Blame lib/DateTime/Format/Builder/Parser/

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package DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::Quick;
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  $DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::Quick::VERSION = '0.81';
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use strict;
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use warnings;
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use vars qw( %dispatch_data );
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use Params::Validate qw( SCALAR OBJECT CODEREF validate );
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use base qw( DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser );
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    Quick => {
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        type      => SCALAR | OBJECT,
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        callbacks => {
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            good_classname => sub {
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                ( ref $_[0] ) or ( $_[0] =~ /^\w+[:'\w+]*\w+/ );
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    method => {
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        optional => 1,
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        type     => SCALAR | CODEREF,
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sub create_parser {
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    my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
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    my $class  = $args{Quick};
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    my $method = $args{method};
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    $method = 'parse_datetime' unless defined $method;
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    eval "use $class";
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    die $@ if $@;
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    return sub {
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        my ( $self, $date ) = @_;
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        return unless defined $date;
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        my $rv = eval { $class->$method($date) };
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        return $rv if defined $rv;
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# ABSTRACT: Use another formatter, simply
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=head1 NAME
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DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::Quick - Use another formatter, simply
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=head1 VERSION
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version 0.81
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    use DateTime::Format::Builder (
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    parsers => { parse_datetime => [
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        { Quick => 'DateTime::Format::HTTP' },
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        { Quick => 'DateTime::Format::Mail' },
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        { Quick => 'DateTime::Format::IBeat' },
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is the same as:
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    use DateTime::Format::HTTP;
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    use DateTime::Format::Mail;
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    use DateTime::Format::IBeat;
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    use DateTime::Format::Builder (
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    parsers => { parse_datetime => [
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        sub { eval { DateTime::Format::HTTP->parse_datetime( $_[1] ) } },
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        sub { eval { DateTime::Format::Mail->parse_datetime( $_[1] ) } },
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        sub { eval { DateTime::Format::IBeat->parse_datetime( $_[1] ) } },
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(These two pieces of code can both be found in the test
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suite; one as F<quick.t>, the other as F<fall.t>.)
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C<Quick> adds a parser that allows some shortcuts when
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writing fairly standard and mundane calls to other
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formatting modules.
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C<Quick> has two keys, one optional.
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The C<Quick> keyword should have an argument of either an
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object or a class name. If it's a class name then the class
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is C<use>d.
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The C<method> keyword is optional with a default of
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C<parse_datetime>. It's either name of the method to invoke
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on the object, or a reference to a piece of code.
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In any case, the resultant code ends up looking like:
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     my $rv = $Quick->$method( $date );
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=head1 SUPPORT
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See L<DateTime::Format::Builder> for details.
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=head1 SEE ALSO
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C<> mailing list.
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L<perl>, L<DateTime>,
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=head1 AUTHORS
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=over 4
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=item *
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Dave Rolsky <>
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=item *
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Iain Truskett
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This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by Dave Rolsky.
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This is free software, licensed under:
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  The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)
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