Blame lib/Date/Manip/Examples.pod

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# Copyright (c) 1995-2017 Sullivan Beck. All rights reserved.
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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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# under the same terms as Perl itself.
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=head1 NAME
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Date::Manip::Examples - examples of how to use Date::Manip
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This document includes a number of examples on how to do common
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Date::Manip operations.  I will be happy to add new examples over
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time, and welcome suggestions and examples to include.
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In most cases, an example will include two different ways of getting
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the answer.  The first way will be using the new (as of 6.00) OO
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modules. The second will be using the old-style functional interface.
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It should be noted that any time you want to work with alternate
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time zones, the OO interface is STRONGLY recommended since the functional
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interface does not preserve time zone information with the date, and
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may therefore give incorrect results in some cases. However, working
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in the time zone of the system should give correct results.
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It should be noted that, in the examples below, it appears that the OO
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method often requires more lines of code than the functional
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interface.  There are a number of ways to shorten the OO method, but
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for the examples, I wanted to include all the steps explicitly.
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Dates can be parsed in practically any form in common usage:
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=over 4
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=item B<OO method>
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   $date = new Date::Manip::Date;
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   $err = $date->parse("today");
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   $err = $date->parse("1st Thursday in June 1992");
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   $err = $date->parse("05/10/93");
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   $err = $date->parse("12:30 Dec 12th 1880");
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   $err = $date->parse("8:00pm December tenth");
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=item B<Functional>
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   $date = ParseDate("today");
Packit 95306a
   $date = ParseDate("1st Thursday in June 1992");
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   $date = ParseDate("05/10/93");
Packit 95306a
   $date = ParseDate("12:30 Dec 12th 1880");
Packit 95306a
   $date = ParseDate("8:00pm December tenth");
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The L<Date::Manip::Date> manual has a list of all valid formats.
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Amounts of time (referred to as deltas) can also be parsed:
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=over 4
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=item B<OO method>
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   $delta = new Date::Manip::Delta;
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   $err = $delta->parse("in 12 hours");
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   $err = $delta->parse("-1:30:0");
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   $err = $delta->parse("4 business days later");
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=item B<Functional>
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   $delta = ParseDateDelta("in 12 hours");
Packit 95306a
   $delta = ParseDateDelta("-1:30:0");
Packit 95306a
   $delta = ParseDateDelta("4 business days later");
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   $datestr1 = "Jan 30 1999 13:00 EST";
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   $datestr2 = "2/Mar/1999 15:30:00 +0500";
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=over 4
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=item B<OO method>
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   $date1 = new Date::Manip::Date;
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   $date2 = $date1->new_date();
Packit 95306a
   $err = $date1->parse($datestr1);
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   $err = $date2->parse($datestr2);
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To get an exact amount of time between the two dates (expressed only in terms of
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weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds), use:
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   $delta = $date1->calc($date2);
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To get an approximate amount of time (expressed in terms of years, months, weeks,
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etc. in terms that a human would typically think of), use:
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   $delta = $date1->calc($date2,"approx");
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=item B<Functional>
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   $date1 = ParseDate($string1);
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   $date2 = ParseDate($string2);
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To get an exact amount:
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   $delta = DateCalc($date1,$date2);
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and the approximate amount:
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   $delta = DateCalc($date1,$date2,1);
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The L<Date::Manip::Calc> manual has information about these, and other types of
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To find a second date a given amount of time before or after a first date,
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use the following:
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   $datestr  = "Jan 30 1999 13:00 EST";
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   $deltastr = "12 hours ago";
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   $deltastr = "in 3 business days";
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=over 4
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=item B<OO method>
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   $date = new Date::Manip::Date;
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   $delta = $date->new_delta();
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   $d = $date->calc($delta);
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=item B<Functional>
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   $date = DateCalc($datestr,$deltastr);
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If the delta is a business delta, it will do a business mode calculation.
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The L<Date::Manip::Calc> manual has information about these, and other types of
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To take two different dates and see which is earlier, do the
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   $datestr1 = "Jan 30 1999 13:00 EST";
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   $datestr2 = "2/Mar/1999 15:30:00 +0500";
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=over 4
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=item B<OO method>
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Packit 95306a
   $date1 = new Date::Manip::Date;
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   $date2 = $date1->new_date;
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      => -1, 0, 1
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=item B<Functional>
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Packit 95306a
   $date1 = ParseDate($datestr1);
Packit 95306a
   $date2 = ParseDate($datestr2);
Packit 95306a
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      => -1, 0, 1
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If you have a date or a delta, you can extract information
Packit 95306a
about them as follows:
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   $datestr  = "1:24:08 PM EST Feb 3, 1996";
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   $deltastr = "12 hours ago";
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=over 4
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=item B<OO method>
Packit 95306a
Packit 95306a
   $date = new Date::Manip::Date;
Packit 95306a
   $delta = $date->new_delta();
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   $str = $date->printf("It is now %T on %b %e, %Y.");
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     =>  "It is now 13:24:08 on Feb  3, 1996."
