Packit Service aee942
Packit Service aee942
Packit Service aee942
Packit Service aee942
Installation from source:
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get the ccid-x.y.z.tar.gz archive and do:
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$ tar xzvf ccid-x.y.z.tar.gz
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$ cd ccid-x.y.z
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$ ./configure
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$ make
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$ sudo make install
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By default pcscd and my ccid driver use /usr/local/pcsc/drivers/ as
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directory for hotplug drivers. The ./configure script try to get the
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directory used by pcscd using 'pkg-config libpcsclite --variable=usbdropdir'
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So you should not have to use the --enable-usbdropdir=DIR argument.
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libusb not found
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If the ./configure script says something like:
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  configure: error: usb.h not found, use --enable-libusb=PATH
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You should use --enable-libusb=PATH to tell ./configure where to find
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the usb.h and files. The ./configure script will use
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PATH/include/ to search for usb.h and PATH/lib/ to search for
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building serial reader driver
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A serial CCID reader can also be connected on a serial port. By default
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the serial driver is not built. You must explicitely do:
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$ ./configure --enable-twinserial
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$ make
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# make install
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builing serial reader driver only
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It is possible to generate the driver for the GemPC Twin using serial
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communication only (for example on an embedded system without USB).
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Just do:
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$ ./configure --enable-twinserial --disable-libusb
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$ make
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# make install
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Packit Service aee942
By default ./configure try to get the directory used by pcscd using
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'pkg-config libpcsclite --variable=usbdropdir' and add '/serial'.
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You should not have to use --enable-ccidtwindir=DIR to specify the
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target directory to use. 
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configuring the driver for the serial reader
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You have to create or edit the file /etc/reader.conf. The file should
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contain something like:
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# Gemalto reader with serial communication
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#  - n is the serial port to use n in [0..3]
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#  - reader is the reader name. It is needed for multi-slot readers.
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#    Possible reader values are: 
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#     GemCorePOSPro
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#     GemCoreSIMPro
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#     GemCoreSIMPro2
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#     GemPCPinPad
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#     GemPCTwin (default value)
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# example: /dev/ttyS0:GemPCPinPad
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#DEVICENAME        /dev/ttySn[:reader]
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#FRIENDLYNAME      "GemPCTwin serial"
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#LIBPATH           /usr/lib/pcsc/drivers/serial/
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FRIENDLYNAME      "GemPC Twin serial"
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DEVICENAME        /dev/ttyS0
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LIBPATH           /usr/lib/pcsc/drivers/serial/
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You will have to adapt the library path to your configuration.
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Packit Service aee942
By default the GemPC Twin serial reader parameters are loaded by the
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driver, if you use a GemPC PinPad, a GemCore POS Pro, a GemCore SIM
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Pro or GemCore SIM Pro 2 (or IDBridge CR30) you have to indicate it in the
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DEVICENAME field. Supported values are:
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- GemCorePOSPro for GemCore POS Pro
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- GemCoreSIMPro for GemCore SIM Pro
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- GemCoreSIMPro2 for IDBridge CR30
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- GemPCPinPad for GemPC PinPad
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- GemPCTwin for GemPC Twin (default value)
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You will then have something like:
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DEVICENAME /dev/ttyS0:GemPCPinPad
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/dev/ttyS0 (DEVICENAME field) is the first serial port under Linux
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(known as COM1 under DOS/Windows). Of course if your reader is connected
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to another serial port you have to adapt that.
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Packit Service aee942
Binary installation:
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Contact your distribution support.
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Test procedure:
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- check the reader is supported by the driver.
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  Get your reader USB identification using the lsusb(1) command:
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  $ lsusb
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  Bus 001 Device 048: ID 08e6:4433 Gemplus
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  Look for 08E6 (ifdVendorID) and 4433 (ifdProductID) in
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  Of course your numbers will be different.
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  If you can't find them add them (if you know what you do) and/or mail me.
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- (re)start pcscd with debug on stdout. Simply do 'pcscd --debug stdout'
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  (you will need to have root priviledges). And look for:
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  readerfactory.c:1319 RFInitializeReader: Attempting startup of ReaderName
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  readerfactory.c:1061 RFBindFunctions: Loading IFD Handler 2.0
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  ifdhandler.c:76 Entering IFDHCreateChannel (lun: 0)
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  ccid_usb.c:131 Manufacturer: Ludovic Rousseau (
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  ccid_usb.c:139 ProductString: Generic CCID reader v0.1.0
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  ccid_usb.c:143 Copyright: This driver is protected by terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
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  ccid_usb.c:223 Found Vendor/Product: 08E6/4433 (GemPC433 SL)
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  ccid_usb.c:224 Using USB bus/device: 001/047
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  If you don't see this the driver is not installed correctly or your
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  reader is not yet supported. Read
Packit Service aee942 to know
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  what to do.