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    Date::Manip - Date manipulation routines
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    Date::Manip is a series of modules designed to make any common date/time
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    operation easy to do. Operations such as comparing two times,
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    determining a date a given amount of time from another, or parsing
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    international times are all easily done. It deals with time as it is
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    used in the Gregorian calendar (the one currently in use) with full
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    support for time changes due to daylight saving time.
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    From the very beginning, the main focus of Date::Manip has been to be
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    able to do ANY desired date/time operation easily. Many other modules
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    exist which may do a subset of these operations quicker or more
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    efficiently, but no other module can do all of the operations available
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    in Date::Manip.
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    Since many other date/time modules exist, some of which may do the
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    specific operation(s) you need faster, be sure to read "SHOULD I USE
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    DATE::MANIP" in Date::Manip::Misc before deciding which of the Date and
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    Time modules from CPAN is for you. However, if you want one module to do
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    it all, Date::Manip is the one to use.
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    Date::Manip has functionality to work with several fundamental types of
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        The word date is used extensively here and is somewhat misleading.
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        In Date::Manip, a date consists of three pieces of information: a
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        calendar date, a time of day, and time zone information. Calendar
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        dates and times are fully handled. Time zones are handled as well,
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        but depending on how you use Date::Manip, there may be some
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        limitations as discussed below.
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        A delta is an amount of time (i.e. the amount of time between two
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        different dates). A delta refers only to an amount of time. It
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        includes no information about a starting or ending date/time. Most
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        people will think of a delta as an amount of time, but the term
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        'time' is already used so much in this module that I didn't want to
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        use it here in order to avoid confusion.
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        A recurring event is something which occurs on a regular recurring
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    holidays and events
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        Holidays and events are basically named dates or recurrences.
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    Among other things, Date::Manip allow you to:
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    *   Enter a date in practically any format you choose.
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    *   Compare two dates, entered in widely different formats to determine
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        which is earlier.
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    *   Extract any information you want from a date using a format string
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        similar to the Unix date command.
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    *   Determine the amount of time between two dates, or add an amount of
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        time to a date to get a second date.
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    *   Work with dates with dates using international formats (foreign
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        month names, 12/10/95 referring to October rather than December,
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    *   To find a list of dates where a recurring event happens.
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    Each of these tasks is trivial (one or two lines at most) with this
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    There are three different ways to use Date::Manip . There are three
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    interfaces (version 5 functional interface, version 6 functional, and
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    version 6 object-oriented). A complete description of each is included
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    in the Date::Manip::Interfaces document. The recommended (and the only
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    one with access to the full functionality of the module) is using the
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    Object-Oriented interface.
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    Because Date::Manip performs so many operations, the documentation is
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    extensive. It includes the following documents:
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  Information about the different interfaces
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    Read this for a detailed description of each of the interfaces,
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    including information on how to choose and use the interface best suited
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    to your situation.
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        A complete description of the functional interfaces available. NOTE:
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        it is recommended that you use the OO interface wherever possible as
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        the functional interfaces have some imitations.
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  A description of the functional interfaces:
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        The version 5 functional interface
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        The version 6 functional interface
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  Objects and configuration
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    An introduction to the Date::Manip classes used by the object-oriented
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    interface and how to configure them:
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        An overview of the various Date::Manip modules, and how to use them.
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        Information for configuring Date::Manip
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  Date::Manip object-oriented modules
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    These are the modules for using the object-oriented interface.
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        This is the base class. All other classes listed here inherit the
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        methods defined in this class.
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        A module for doing low-level date operations.
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        A module for working with time zones.
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        The module for working with dates.
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        The module for working with deltas (amount of time).
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        The module for working with recurrences (recurring dates).
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  Timezone information
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        Time zone abbreviations used in the version 5 interface.
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        Time zone data included in Date::Manip used in the version 6
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  Miscellaneous information:
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        Detailed information on how date calculations are done.
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        Information on defining and using holidays and events.
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        A sample config file.
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        Information about the languages supported by Date::Manip and how to
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        add a new language.
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        A description of the parseable words in each language currently
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        supported by Date::Manip.
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  Information about the module and administrative things:
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        Information on changes necessary to scripts when upgrading from 5.xx
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        to 6.xx.
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        Change log for Date::Manip 5.xx
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        Differences between version 5.xx and 6.00 (including information on
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        upgrading); this contains more details than the Migration5to6
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        Change log for Date::Manip 6.xx
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        Miscellaneous information about Date::Manip (who should use it;
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        Musings on the history of Date::Manip written around it's 20th
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        Common problems and instructions for reporting bugs.
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        Examples of how to use Date::Manip.
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    This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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    under the same terms as Perl itself.
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    Sullivan Beck (
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