* @file:   README
* CVS:     $Id$
* @author: Gabriel Marin
* @defgroup papi_components Components
* @brief Component Specific Readme file: infiniband

/** @page component_readme Component Readme 

@section Component Specific Information

The PAPI infiniband component uses the sysfs interface to access infiniband
performance counters from user space. On initialization, it checks for the  
existence of folder /sys/class/infiniband/ and it auto-detects all the
active IB devices and associated ports.

This component supports both the short IB counters, which are at most
32-bit, overflowing and auto resetting, thus, not very useful, and the IBoE
extended counters, which are 64-bit and free running. If available, the
latter counters are recommended for performance monitoring.