* File:    papi/src/examples/README
* Author:  Min Zhou
* Mods:    <your name here>
*          <your email address>

This directory contains:

Makefile          example Makefile for platforms that support GNU make
Makefile.AIX      example Makefile for AIX;
Makefile.IRIX64   example Makefile for IRIX64;
Makefile.OSF1     example Makefile for OSF1;
*.c               various example programs   shell script to test the example programs

NOTE: not all the example program can be run successfully due to the
availability of the events. For example, PAPI_FP_INS is a derived event
in power3 and UltraSparc III, so overflow_pthreads can not be run successfully
in these platforms. But these programs should help you understand how to
use the PAPI functions.