use warnings; use strict; package Class::ReturnValue; =head1 NAME Class::ReturnValue - A return-value object that lets you treat it as as a boolean, array or object =head1 DESCRIPTION Class::ReturnValue is a "clever" return value object that can allow code calling your routine to expect: a boolean value (did it fail) or a list (what are the return values) =head1 EXAMPLE sub demo { my $value = shift; my $ret = Class::ReturnValue->new(); $ret->as_array('0', 'No results found'); unless($value) { $ret->as_error(errno => '1', message => "You didn't supply a parameter.", do_backtrace => 1); } return($ret->return_value); } if (demo('foo')){ print "the routine succeeded with one parameter"; } if (demo()) { print "The routine succeeded with 0 paramters. shouldn't happen"; } else { print "The routine failed with 0 parameters (as it should)."; } my $return = demo(); if ($return) { print "The routine succeeded with 0 paramters. shouldn't happen"; } else { print "The routine failed with 0 parameters (as it should). ". "Stack trace:\n". $return->backtrace; } my @return3 = demo('foo'); print "The routine got ".join(',',@return3). "when asking for demo's results as an array"; my $return2 = demo('foo'); unless ($return2) { print "The routine failed with a parameter. shouldn't happen.". "Stack trace:\n". $return2->backtrace; } my @return2_array = @{$return2}; # TODO: does this work my @return2_array2 = $return2->as_array; =cut use Exporter; use vars qw/$VERSION @EXPORT @ISA/; @ISA = qw/Exporter/; @EXPORT = qw /&return_value/; use Carp; use Devel::StackTrace; use Data::Dumper; $VERSION = '0.55'; use overload 'bool' => \&error_condition; use overload '""' => \&error_condition; use overload 'eq' => \&my_eq; use overload '@{}' => \&as_array; use overload 'fallback' => \&as_array; =head1 METHODS =item new Instantiate a new Class::ReturnValue object =cut sub new { my $self = {}; bless($self); return($self); } sub my_eq { my $self = shift; if (wantarray()) { return($self->as_array); } else { return($self); } } =item as_array Return the 'as_array' attribute of this object as an array. =cut =item as_array [ARRAY] If $self is called in an array context, returns the array specified in ARRAY =cut sub as_array { my $self = shift; if (@_) { @{$self->{'as_array'}} = (@_); } return(@{$self->{'as_array'}}); } =item as_error HASH Turns this return-value object into an error return object. TAkes three parameters: message do_backtrace errno 'message' is a human readable error message explaining what's going on 'do_backtrace' is a boolean. If it's true, a carp-style backtrace will be stored in $self->{'backtrace'}. It defaults to true errno and message default to undef. errno _must_ be specified. It's a numeric error number. Any true integer value will cause the object to evaluate to false in a scalar context. At first, this may look a bit counterintuitive, but it means that you can have error codes and still allow simple use of your functions in a style like this: if ($obj->do_something) { print "Yay! it worked"; } else { print "Sorry. there's been an error."; } as well as more complex use like this: my $retval = $obj->do_something; if ($retval) { print "Yay. we did something\n"; my ($foo, $bar, $baz) = @{$retval}; my $human_readable_return = $retval; } else { if ($retval->errno == 20) { die "Failed with error 20 (Not enough monkeys)."; } else { die $retval->backtrace; # Die and print out a backtrace } } =cut sub as_error { my $self = shift; my %args = ( errno => undef, message => undef, do_backtrace => 1, @_); unless($args{'errno'}) { carp "$self -> as_error called without an 'errno' parameter"; return (undef); } $self->{'errno'} = $args{'errno'}; $self->{'error_message'} = $args{'message'}; if ($args{'do_backtrace'}) { # Use carp's internal backtrace methods, rather than duplicating them ourselves my $trace = Devel::StackTrace->new(ignore_package => 'Class::ReturnValue'); $self->{'backtrace'} = $trace->as_string; # like carp } return(1); } =item errno Returns the errno if there's been an error. Otherwise, return undef =cut sub errno { my $self = shift; if ($self->{'errno'}) { return ($self->{'errno'}); } else { return(undef); } } =item error_message If there's been an error return the error message. =cut sub error_message { my $self = shift; if ($self->{'error_message'}) { return($self->{'error_message'}); } else { return(undef); } } =item backtrace If there's been an error and we asked for a backtrace, return the backtrace. Otherwise, return undef. =cut sub backtrace { my $self = shift; if ($self->{'backtrace'}) { return($self->{'backtrace'}); } else { return(undef); } } =cut =item error_condition If there's been an error, return undef. Otherwise return 1 =cut sub error_condition { my $self = shift; if ($self->{'errno'}) { return (undef); } elsif (wantarray()) { return(@{$self->{'as_array'}}); } else { return(1); } } sub return_value { my $self = shift; if (wantarray) { return ($self->as_array); } else { return ($self); } } =head1 AUTHOR Jesse Vincent =head1 BUGS This module has, as yet, not been used in production code. I thing it should work, but have never benchmarked it. I have not yet used it extensively, though I do plan to in the not-too-distant future. If you have questions or comments, please write me. If you need to report a bug, please send mail to or report your error on the web at =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2002,2003,2005,2007 Jesse Vincent You may use, modify, fold, spindle or mutilate this module under the same terms as perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO Class::ReturnValue isn't an exception handler. If it doesn't do what you want, you might want look at one of the exception handlers below: Error, Exception, Exceptions, Exceptions::Class You might also want to look at Contextual::Return, another implementation of the same concept as this module. =cut 1;