Blame Changes-2003-01

Packit 327903
1. Facilitating <fo:block span="all">
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in \XMLelement{fo:block}: detect the span="all" attribute and if so, end
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multicol layout before (if present), and resume multicol layout (if there
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was one) after.
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new user-interface macros for loading nomulticols.sty if present, otherwise
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resorting to multicols, if present, otherwise defining a fake multicols
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environment. If nomulticols could not be loaded, care is taken that fo:block
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span="all" is disabled, otherwise the TeX run will fail.
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In \@outputpage, call refreshmulticols, which will possibly refresh the
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multicol layout.
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Packit 327903
new file, same functionality as MULTICOL.STY, but does not use an
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environment. With some extra macros to interrupt a multicolumnlayout. It is
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now possible to say
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Packit 327903
begin multicol layout
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    start group
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        start group
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            end multicol layout *2*
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                start group
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                    do something interesting
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                end group
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            begin multicol layout *4*
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        end group
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Packit 327903
    end group
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end multicol layout
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Packit 327903
CAVEAT 1: a lot of assignments of nomulticol have been made global, may be
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too much. For example, if something is set at point *1*, it should be
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restored at point *3*, but if this thing is also set by nomulticol, it will
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undergo a global change at point *2* and/or *4*, and hence will not be
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restored by TeX's grouping mechanism anymore.
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So may be it is needed to carefully discriminate between counts, dimens,
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boxes, and macros that are particular to multicol (the should be treated
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wholly globally), and the (La)TeX-quantities that are dependent on them, and
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they might be set locally.
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CAVEAT 2: care must be taken that nomulticol interacts well with an other
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change by me: every time a page is output, a fresh page setup will be
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computed, if necessary. After this page setup, the multicol environment must
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be refreshed (if it was in force). But refreshing should not occur twice in
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a row for the same page. Although it seems that I have succeeded in
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preventing this double refreshment, I still wonder why it can occur at the
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first place.
Packit 327903
2. Facilitating multiple special pages
Packit 327903
XSL-FO facilitates the specification of a sequence of special pages before
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an unbounded, repeating page sequence starts.
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PassiveTeX only allowed one special page, labelled First. I allow for the
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definition of a sequence of such pages, labelled Lead<counter>. In \@output
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page a counter keeps track of which Lead page should be set up. A page setup
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will be done if necessary.
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This change interacts with multicol, see previous item.
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Note also, that blank pages, caused by explicit page-breaks of number
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continuating properties, will be detected as blank pages, and hence react to
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the blank-or-not-blank attribute.
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3. Implementation of xsl-footnote-separator
Packit 327903
A rather crude implementation, by storing the static content of
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xsl-footnote-separator in the macro \footnoterule, and adjusting the
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\skip\footins too match the height+ depth of the new \footnoterule.
Packit 327903
4. Enabling footnotes in tables
Packit 327903
Footnotes in tables work. This is done by saving footnotes insides tables
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into a tokenlist \BoxedFootnotes, doing the corresponding \insert-s at the
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end of the table.
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CAVEAT: this is not reallly a nice implementation: if the table breaks
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across pages, the footnotetexts will not appear on the same page as the
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Packit 327903
5. Vertical align in tables
Packit 327903
If I work with an explicit line-height, the vertical space allocation for
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the first and last row of a table comes out wrong. Also, when there is a
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line-break inside a cell, the cell-height comes out too small. Something
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gets discarded. I have made some changes to the interlineskip (following the
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TeXBook definition of \offinterlineskip), in order to fix this, but I have
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not succeeded completely.
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6. Inheriting table-cell properties from table-column
Packit 327903
According to XSL-FO table-cells my inherit properties from corresponding
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table-columns by using
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PassiveTeX only implements inheritance of column-width and column-number,
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without the need to use from-column("column-width").
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I have made only an adhoc improvement: text-align will be inherited from the
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column, and it happens automatically, without using from-column(text-align).
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I have done this with the Array implementation, used for column-width and
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column-number. More properties can added easily. It should not be too
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difficult to implement from-column(att-x) for a fixed set of attributes, but
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implementing this for all possible attributes is more difficult.
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7. vskip vs kern
Packit 327903
In the code for typesetting blocks, I have changed some vskips in kern,
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because I trust the kern better than te vskip (kerns will not be discarded,
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vskips might be, and I am not completely sure about the conditions).
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8. Bug in FOBoxedBlock
Packit 327903
There is some weird code at the start of \FOBoxedBlock (see comments in
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fotex.sty at that point).
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I have also added some \relax calls after assignments to be sure that the
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text after \fi etc is not gobbled up by the preceding assignment.
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9. Percenttests
Packit 327903
I have increased the use of percented attribute values. Also, \percenttest
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was not always able to see the % character, because it was still unexpanded
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when fed to it. I have changed that, so that any percent in the
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attributetext is surely expanded to a % with catcode 12 before being fed to
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(Mostly % appears as an active char, and by means of a limitied-scope
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definition of % to be % with catcode 12, this case will be brought to meet
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the assumption).
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10. Overline
Packit 327903
I have added the overline formatting for inlines, but not nearly as nice as
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the underline of ulem.sty. I just needed it in simple cases, so I took the
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easy option.
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11. Pagenumber filtering
Packit 327903
The algorithm to filter page number sequences generated by indexes (a very
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nice feature of passivetex, by the way), had a few obvious mistakes. I have
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corrected them.
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12. Horizontal alignment
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There were still some problems with alignment, I made some corrections to
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\FOOutputblock in fotex.sty.
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See also mlnames.sty, definition of \Q@end
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13 Page breaks
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In \FONormalBlcok I found that a \penalty -\@M did not generate a page
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break, so I changed it to \newpage (a few times). (see also changes in
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Packit 327903
14 Sub- Superscript
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PassiveTeX adjusted the fontsize of sub/superscripts, but this should be
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governed by the fo-tree.
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So I adjusted \textsub/superscript in fotex.sty
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15 Dimensions of the page
Packit 327903
Page dimensions now work additive, more according to the XSL-FO spec.
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16 attribute="inherit"
Packit 327903
Now the inherit mechanism can also be triggered by the explicit value of
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"inherit". This was achieved by redefining a macro of xmltex: \XML@attrib@x
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(in fotex.xmt)
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17. fo:external-graphic
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scale-to-fit behaviour modified: scaled to the local container instead of
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the page (hsize, vsize instead of linewidth, textheight)
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18. fo:leader implemetation improved
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The code for fo:leader in xmt has been improved
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19. fo-retrieve-marker
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Some trivial improvements in the code of fo:retrieve-marker
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20. More unicode characters
Packit 327903
Added definitions for unicode   and &#x2001 (em and n squares) in
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Packit 327903
A. Nested fo:block in fo:table-cell
Packit 327903
Something goes wrong with <fo:table-cell><fo:block><fo:block>.
Packit 327903
The count \FOinTable records whether we are inside a table. But I think that
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it should also record wheter we are immediately below a <fo:table-cell> or
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deeper. But I have not found out what to do in the latter case ...
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