Sydney" },
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=item *
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B<constructor> is either an arrayref or a coderef. If an arrayref
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then the first element is a class name or object, and the second
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element is a method name (or coderef since Perl allows that sort of
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thing).  The arguments to the call are anything in C<$p> and
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anything given in the C<extra> option above.
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If only a coderef is supplied, then it is called with arguments of
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C<$self>, C<$p> and C<extra>.
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In short:
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            $self->$coderef( %$p, %{ $self->{extra} } );
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The method is expected to return a valid L<DateTime> object,
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or undef in event of failure, but can conceivably return anything
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it likes. So long as it's 'true'.
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=head1 SUPPORT
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See L<DateTime::Format::Builder> for details.
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=head1 SEE ALSO
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C<> mailing list.
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L<perl>, L<DateTime>,
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=head1 AUTHORS
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=over 4
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=item *
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Dave Rolsky <>
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=item *
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Iain Truskett
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This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by Dave Rolsky.
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This is free software, licensed under:
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  The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)
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