# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. # File: components/nvml/configure.in AC_INIT AC_ARG_WITH(nvml_dir, [ --with-nvml-dir= Specify prefix to nvml libraries and headers ], [nvml_dir=$withval]) AC_ARG_WITH(nvml_incdir, [ --with-nvml-incdir= Specify directory of nvml header files (nvml.h) in a specific location ], [nvml_incdir=$withval]) AC_ARG_WITH(nvml_libdir, [ --with-nvml-libdir= Specify directory of nvml library (libnvidia-ml.so) in a specific location ], [nvml_libdir=$withval]) nvml_dotest=0 if test "x$nvml_dir" != "x"; then nvml_incdir="$nvml_dir/include" nvml_libdir="$nvml_dir/lib64" nvml_dotest=1 else if test "x$nvml_libdir" != "x"; then LIBS="-L$nvml_libdir" nvml_dotest=1 fi if test "x$nvml_incdir" != "x"; then CPPFLAGS="-I$nvml_incdir" nvml_dotest=1 fi fi CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I$nvml_incdir" AC_CHECK_HEADER( [nvml.h], [], [AC_MSG_ERROR([NVML component: nvml.h not found: use configure flags to set the path ])], ) LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$nvml_libdir -Wl,-rpath,$nvml_libdir" AC_CHECK_LIB( [nvidia-ml], [nvmlInit], [], [AC_MSG_ERROR([NVML component: libnvidia-ml.so not found: use configure flags to set the path])] ) NVML_INCDIR=$nvml_incdir NVML_LIBDIR=$nvml_libdir AC_ARG_WITH(cuda-dir, [--with-cuda-dir= Specify path to cuda root directory], [ CUDA_DIR=$withval LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$withval/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,$withval/lib64" AC_CHECK_LIB( [cudart], [cudaMalloc], [], [AC_MSG_ERROR([CUDA cudart library not found!])])], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([Component requires path to cuda library.])]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile.nvml]) AC_SUBST(NVML_INCDIR) AC_SUBST(NVML_LIBDIR) AC_SUBST(CUDA_DIR) AC_OUTPUT