Blame t/rt_96878_fts_contentless_table.t

Packit 723767
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# In a contentless FTS table, the columns are hidden from the schema,
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# and therefore SQLite has no information to infer column types, so
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# these are typed as SQLITE_NULL ... and this type conflicts with the
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# constraint on the 'docid' column. So we have to explicitly type that
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# column, using a CAST expression or a call to bind_param().
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use strict;
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	$|  = 1;
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	$^W = 1;
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use lib "t/lib";
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use SQLiteTest;
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use Test::More;
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BEGIN { requires_sqlite('3.7.9') }
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BEGIN { plan skip_all => 'FTS3 is disabled for this DBD::SQLite' if !grep /ENABLE_FTS3/, DBD::SQLite::compile_options() }
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plan tests => 8;
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use Test::NoWarnings;
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my $dbh = connect_ok(RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1);
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# $dbh->trace(15);
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my $sql = q{CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE foo USING fts4 (content="", a, b)};
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ok( $dbh->do($sql), 'CREATE TABLE' );
Packit 723767
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ok($dbh->do("INSERT INTO foo(docid, a, b) VALUES(1, 'a', 'b')"),
Packit 723767
   "insert without bind");
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# The following yields a constraint error because docid is improperly typed
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# $dbh->do("INSERT INTO foo(docid, a, b) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", {}, qw/2 aa bb/);
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# This works, thanks to the cast expression
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ok($dbh->do("INSERT INTO foo(docid, a, b) VALUES(CAST(? AS INTEGER), ?, ?)",
Packit 723767
            {}, qw/2 aa bb/),
Packit 723767
   "insert with bind and cast");
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# This also works, thanks to the bind_param() call
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my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO foo(docid, a, b) VALUES(?, ?, ?)");
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$sth->bind_param(1, 3, SQL_INTEGER);
Packit 723767
$sth->bind_param(2, "aaa");
Packit 723767
$sth->bind_param(3, "bbb");
Packit 723767
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   "insert with bind_param and explicit type ");
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# Check that all terms were properly inserted
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ok( $dbh->do("CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE foo_aux USING fts4aux(foo)"), 'FTS4AUX');
Packit 723767
my $data = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("select term from foo_aux where col='*'");
Packit 723767
is_deeply ([sort @$data], [qw/a aa aaa b bb bbb/], "terms properly indexed");
Packit 723767