Blame t/50_foreign_key_info.t

Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
use strict;
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
	$|  = 1;
Packit 723767
	$^W = 1;
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
use lib "t/lib";
Packit 723767
use SQLiteTest;
Packit 723767
use Test::More;
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
    use DBD::SQLite;
Packit 723767
    unless ($DBD::SQLite::sqlite_version_number && $DBD::SQLite::sqlite_version_number >= 3006019) {
Packit 723767
        plan skip_all => "this test requires SQLite 3.6.19 and newer";
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
use Test::NoWarnings;
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
# SQL below freely adapted from ...
Packit 723767
# not the best datamodel in the world, but good enough for our tests.
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
my @sql_statements = split /\n\n/, <<__EOSQL__;
Packit 723767
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
  artistid    INTEGER,
Packit 723767
  artistname  TEXT,
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
  editorname  TEXT
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
ATTACH DATABASE ':memory:' AS remote;
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
CREATE TABLE remote.album (
Packit 723767
  albumartist INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES artist(artistid)
Packit 723767
                                 ON DELETE RESTRICT
Packit 723767
                                 ON UPDATE CASCADE,
Packit 723767
  albumname TEXT,
Packit 723767
  albumcover BINARY,
Packit 723767
  albumeditor INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES editor(editorid),
Packit 723767
  PRIMARY KEY(albumartist, albumname)
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
  songartist INTEGER,
Packit 723767
  songalbum  TEXT,
Packit 723767
  songname   TEXT,
Packit 723767
  FOREIGN KEY(songartist, songalbum) REFERENCES album(albumartist, albumname)
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
plan tests => @sql_statements + 20;
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
my $dbh = connect_ok( RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 1 );
Packit 723767
my $sth;
Packit 723767
my $fk_data;
Packit 723767
my $R = \%DBD::SQLite::db::DBI_code_for_rule;
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
ok ($dbh->do($_), $_) foreach @sql_statements;
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef, undef, undef,
Packit 723767
                              undef, undef, 'album');
Packit 723767
$fk_data = $sth->fetchall_hashref('FKCOLUMN_NAME');
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
for ($fk_data->{albumartist}) {
Packit 723767
  is($_->{PKTABLE_NAME},  "artist"  ,   "FK albumartist, table name");
Packit 723767
  is($_->{PKCOLUMN_NAME}, "artistid",   "FK albumartist, column name");
Packit 723767
  is($_->{KEY_SEQ},        1,           "FK albumartist, key seq");
Packit 723767
  is($_->{DELETE_RULE}, $R->{RESTRICT}, "FK albumartist, delete rule");
Packit 723767
  is($_->{UPDATE_RULE}, $R->{CASCADE},  "FK albumartist, update rule");
Packit 723767
  is($_->{UNIQUE_OR_PRIMARY}, 'UNIQUE', "FK albumartist, unique");
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
for ($fk_data->{albumeditor}) {
Packit 723767
  is($_->{PKTABLE_NAME},  "editor",   "FK albumeditor, table name");
Packit 723767
  is($_->{PKCOLUMN_NAME}, "editorid", "FK albumeditor, column name");
Packit 723767
  is($_->{KEY_SEQ},        1,         "FK albumeditor, key seq");
Packit 723767
  # rules are 'NO ACTION' by default
Packit 723767
  is($_->{DELETE_RULE}, $R->{'NO ACTION'}, "FK albumeditor, delete rule");
Packit 723767
  is($_->{UPDATE_RULE}, $R->{'NO ACTION'}, "FK albumeditor, update rule");
Packit 723767
  is($_->{UNIQUE_OR_PRIMARY}, 'PRIMARY', "FK albumeditor, primary");
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef, undef, 'artist',
Packit 723767
                              undef, undef, 'album');
Packit 723767
$fk_data = $sth->fetchall_hashref('FKCOLUMN_NAME');
Packit 723767
is_deeply([keys %$fk_data], ['albumartist'], "FK album with PK, only 1 result");
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef, undef, 'foobar',
Packit 723767
                              undef, undef, 'album');
Packit 723767
$fk_data = $sth->fetchall_hashref('FKCOLUMN_NAME');
Packit 723767
is_deeply([keys %$fk_data], [], "FK album with PK foobar, 0 result");
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef, undef, undef,
Packit 723767
                              undef, 'remote', undef);
Packit 723767
$fk_data = $sth->fetchall_hashref('FKCOLUMN_NAME');
Packit 723767
is_deeply([sort keys %$fk_data], [qw/albumartist albumeditor/], "FK remote.*, 2 results");
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef, 'remote', undef,
Packit 723767
                              undef, undef, undef);
Packit 723767
$fk_data = $sth->fetchall_hashref('FKCOLUMN_NAME');
Packit 723767
is_deeply([sort keys %$fk_data], [qw/songalbum songartist/], "FK with PK remote.*, 2 results");
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef, undef, undef,
Packit 723767
                              undef, undef, 'song');
Packit 723767
$fk_data = $sth->fetchall_hashref('FKCOLUMN_NAME');
Packit 723767
for ($fk_data->{songartist}) {
Packit 723767
  is($_->{KEY_SEQ}, 1, "FK song, key seq 1");
Packit 723767
Packit 723767
for ($fk_data->{songalbum}) {
Packit 723767
  is($_->{KEY_SEQ}, 2, "FK song, key seq 2");
Packit 723767