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   $str = $delta->printf("In %hv hours, %mv minutes, %sv seconds");
Packit 95306a
     => "In -12 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds";
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=item B<Functional>
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   $str = UnixDate($datestr,"It is now %T on %b %e, %Y.");
Packit 95306a
     =>  "It is now 13:24:08 on Feb  3, 1996."
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   $str = Delta_Format($deltastr,"In %hv hours, %mv minutes, %sv seconds");
Packit 95306a
     => "In -12 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds";
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The L<Date::Manip::Date> manual contains all of the format codes that can
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be used to extract information from a date. The L<Date::Manip::Delta> manual
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contains the codes for a delta.
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Date::Manip can easily be used to work with the number of seconds
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since the epoch (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC).
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If you have a date, and you want to find out how many seconds it is
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after the epoch, you can do it in the following ways:
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   $datestr  = "1999-04-30-15:30:00 EDT";
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   $secs  = 1234567;
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=over 4
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=item B<OO method>
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To find out how many seconds have elapsed on a certain date, you
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can do the following:
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   $date     = new Date::Manip::Date;
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   $err      = $date->parse($datestr);
Packit 95306a
Packit 95306a
   $str      = $date->printf('%s');
Packit 95306a
      => number of seconds
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To find out the date that is a certain number of seconds since the
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epoch, you can use the following:
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   $date  = new Date::Manip::Date;
Packit 95306a
   $err   = $date->parse("epoch $secs");
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C<$date> now contains the date wanted (in the local time zone)
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=item B<Functional>
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To find out how many seconds have elapsed:
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   $str = UnixDate($datestr,'%s');
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     => number of seconds
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To find the date that is a number of seconds since the epoch:
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   $date = ParseDateString("epoch $secs");
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Note that Date::Manip will work with both positive seconds (for dates
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that have come since the epoch) and negative seconds (for dates that
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occurred before the epoch).
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To find a list of dates where a recurring event happens (even very complex
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recurrences), do the following:
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=over 4
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=item B<OO method>
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  # To find the 2nd Tuesday of every month from Jan 1 1999 to Apr 30 1999
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  $recur = new Date::Manip::Recur;
Packit 95306a
  $start = $recur->new_date();
Packit 95306a
  $end   = $recur->new_date();
Packit 95306a
  $start->parse("Jan 1 1999");
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  $end->parse("Apr 30 1999");
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  @date = $recur->dates();
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  # To find the Monday after Easter in 1997-1999
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  $recur = new Date::Manip::Recur;
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  @date = $recur->dates();
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=item B<Functional>
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  # To find the 2nd Tuesday of every month from Jan 1 1999 to Apr 30 1999
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  @date = ParseRecur("0:1*2:2:0:0:0","","Jan 1 1999","Apr 30 1999");
Packit 95306a
Packit 95306a
  # To find the Monday after Easter in 1997-1999.
Packit 95306a
  @date = ParseRecur("*1997-1999:0:0:0:0:0:0*EASTER,ND1");
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The L<Date::Manip::Recur> manual contains information about recurring events.
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If you want to work with dates in a language other than English (but you
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are only working with a single language), do the following:
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=over 4
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=item B<OO method>
Packit 95306a
Packit 95306a
   $date = new Date::Manip::Date;
Packit 95306a
Packit 95306a
   $date->parse("1er decembre 1990");
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=item B<Functional>
Packit 95306a
Packit 95306a
Packit 95306a
   $date = ParseDate("1er decembre 1990");
Packit 95306a
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The L<Date::Manip::Config> manual has a list of all supported languages (in the
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section on the Language config variable). The meaning of the DateFormat
Packit 95306a
config variable is also included.
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If you want to work with dates in two (or more) languages, it is STRONGLY
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recommended that you use the OO interface. The functional interface will
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be much slower since it has to re-initialize a lot of language-specific
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stuff every time you switch back and forth between languages.
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=over 4
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=item B<OO method>
Packit 95306a
Packit 95306a
   $date_eng = new Date::Manip::Date;
Packit 95306a
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   $date_fre = new Date::Manip::Date;
Packit 95306a
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Use the C<$date_eng> object to do English operations, the C<$date_fre> object to
Packit 95306a
do French operations.
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=item B<Functional>
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If you are working with both French and English dates, you can call
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the following to switch between them:
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This is NOT recommended. Use the OO method instead.
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Please refer to the L<Date::Manip::Problems> documentation for
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information on submitting bug reports or questions to the author.
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=head1 SEE ALSO
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L<Date::Manip>        - main module documentation
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=head1 LICENSE
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This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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=head1 AUTHOR
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Sullivan Beck (
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