This tool can be used to gather Power (and Voltage) measurements on 
Intel Xeon Phi (aka Intel MIC) chips using the MicAccessAPI.

Be sure to configure the PAPI host_micpower component:
$ cd "<papi>/src/components/host_micpower"
$ ./configure
as well as PAPI with --with-components:
$ cd "<papi>/src"
$ ./configure --with-components=host_micpower 

It works by using PAPI to poll the MIC power stats every 100ms.
It will dump each statistic to different files, which then
can be plotted.

The measurements (in uW and uV) are dumped every 100ms.  
You can adjust the frequency by changing the source code.

You can then take those files and put them into your favorite plotting 
program.  You might want to edit the source to remove the extra
commentary from the data, the plotting program I use ignores things
surrounded by (* brackets.